Ya'll Don't Want This Action

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By this point, Baku and his team had finished their first week of school and had just started their second week. After a couple of classes it was time for lunch.

Lil Broomstick: Bruh, I'm so happy it's lunchtime I was D E A D A S S starving.

Baku: I D E A D A S S don't care.

After that no one said anything until they got in line for lunch and Baku was in front.

Baku: Uhhhh, can I get a sub?

Lunch Lady: Sure. What do you want?

Baku: No meat. No cheese.

Lunch Lady: So you jus-


Tobi: Oh you gotta be bullshittin

Baku: Probably

Lunch Lady:...so you just want bread?

Baku: Yuh

Lunch Lady: Sigh I need a new job.

???: Ow! Stop you're hurting me!

Baku: Imma go instigate.

Tobi: Don't do it

Baku: I gotta get shit poppin

Baku left without taking his bread sub and went to the source of the noise where he saw four guys bullying a girl with rabbit ears. He didn't really care, he just wanted to do what he did best: instigate.

Baku: What's the fucking situaaaation?

The one in armor turned around to face Baku.

???: Hey, mind your damn business, budd- ohohoho looks like we got a new freak boys!

The other three turned around to get a look, immediately noticing his four feathers on his head. Baku himself had already lost interest and was staring into space.

???: Hey!

Baku: Oh shit, my bad I just stopped giving a damn.

The one in armor that was seemingly the leader scowled and reached to grab his feathers. Baku simply countered by taking a step back.

Baku: Dawg pipe the fuck down before I get to swinging. Y'all don't want this action, I'll fuck this whole graduating class up. Now get the fuck on before you get caught.

???: You aren't threatening, you little bitch. We'll fuck you up.

Baku: Bet.

???: Wait till Ms. Goodwitch's class, we'll rip your freak traits off your head.

The team then stormed off, leaving Baku there. Baku just shrugged and walked back to his own teammates, who saw the whole thing.

Lil Broomstick: Homie, I don't know what you're thinking. You can't beat four mfs.

Baku: I done told you I've been refining my art. I'll show y'all in the next few scenes.

In the next scene, Baku's team were in Ms.Goodwitch's class.

Goodwitch: Alright, who would like to spar first today?

The team Baku had gotten into an argument with all raised their hands.

Goodwitch: Enthusiastic today, CRDL? Well, Cardin, since you are leader I figure you choose who you want to fight.

Cardin: I would like to fight the feathered freak.

Cardin stood up and pointed at Baku.

Baku: Y'all done fucked up.

Goodwitch: Cardin! You can't possibly suggest to fight an individual student! That's unfair.

Baku: Nah, lemme handle their BITCH ASS.

Goodwitch sighed and waved them down. While CRDL went to the locker room to get ready, Baku just came down to the arena.

Goodwitch: Mr.Baku, aren't you going to get your gear.

Baku: What gear?

Ruby: Huh, the 2, err 5 people you hate most in this school are going head to head, sis. Who do you want to win?

Yang: As much as I hate that Baku guy, he isn't a total bigot as far as I know, so I guess him.

Goodwitch sighed and shook her head, apathetic at this point. About 5 minutes later, Team CRDL came out to the arena.

Baku: About damn time.

Cardin: Ha! You don't even have a weapon! It's like you want to lose! I bet you know you are going to and think it's usele-

Baku: Shutcho bitch ass up, I don't wanna hear no stupid ass monologue.

Goodwitch: Alright, fight!

CRDL charged at Baku, who just stood there. Once they were inches away he reacted.

Baku: Y E E T

A blinding light engulfed the arena, causing most of the students to look away. When the light faded away, Baku was the only one there, with no trace of CRDL. Everyone was bewildered, except Lil Broomstick, Tobi, and Bank Bill, who didn't really care.

Baku: I told them they didn't want this action. Mfs always be doing D U M M Y S H I T.

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