I'm Feathered Up V2

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Salem's attempts at trying to bond her followers had not worked yet. Hell, they barely even cooperated together. But she wasn't one to give up. In previous attempts, she had all of Baku's team and all of Cinder and her helpers work together. Her thoughts were to split the teams up and only send a couple from each side. Their next mission was to take down a White Fang outpost and leave some stuff that Baku had stolen from Beacon to pin the ordeal on them and have the Fang wage war on Beacon. For the mission, she had chosen Tobi and Baku paired up with Neo and Mercury. Her reasoning was to get the people that get along the least and see how well they do and if they can cooperate. Their objectives were to kill a few members of the Fang, leave behind evidence suggesting the assailants were from Beacon. The four split up, Tobi going with Mercury and Neo with Baku.

Baku: What's the situaaaaation?

Neo shushed him as there were four White Fang members in the room. Somehow they didn't hear him.

Baku: Aight, go handle em.

Neo: 'Can't you just say one word and kill them?'

Baku: I didn't ask for lip.

Neo was tempted to stab him with her umbrella, but decided against it. She swiftly killed the Fang members and left behind a crumpled piece of paper that was originally Baku's form he had to fill out to attend Beacon. He didn't fill it out. In another spot in the base, Mercury and Tobi were outside a room with a few members and one general.

Mercury: Ok my plan is I throw a coin in and-

Tobi: Nah, fuck that.

Tobi opened the door.

Mercury: Whisper Dude, what the hell are you doin-

Tobi: K A M U I.

Mercury covered his ears and closed his eyes. A few moments later he peered his head in and saw Tobi alone in the room. Turns out he had never seen him do that.

Mercury: What the...?

Neo and Baku entered a room with a throne and certain bull faunus sitting in it.

Baku: Ok, I'll send this one to the shadow realm.

Neo: 'Wait! That's Adam! We can't kill him, remember?'

Baku: Breh. Tf else am I supposed to do?

Neo: 'Don't you have other powers?'

Baku: Ye

Adam: Hm, how did two filthy humans get in here?

Baku: Dawg, what do you mean? I'm feathered up.

Adam: Yes, but you are cooperating with this human so you are just as bad.

Baku: You're a dumbass.

Adam unsheathed his sword and activated his semblance 'Moonslice'. The bull charged at Baku.

Baku: FOH 🅱️

Just like that, Adam was launched back, banging his head on the wall and getting knocked out. Neo left a duffel bag in the room that had 'Property of Beacon Academy' stamped on it.

Neo: 'There, we're finally done.'

Baku: Let's get outta here. I'm hungry as F U C C.

Baku Takes on BeaconWhere stories live. Discover now