Pokémon Shit

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Two weeks were up and it was time to turn in the projects for Port's class. The students handed in the projects as they walked in. Baku and his team included. The rest of the class went by normally until it was time for class to let out and everyone to have the rest of the days to themselves.

Port: Mr. Baku, Tobi, Register, and Bill, I need you to stay back for a bit.

Baku: Ight, you need to hurry up I gotta pick up a pizza.

Port: Well, I have a problem with your projects. All your answers for the type are just 'grim', spelled wrong, and all your answers were 'yeet', 'izanami', 'clout', and 'blap blap'.

Lil Broomstick: Homie, what's the problem?

Tobi: We literally did the work.

Baku: You just a nitpicking mf.

Port: Unless you want to fail this class, you will have to redo the project and put effort into it.

Bank Bill: If I do stuff on my own time, that's effort.

Port: Be descriptive, gentlemen!

After that, they were permitted to leave.

Baku: Dawg, this is 🅱️ullshit.

Bank Bill: Yeah, but if we fail we get locked up, so I guess we ain't got a fucking choice.

Tobi: I just wanna deliver Popeye's.

Baku: Ight let's just get this shit over with.

They went to the Emerald Forest and walked as far in as they did the past two week, but no Grimm showed up. They walked a bit more, no Grimm. Little bit more, nope. Eventually, they walked until dusk turned to night and the group began to get drowsy.

Baku: I'm so E X H A U S T P I P E.

Tobi: I'm too tired to call you a dumbass, what's going on.

The team fell one by one, too tired to walk back. When they awoke they were not were where they fell asleep.

 When they awoke they were not were where they fell asleep

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Bank Bill: Damn we tripping H A R D.

Lil Broomstick: That's funny, I don't remember hitting the PACK.

Baku: Y'all this might be real shit

Tobi: Yo is that a fucking castle dawg?

Baku: Might have food in there.

Lil Broomstick: Homie you are always hungry.

Baku: Yeah, I got pica.

Tobi: That is not what that means.

Baku and his team walked to the castle. When they went into the castle, they decided to split up to explore the large building.

Baku: Yo, come here you hoe ass mfs!

Tobi: You find food?

Baku: Nah I found a bitch.

Salem: Welcome, you four.

Baku: Skip yo fuckin monologue and tell us what you need.

Salem: You hate it at Beacon.

Baku: On my life.

Salem: Well, if you do what I ask, you won't have to go back.

Lil Broomstick: Ok.

Tobi: I'm down.

Bank Bill: I ain't going back to that bitch ass school

Baku: Yeah, we'll do it.

Salem: Well, you will have to assist me and my faithful followers in destroying Beacon.

Baku: Ok.

Salem: If you dont want t- wait what?

Baku: I said ok.

Salem: That's it? No second thoughts or hesitation? You automatically want to do it.

Tobi: He said yes, damn.

Salem:...You do realize you will have to kill your peers-?

Baku: I said we'll do it, fuck them hoes.

Salem: Uh, a-alright. Well, before the assault, I will have to enhance your powers.

Salem held out her hand, which was now glowing red. Baku and his team's body glowed along with it. After about 20 seconds, the process was over.

Salem: There we go.

Baku: Bruh, what tf did that even do?

Salem: I'm getting there. Baku, you can now ban people to the shadow realm for eternity. Broomstick, your power will now allow you to grow up to 50 feet tall. Bill, fire dust will be infused in the bullets of your firearms. And finally Tobi, you can send multiple people to the 'PS2 Dimension' as you call it, at once.

Baku: Shit we don evolved, on that pokémon shit.

Salem: Now go to the sleeping quarters, tomorrow we will discuss the plans.

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