This is the way to peace! Endsieg!

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"This is the way to peace -- the enemies want it so! Therefore draw up war bonds"


*Song edit, as that was a mess, and some words were gone.*

Minutes after the Kaisers speech, the new Kaiserreich Radio has been used to spread news to the public! Possibly if tuned right, others could listen too!

(Y/N): " Sadly I have got to go, but I'm proud to say, that the new Kaiserreich radio, will be in my place making announcements! Gott Mitt Uns!"

Kaiserreich Radio Announcer: "Even though the war was declared, no major military offensive has taken place, until today. The armies of the natives of Remnant have finally showed that peace was never an option! Our people already suffered enough! When we finally meet others that have meet our fate and history, the vial Kingdoms of Atlas, Mistral, and sadly Vale. They are now the enemies of our dear Kaiserreich! Now that we are in a state of war remember to draw up war bonds to support our young and loveable Kaiser and Reich in our time of need! Remember! Gott Mitt Uns!

*Shores of Bremen, Prussia no one pov*

Atlas ships have arrived and are taking heavy casualties, as the first wave thought the "inferior Prussian" minds couldn't make anything that could pierce Atlas tech, they were wrong, thousands had died, and that's not including the Atlesian Knights. But after two hours of fighting, the landing path has been made, and the city of Bremen will face consequences of being their enemy. Atlas troops have warned others not to understate their Prussian foes from now on.

The Battle for Bremen

Prussian foot infantry, alongside Bremen's local police force are fighting side by side, with the thunder of AP (Anti-Paladins, and AA (Anti-Air),  guns roaring besides them, to help lessen the intensity, but it's proving harder to control, and they are slowly being pushed back, and as they are the cries of citizens are heard, as many buildings have caught fire, and many residents are still in the area. But the city has mostly fallen to Atlas hands.

The Battle for Danzig

The Atlas navy and Bullheads are bombarding the city of Danzig, and the people are in their basements hoping to avoid being killed, while some others are leaving the city. The Prussian army AP guns are mostly destroyed, and the AA guns are in need of more ammunition, however moral is still high and the Prussian army is shooting Atlesian bots left and right, sometimes finding a human opponent.

However after thirty-minutes of fighting/bombardment, huntsmen and huntresses, young and old, are now fighting the defenders, and are targeting the AA emplacements, but as the Kaiser said, every inch of soil taken, is the blood of their enemy's paid for it.  Hundreds are slayed in the fighting, the defenders and citizens taking the most casualties, the crimes of Danzig will never be forgotten.

The battle for Konigsberg

Buildings are reduced to rubble, people lay across the streets thanks to the indiscriminate bombardment, cries are heard all over the city, but also the sounds of gunfire. Whatever remains of the army group for Konigsberg is still alive and fighting, but the fighting has mostly stopped on the shores and central city, as this was the main landing objective for Remnants war room, The city is now under their jurisdiction, but unrest is still high, as sometimes they have to either imprison the mothers and daughters, or wipe out anyone that posses a threat, or they find stragglers still fighting.

The battle for Memel

The invasion of Memel was longer than the Remnant war room has thought, boots touch Memel after two hours of bombardment, the sighting of many AP and AA guns made the commander of the invasion delay the invasion until he was sure casualties won't be high on their side, but at the cost of once again another crime that will never be forgotten by the Prussians.

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