Chapter 48: Forced

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Third POV

"You know there are still traffic laws in place right?" Steve reminded, voice unstable as Rob sped down the streets.

"Not the time." Rob mumbled back, his thoughts racing as he tried to come up with a plan.

"Why are they coming back early!?" Rob screamed, startling Steve as he clutched to the seat he was desperately clinging on to.

"How should I know?! You seem to forget that I don't have all of the answers—!" The car came to an abrupt halt, throwing Steve's body forward. He could feel the way his seatbelt dug into his chest, heart pounding while annoyed eyes glared at Rob.

"Ouch." Steve rolled his eyes, sighing loudly as he leaned back into the seat, head spinning from all of the movement.

"God.....stupid rush hour!" Rob groaned, banging his head onto the car horn. The endless beeping sounds only causing everyone around him to copy his action.

"Take this moment to take a breather. Seriously Rob, acting like this isn't going to do anything for you." Steve said from besides him, seeing how the traffic was building up and it doesn't look like it's going to clear anytime soon.

"It's too early! I've had no time to think! Plus that idiot hurt Juniper and now he's trying to track someone? On top of that Tina is now my girlfriend but I'm supposed to be going after Kristen? What the hell do I do Steve? What do I do?!" Rob grabbed onto both of Steve's shoulders, shaking him back and forth dramatically.

"Fir—st, stop-p shaki-ng me-e!" He stuttered, finally feeling relieved when Rob's arms came to a halt.

"This is a designer shirt." Steve ripped Rob's hands away from him.

"Second of all, get a freaking hold of yourself!" Steve slapped Rob's face, trying to let him grab onto reality again.

"That wasn't necessary." Rob muttered, rubbing the area Steve hit.

"Just listen to me! Which one of those things you mentioned is more important at the moment?"

"I don't know." Rob admitted, feeling a bit dumb.

"The remote god damn it! Nick is currently freaking out about that remote, so you need to find a way to give it back to him without him knowing that you took it!" Steve waved his hands around, trying to explain to Rob the most obvious thing.

"Right. That's true." Rob agreed, licking his dry lips as his mind worked to come up with a solution.

"We could just plant it onto the counter and tell him that we saw it there earlier. There piece of cake." Rob said as his eyes lit up from how clever he felt.

Steve rolled his eyes, "Couldn't have came up with that earlier?"

"Shut up." Rob hissed back, feeling a bit better when he saw all of the cars in front of him move from where they stood.

"Finally." They both sighed, the sun slowly setting as night arrived.

"Such a random time to come back, don't you think?" Rob shrugged nonchalantly, his grip on the steering wheel looser than before.

"Yeah. He must be up to something, or maybe he literally just came back because he forgot that remote."

"Can't wait to hear his excuse then." Rob sighed, turning onto a familiar street, his anxiety rising as he realized that they were getting closer.

"Well, the house isn't on fire yet, so we're good so far." Steve joked, earning a hard glare from Rob.

Rob parked the car, climbing out of it as he locked it with a beep. The two of them rushed to the door of Steve and Rob's house, since Nick's car was there.

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