Chapter 60: Time To Play

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Rob's POV

I tried to walk, but my shoes had no grip.

I tried to scream, but my lungs had no air.

I tried to touch, but my muscles stilled.

There was rapid running circling me, like I was the prey waiting for the hunter to catch me. I felt so terrified that I physically was paralyzed.


I didn't even need to question myself to know whose voice that was. It would be too hard to mistake. The only problem however was that I was unsure of which direction it came from,

"Daddy..." She called again, but the tone to it was so low.

"Daddy." It didn't even sound like words anymore. Whatever it was emitted as a deep growl, sending shivers down my spine.

"Why did you lie to me?" It whispered mysteriously.

"I didn't!" I found my voice, flinching when a sharp gust of wind swiped my face.

"LIES." It huffed out, the sensation of a burning feeling crawling under my skin.

"Lies." It finished, an agonizing pain engulfing me and eventually becoming unbearable. It was so horrible that my legs crumbled underneath me and my knees gave in.

With that hard slap to the ground, my body jolted with it. The electricity flew through my system, causing my whole upper body to jerk upwards. My eyes opened, and the world around me emitted no light.

Only in this position where I was sitting up could I feel the sweat dripping down my trembling back. It just reminded me of how alarmed I was by that awful dream.

My digital watch monitored my heart rate, and I wasn't one ounce surprised when it was over 145 beats per minute. I reached over to the roll of toilet paper on my nightstand, drying off my moist forehead.

I quickly changed shirts, disregarding another dirty piece of laundry on to the floor. At this point the guest room of Kristen's house was an absolute mess, which of course is my fault.

The clock read 3:40 AM. How ironic that I'm always awake in the dead of the night.

The slow descent down the stairs felt dragging; it made it feel like it was never ending.

My head hurt, my heart hurt. My stomach hurt the most however, although maybe not as much as my heart.

I grabbed a cup of water, gulping it down within seconds. The liquid felt nice and cool as it traveled down my throat, effectively quenching my thirst.

I then proceeded to slam the cup down on to the counter, creating a loud echoing sound throughout the house; it only reminded me how empty it was. Everywhere was messy, but most of it was my mess.

"Dude....." A voice groaned, from besides me. I already knew who it was, so the simple action of me even confirming felt too much of a task.

"It's been a week of you doing this." Steve sighed tiredly, opening the fridge harshly.

"And what's the problem with that?" I snapped back, almost tripping over an alcohol bottle on the floor.

"The problem is that you're completely trashing yourself and totally dragging me into it as well." Steve hissed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Plus look at all of the shit on the floor!" He continued, not letting me speak. "How much alcohol have you consumed within the last seven days huh? Just look around!"

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