Chapter 27: So We Meet Again

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Robert's POV

Knock knock knock knock

I groaned and opened my eyes and was met with a bright room. I turned over in my bed and grabbed my phone. The time was 7:30 AM. I groaned again and sat up to go get dressed quickly.

I threw on a random t shirt and some shorts and quickly went to open the door. I was surprised when I found Tina standing outside.

She smiled at me, "Hi Bob! Good morning! Sorry it's early, but I was wondering if you would like to go out to shop with me. Basically like a tiny friend hangout?"  She asked me energetically.

I rubbed my eyes, I'm still not fully awake.

"Oh sure. When are we leaving?"  I replied holding back a yawn.

She looked her watch and told me in around 20 minutes. I nodded and I invited her inside. I told her that she can wait in the living room while I go get ready. She nodded and sat down on the couch looking around the place.

I went back into my room and started to change into something more decent. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I slightly brushed my hair and decided that I looked decent enough.

Last night was probably one of the best ones ever since I "died". Me and Kristen got closer and Juniper and I did as well. Still, I can't reveal my identity to them yet unfortunately.

I walked out of my room and found Tina still on the couch scrolling through some stuff on her phone. She noticed my presence and she looked up and smiled.

"Ready?"  She asked while getting up and putting away her phone into her purse.

I nodded. "Am I driving or are you?"  I asked.

She laughed a little, "You don't even know where I want to go so of course I will do it."  She replied.

I nodded, blushing a little in embarrassment. I got on my shoes right as Steve came into the room.

He jumped a little and then let out a sigh of relief.

"You two scared me what the crap. Anyways where are you two heading?"  Steve said as he yawned.

We both laughed and told him we were going shopping.

"Would you like anything?"  I asked Steve.

He told me that we were out of bread and yogurt and I nodded. I opened the door and let Tina walk out first. Steve stopped me before I could leave.

"Hey be careful out in public ok? You don't want any news sights on you."  He said quietly.

"Don't worry I'll be careful. If anything happens I will call you ok?"  I said to him.

We said our goodbyes and I went outside to meet Tina in the car. I got buckled in and she started to drive out of the driveway.

As we were driving down the neighborhood I saw Kristen's house, and Kristen was outside watering the flowers. I remember how she would always scold me when I didn't do it. I never found it very important, it's just a few flowers. Now that I look at it, those flowers are really beautiful. All along she just wanted to embrace the beauty of nature. I never take time to just admire how beautiful the world is around me, and I wish I started earlier.

Now that I'm looking at everything that has happened, I really took things for granted. My life was amazing even if it wasn't perfect. I had a great little family and I was doing a job that I love. I never had to worry about food and a roof to live under, when others do.

I sigh, trying to shake off my crappy mood. Tina noticed and turned on the radio.

"Do you want to listen to the news or music?"  She asked.

I thought about it. Would there still be any news on me?

"News I guess."  I said not even looking at her.

She hummed and probably nodded even though I didn't see it. She reached over to press the the button that turned on the news on the radio.

They rambled on and on about weather, some politics, the economy, and finally the one thing that I thought they finally forgot about.

"It has been a few months since Robert Pattinson's death and people are starting to claim that they have seen Robert around the streets of LA. Rumors say he's under disguise and is secretly roaming around the streets everyday. Some people have sent in photos they have taken of people who look like him, but there is no other evidence to prove that this theory is true. More on the drama with...."

The talking coming from the radio stopped, causing me to look up. I saw Tina staring at me with worried eyes, I noticed that her hand was on mine. I let out a deep sigh that I didn't know that I was holding in. I looked around and noticed that the car has stopped and we were parked in the parking lot of a store. I looked down at me and Tina's hands and noticed that mine were gripping the seat to the point where my knuckles were white.

"Hey...what's wrong?"  Tina asked with a concerned voice.

I shook my head and let go of the seat. "I'm sorry, I don't know. Just tired I guess."

"Sure sure."  Tina said clearly not believing me. She took her hand off of mine and got out of the car. She came around to my side and helped me out of the car.

"Maybe some fresh air will help you."  She said while leading me to the store.

I let her hold my hand as we walked towards the entrance. I didn't think of it too much since she was just trying to be nice, and to be honest I would probably just doze off and not realize where I'm going.

People are really stalkers huh? They've been taking pictures of people that look like me in disguise? Could any of those photos actually be me? What if people are always watching me?

I felt a strong pull on my arm and I realized that Tina was trying to drag me out of the way from being hit by a car.

"Hey careful! Bob you're an adult you should know how to avoid being hit by a freaking car!"  She shouted causing others to stare at us. We both noticed the stares and turned red from embarrassment. We both walked into the store quietly.

I took a cart and I volunteered to push it. Tina complied, not even arguing. We started to walk down aisles looking for the things we need. We started in the fruit and veggies then the dairy. Soon we were at the snacks and the meat sections.

I just stood there patiently waiting for Tina to finish looking for a certain type of milk. I yawned when I remembered that it is still pretty early in the morning and I wondered what else I would do today. I didn't know how much longer we would stay here, since we were already done finding around half of the things we needed. I wanted to go because every time I go out it really seems like I'm being watched. I don't know by who, but whenever I look around I can't see anyone in particular.

If I can't see anyone staring then why do I feel like this?

I tried to shake off the feeling, but as we continued down the aisles I felt the feeling grow stronger. My stomach started to jump around in my body. It's like when you're standing in front of a bunch of strangers and you have to say a speech. I started to shake slightly because of it. Tina didn't notice because she was currently in another aisle while I was waiting for her.

I tried to take deep breaths, but it wasn't working. I decided that I would try to go look for a certain item that we haven't gotten yet to take my mind off of it.

I pushed the cart towards the snack aisle which is one aisle away from the one that Tina is in. I started to turn the cart into the aisle when I saw what was making me so anxious.


Ooooo interesting 😂 

💖1369 words💖

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