Chapter 41: Strange Whimpers

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Robert's POV

"Yeah I know, it's fine.....mhm......yeah, I'll be over soon." I mumbled into my phone, gripping it harshly.

After the other person hung up, I really debated chucking it across the room, but refrained from it because I don't want to be dramatic.

It's just.....why did Nick have to call me and not Kristen herself? Juniper is her child, Nick's. Oh sorry, you probably don't know what I'm talking about. Basically, I was about to go hang out with Kristen and have a nice dinner with her, but she blew me off to go out of town with Nick. What makes it more annoying is that Kristen didn't even bother telling me and I had to find out from Nick.

So, for the next week, Juniper is staying with me. I don't know why they trust me so much, not saying that I'm going to neglect and fail to take care of Juniper, but I'm literally a stranger to them. They could have left her at her grandma's house or something. I'm not complaining about looking after her for clarification, I'm just complaining about everything else.

I ranted about this to Steve for a few hours, knowing that he was only partially listening.

"Ok ok! I get it!" Steve exasperated, huffing out in clear annoyance, "Nick is a piece of crap rolled in more crap, you don't need to tell me more than once!"

"It's just, he's so, GAH!" I threw my hands up in the air, placing them into my still purple hair. I tugged at the violet strands, absolutely despising the way I looked like a grape soda can.

I paced around the living room, hearing the muffled TV in the background. Steve just chilled on the couch, rubbing his head because of the headache I was giving him.

"Ok, if you're done," Steve said, standing up, "You probably have to leave now, since Kristen and Nick are heading out soon."

I turned quickly around to fully face Steve, seeing the way his mouth twitched with a smile at my stupidity.

"Yeah yeah, you're right," I sighed, gathering my things, "Thanks for listening. Have fun home alone."

"I'm literally always home alone, since you spend so much time with Tina...." Steve grumbled, which had my anger boil within me again.

"What did you say?" I glared, making it clear that I wasn't in the mood to joke around.

"Nothing....go." Steve shooed me out the door, closing it quickly. I debated if I should go back inside to annoy him some more, but I stopped myself from doing it.

I've decided to just stay over at Kristen's house, since all of Juniper's stuff is there. It would be easier than her staying over at mine and Steve's house.

I saw Kristen sitting on the huge porch, probably waiting for me. When she sensed someone coming towards her, she lifted her head up from her hands.

"Oh hi Bo—" She tried to say, but was quickly stopped by Nick.

"Let's go. Juniper is inside, have fun." He nonchalantly said, dragging Kristen to the car.

Kristen gave Nick a hard stare, then looking back at me and mouthing a sorry.

That is probably the 10000th time that I've wanted to strangle Nick and shred him in a meat grinder this month. I know that's oddly specific, but I could care less.

I made my way through the already opened from door, stepping inside the familiar space. I could already tell that Juniper was patiently waiting for me upstairs, which made my mood shift to a happy one.

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