Operation sturz

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Date: January 15th 2017

*Podium in Berlin, no one's pov*

NAUKGN Spokesman: "The Fatherland, home of the German people... Or at least that was the plan. The nearly formed German Kaiserreich had won not only a prestigious war, but also a war of unification over the French yolk. After centuries of disunity of a disjointed Reich that wasn't Roman nor Holy, but still held onto the name, Prussia, one of the least likely of nations or even Kingdoms to ever unite most our people, to almost certain annihilation in the seven years war, and Napoleonic wars. Bounced back to not only a regional power, but as a soon to be world power! However! As an act of Gott! We were sent here to save our new found brothers and sisters. The Faunus of Remnant! The war is drawing to an end, and while many people of this world and our grand Kaiserreich believe it shall end all wars on Remnant. It. Won't."

Those in the crowed had mixed reactions, as many cheered for the beginning and centered statements, others thought of what the woman was saying as only a small minority thought about the ending of her statement, and glared at her.

NAUKGN Spokesman: "Our nation, our Kaiserreich, our very blood, is the youngest on Remnant! While on Earth our peoples blood, goes even before the village of Rome! We are and shall forever be the only nation of Earth, that has won a war but truly lost.... Though we have won here on Remnant! Since we came here to this hostile world of those extremists of the old Fang and the power hungry Atlas under Jacques, our state has been at war! Our cities burned, our towns pillaged, even Berlin becoming a war torn area!"

She sees the crowed silent, as many of them have been either fighting in many of said Northern cities or even Berlin itself, anger and fear begins to be seen on many of their facial features. The children the easiest to read, but before anything could happen the woman begins to speak again.

NAUKGN Spokesman: "However! Our Kaiser, our mighty Kaiser, a young man defended Berlin instead of cowering like any other leader from Earth! Stood his ground shooting, and stabbing our enemies, carried the mighty flag of our Reich through the city winning the battle! We pushed them out of our German heartland, we continued liberating town after town! City after city! liberating our occupied lands as we continued to their lands! Their People! Their blood! We destroyed Mistral, even with their immoral acts to try and stop us! It failed and only united us more! Then a treasonous rebellion in which the same Kaiser showed kindness of relocation to a new home in Mistral! We even have been given land from Vale! The old Kingdoms of Remnant are bowing to our ways or are being destroyed!"

Thunderous cheers are heard, as many clap, some yell hail the Kaiser, glory to Gott and Fatherland. Though the woman begins to have a revolted face, and many soon stop, soon quieting down to hear what she has to say next.

NAUKGN Spokesman: "Even with all this! Their are those even within Germany! Are traitors to the Kaiser. Yes! Even in our very own backyard! The dreaded Kommunist and Socialists! They hinder our full might! They even began the recruitment of Atlesian citizens! We heard their cries even after the fall of Mistral! "Mistral was a pawn, our enemy is Atlas!" and even "The people of Atlas didn't commit this! Their leaders did!" How dare they?! They dare spit upon our own flesh and blood?! Against the man that defended our very capital? Their enemies, the Kapitalist! Have done more to support the war effort and rebuilding of our grand nation then their Proletariats! Down with their disgusting unions! Down with their vile ideology! Death to the enemies of Gott and Kaiser!"

The crowd gives thunderous applause and cheers of those that despise Proletariats unions, and so do many across the German Kaiserreich, as those watching from Remnant begin to wonder what events will come next and if they should begin to either fear or obey the German Phoenix, as the German Phoenix will swoop down and crush the Red wave for hopefully now and forever.

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