Lame Ass Class

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Ozpin and Glynda were in a bullhead, heading to a infamous tax evader's humble abode. The headmaster was seen on his scroll.

Ozpin: Mhm. Yes. The door will be unlocked and probably open so just walk in deliver the chicken biscuit to the man with the 4 feathers on his head. Alright, thank you, bye.

Glynda:... I'm so lost.

Ozpin put away his scroll before tilting his head at his employee/assistant, who was squeezing her temple.

Ozpin: What do you mean?

Glynda: Not only are we going to a felon's house to persuade him to come to Beacon. Not only is his "rapper" friend gonna be there with him, who we are also trying to get come to Beacon. Not only is this during an armed robbery where the fugitive doing the crime is also being invited to our school. But now you are ordering Popeye's to said felon's house?!

Ozpin: It'll all come together in due time, Glynda.

Ozpin's reply only infuriated Glynda more, so she walked to the other side of the bullhead to cool off.

Meanwhile, at Baku's, the felon mentioned above, residence, an armed robbery was taking place due to Baku not paying his credit card payments. Tobi had just got out of his car with a bag of Popeye's that held a chicken biscuit. As he approached the door, he heard someone talking.

???: Somebody gotchu on that NUTSHIT

Tobi decided to ignore it and continue the delivery in hope of keeping his minimum wage job. As Ozpin had predicted, the door was open so he just walked in.

Tobi: Yo Popeye's delivery- oh shit. I came to the wrong place, huh? Y'all got all types of fuckery going on.

Bank Bill: Armed robbery.

Lil Broomstick: Bruh, who is this?

Baku: I don't know none of these hoes.

Bank Bill raised his gun, in an attempt to threaten the surrounding people.

Bank Bill: Everybody in the room hand off some FUCKING BREAD.

Tobi: Dawg I work food service, I ain't got money like that.

Bank Bill: You needa get off that high school shit, quit that pussy chicken delivery, and get a real fuckin job.

Tobi: You in here, strapped to the TEETH, tryna snatch some cash off a mf that got maxed out credit cards, but I'm the one that ain't got a job, huh?

Bank Bill: Ay $7.25 an hour, shut the fuck up.

Baku: Yo lemme get that chicken BISKIT

Lil Broomstick: Yo I'm boutta go home.

Baku: YOU came in MY house with the toolkit. You either gonna shoot somebody, or leave.

Bank Bill: I woulda shot one of y'all if I wasn't already on probation.

Baku: Man, who the fuck is your probation officer?

Lil Broomstick: Your PO must be smoking that pack.

Baku: Real shit, get your ass outta here before you get caught up.

Tobi: Yo the police are on the way. Somebody take this fucking chicken BISKIT. I'm bouta partir the fuck outta here.

Bank Bill: Y'all some snitches.

Suddenly, they heard the roar of a bullhead over Baku's house before it landed in the street outside.

Baku: Damn, you didn't just call the police, you getting my motherfucking house SWATTED.

Tobi: Nah, I don't know who the hell that is.

Then, Ozpin and Glynda walked through the already open door.

Baku: Man these hoes always coming in uninvited.

Lil Broomstick: Just lock your door, homie.

Baku: I would, but I never let mfs lock me up.

Lil Broomstick: That's understandable.

Ozpin: Hello, Mr. Baku, I'm here to invite you, and your friends, to come to Beacon.

Bank Bill: What the fuck is a beacon?

Baku: Dawg, this mf broke into my house to snatch some dough. Why the fuck would I want to go to some bitch ass school, take some lame ass class, AND be stuck in a room with these hoes?

Ozpin: Well, for one, we can clear your tax evasion charges. And, as a student, you do not have to pay taxes. The same goes for the rest of you, too. Any criminal charges?

Ozpin snapped for emphasis.

Ozpin: Dropped. And you can finally get out of the food service industry.

Baku: That's sounds cool and all, but I ain't going to no pussy ass school.

This prompted Glynda to step in, holding her riding crop threatenly.

Glynda: Of course, if you don't want to go. We could always make the police's job easier and take you to the station ourselves.

Baku: BullshiT

Lil Broomstick: I'm not finna go to prison I just won a grammy.

Tobi: Wait, what illegal shit did I do?

Bank Bill: Man who the one here with the LEAD?

Glynda preceded to slap the gun out of Bill's hand and use her bubble glyph to bring it to here.

Bank Bill: Damn.

Baku: Fine, we'll join your beta male academy.

Ozpin: Perfect! Follow us to the bullhead.

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