Chapter 24: Her Pain

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if you're wondering here is what I imagine what Juniper looks like 👆

Kristen's POV

Back to the day of the funeral...

Yeah I've been a mess. I miss him so much. Today I have to stand in front of our family and close friends and talk about him. I've spent forever on making a speech because I have so much to say, but I don't know how to say it.

I sigh and look down at my hands where Robert's ring sat on my ring finger.  My ring is in my drawer, I just felt that if I wear his it will feel like he's always with me.

I look at the time and I realize that I have to leave in ten minutes. I shove my speech into my purse and I went to get Juniper.

She was in the living room watching some cartoons. She doesn't fully understand that her dad is gone, but she has noticed that he isn't around anymore.

She notices me as I walked in and smiled her daddy's smile.

"Momma! You look pwetty"  she said as she held her arms out wanting to be carried.

I picked her up and sat her on my hip.

"Thank you love. We have to go now, can momma quickly do your hair?"  I said to the little girl in my arms with some very frizzy hair.

"Okay momma"  I sat her down on the couch and quickly went to grab a hair brush and some hair bands. I put her soft bronze hair into two pigtails, and I dressed her in a black poofy dress. The whole time she was playing with her stuffed bear from Rob. She was talking to the fluffy bear and snuggling it. My heart melted seeing her. When I finished putting on her shoes I kissed her forehead and said "all done!"

She giggled and kissed my cheek.

"Let's go mommy!"


In the car Juniper fell asleep in her car seat. I smiled and put on the news on the radio.

"Today marks three months since famous star Robert Pattinson passed away from a tragic accident at a movie set. A funeral will be held for close family and friends for him today. We got the chance to have one of our reporters to come and be present at the funeral as well. More on this story later...."

"Mommy?"  I heard a tiny voice say as I was listening to the person speaking.

"What is it baby?"  I said as I turned off the radio.

"When's daddy coming back?"  I sighed internally and I had to think for a second on how to respond.

"Baby I don't know if he is. He's in a better place now dear. He's always looking over us and he will always be here even if you don't see him ok?"  I told her with watery eyes.

"Oh, ok mommy."  Juniper smiled and started to have a conversation with her teddy bear.

I smiled as I blinked away my tears. It's not the time to cry yet.

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