The Planning for Mistral! Jingoist-Protests In The Reich?!

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*No-one's pov*

(Y/N) After kissing Weiss good bye for his meeting in his war room..... Now moved near Golden Lizzie, and after walking for around 20 minutes he finally arrived to the location, he would have arrived sooner if only the mild destruction was gone.

(Y/N): "So Manstein and Edward, your two months are up.... What's the plan and inventions? Berlin and more would have been more lively with those funds."

Manstein: "Nein nein my Kaiser! If you would follow us alongside your other state officials  you can see the masterpieces we have made!"

With that comment Manstein leads while Edward follows his father while skipping with glee, soon the rest follow them........

After a 10 minute walk, they now see Manstein and Edward smiling at each other with near an open field.

(Y/N): "So what exactly are we waiting for you two?"

Edward: "Well... Why tell when we can show!"

Just was Edward said those words, an Eagle vehicle was heard.... But when It came closer it didn't fully look like one.

*Please replace the Nazi logo's  with the Prussian Eagle, also the only weapons it'll have will be the main gun under the cockpit

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*Please replace the Nazi logo's  with the Prussian Eagle, also the only weapons it'll have will be the main gun under the cockpit.*

Manstein: "I present to you, the Greater Eagle just like our Eagle's (Bullheads) they are our air force, but now with greater defensive and offensive capabilities! It's not as bulky as the lesser Eagle's and doesn't carry any men except for the pilots."

(Y/N): "This is amazing!"

Edward: "Oh it gets even better my Kaiser! While it won't carry assault troops..... It could carry our Panzers great lengths!"

(Y/N) and the others were impressed until a question appeared.

State official: "Have they been tested to go that far?"

Their was silence for a bit until.

Edward: "No they were not tested to go that far as of yet, but with this deadline and our enemies growing stronger in the air and sea we must attack now with this!"

State official: "This is madness! My Kaiser we could lose everything we just gained!"

(Y/N): "No Edward is right we must strike now while they are still weak in the sea and air, and with Atlesian stubbornness we can take Mistral as I heard the air is their main way of transportation and if we cut that off their Kingdom will fall, and our ground troops could mop up any village and city that we missed, while we try to go as quick to their capital.... What about the fuel?"

Manstein: "Glad you asked! Combined with the fuel for the Panzers and those of fire Dust it'll last as far *under breath* or supposedly  to Mantle!"

Prussia to Remnant (Weiss x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now