Enemies and Former Friends meet the Kaiser!

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Before the story, I got summer school coming, and it might affect this, but not sure yet, but all should be good in a month, but also I have a new plan for a new story about  America and the USSR transporting to Remnant, or just one or the other, can't decide witch one I want but  just wanted to say that as I couldn't stop thinking about it those scenarios, but other than that, Thanks for reading this snip it. ^_^

*Continuing from the public execution, five minutes later*

Ruby: "Uhh Uncle Qrow?"

Qrow: "Yes Rubes?"

Ruby: "Do we even know where to go?"

Qrow: "I think it should be around here, just somewhere?"


Qrow: "Kid is that?"

Ruby: "ROMAN!!!"

Ruby fires here Crescent Rose at Roman, while he doges, Neo blocks some shots from her Umbrella, and shatters, only to appear by Ruby and swings at her, Ruby bursts into roses and goes back next to Qrow. But notices a small cut on her cheek. Yang notices this, and uses her gauntlets to fire at Neo, but Neo blocks the shots, and begin to fight Yang.

Qrow and Ruby are fighting Roman, shots going every where, Roman doges many shots and returns fire hitting some on Ruby and Qrow, while also beginning to show scares of battle. While Blake and Weiss are trying to get their attention but why?

Suddenly shouts are heard and the firing of rifles, now both sides are looking only to see the destruction of some areas with bullet marks.

Roman: "Ah, right forgot we were in Prussia....."

Neo: ( I didn't, I just didn't want red to do anything major to us.)

Roman: "Well thanks any ways Neo! But now we gotta talk to these guys.....great!"

*Mean while with RWBY and Qrow*


Blake: "We are in another kingdom Ruby, and by the looks of it they're not happy that a fight broke out in their capital."

Weiss: "We don't even know if they're considered 'bad guys' here Ruby!"

Qrow: "Well-uh crap."

Prussian Berlin police(PBP): "Put your weapons down! And keep your hands up!

Ruby: "Wha-but HEY! They're criminals!"

PBP: "We have no idea who they're, but you all are under arrest for causing commotions here! And destroying public property! Where do you all come from!"

Roman: "I and Neo here have been here for a few weeks, but aren't citizens of your grand Kaiserreich, but we're hoping too!"

Neo nods her head at Romans statement, but is seen with ice-cream.

PBP: "Uh ma'am I don't know-you know what I don't care, just put them all in cuffs and put them in custody."

While team RWBY, and Qrow are silent.

Twenty other officers then begun reprimanding team RWBY, Qrow, Roman, and Neo, even though now she isn't seen with her ice-cream, the PBP are very confused but don't question it as she couldn't now answer, which makes this worse for them.

*Time skip to after interrogation (Y/N) pov*

Team RWBY, Qrow, Roman, and Neo are now seen altogether but are all handcuffed, Neo is out somehow and has been handcuffed another three times, but all useless, she was about to be put in a straight jacket, but was told she could only speak with her hands, so they reluctantly  stopped and apologized and then left her that way, but still heavy watched by three guards.

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