A Tainted Rose, A Infamous Death, Resources For ? and Genetics?

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*Brandenburg Gate, Berlin Victory Column or Golden Lizzie will be made earlier than our timeline on Earth* 

*No-one's pov*

5 hours have passed, and more crews arrived to help clean up Berlin's rubble, others taking photos of the tragedy, others to clean the dead.

RWBY and the others are following (Y/N) to a destroyed part of the palace, luckily Brandenburg Gate, and Golden Lizzie is still standing!

(Y/N): "We'll be heading to Golden Lizzie, as it's practically untouched, and have our talk about listening."

Ruby: "O-k." She says dejectedly.

However crying is heard, and the sounds of striking is heard.

Team RWBY gets sidetracked, and (Y/N) notices along side Neo and Roman, go to the team to get them to stop, or (Y/N) is.

Moments later a high pitch scream is heard along side some gasps.


An Elderly women is seen hitting a dead Atlesian soldier with a bent metal pipe crying, and is speaking gibberish.

Yang was about to head to the elderly women, but a cough from someone behind her, makes her turn around.

(Y/N): "What were you about to do?"

Yang: "I was about to go over there and tell her that she should respect the dead!"

The elderly women looks up and her eyes look dead, nothing with guilt, but those of loss. She hits the body one more time, and walks slowly to a building of rubble and sits on a burnt chair...Looking at nothing.

Ruby: "W-w-what happened! Why did she hit that body! Why are the limbs so ripped up with holes!"

Ruby looked frighten, and was looking pale, and was shaking.

(Y/N): "War happened Ruby, I didn't know her personally, but have seen her in happier times with an older man, and 6 what appears to be grandchildren younger than you, they were always in front rows of Berlin during my fathers speeches.... It seems no-one in her family survived but her, possibly, I will be sure to send men here to make sure she has a refugee camp to go to as this rubble shouldn't be a home.... To you Yang, think... Just think."

The young Kaiser is seen walking away but his voice was one of sorrow, regret, and anger. Neo and Roman just look at the older women and then follows (Y/N), Qrow wakes up and follows as well, but still can't walk in a straight line, Winter looks disturbed at the sight, but waits for the team to soon follow.

A couple minutes later, down the road a group of workers are heard, Ruby now interested in something non tragic , went up to the group, to hopefully get that event out of her mind.

Ruby: "Hello! My name is Ruby, and uh, why do you guys sound different compared to (Y/N)?"

The group of 4 just looked at her, some perplexed, but others just looked at why a kid was here. 

The rest caught up to her and Blake and Weiss started apologizing for her, but (Y/N) spoke up.

(Y/N): "Ah sorry for her, they're new here and...Ah I see now, Ruby these 2 on the left is Dutch and a Dane, while the 2 on the right is French and a Pole(Polish) they're helping clean up Berlin, and soon other towns and cities, thank you for your work! Gott Mitt Uns!"

After getting out of ear shot Ruby asks.

Ruby: "I thought you were all Prussians?"

(Y/N) just laughs.

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