Chapter 9: Why?

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Back to the present...

Today is a pretty emotional day. It's a special day;
today is Juniper's first day of preschool. She's getting so big and it's so hard to let go. Juniper has never been that kid who is always on mommy's leg; she's so brave and daring, just like her daddy.

I struggled to keep in tears as I walked towards her room, already hearing the excited giggles come from the other side.

The door creaked open, revealing a giddy and happy Juniper. She ran over to me as soon as she saw me, hugging my leg while jumping up and down.

I chuckled, bending down to lift her up, "Someone is excited." I said, placing her on my hip.

She smiled, nodded quickly, "Yesh! We need to go now mommy! I can't wait any longer!"

I kissed her temple, brushing her messy hair out of her face.

"We can't go yet baby, you're not dressed yet and I bet you're hungry." I told her, tickling her sides gently.

Her soft and precious sounding giggles were music to my ears. She jumped down from my arms, running over to her dresser.

"Then I get dressed! Can I wear the flower dress please?" She asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

I laughed, nodding my head. I walked over and dug through her piles of clothes. I found the dress she was asking for, handing it to her with a smile.

She cheered, running off to the bathroom to change.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" I called out, hearing a no come from her.

After a few seconds of struggling sounds, I decided to go over and check on her. I wasn't the least bit surprised to find her struggling to get the dress over her head.

I bent down, helping her navigate where her head and arms are supposed to go, earning a small thank you from her.

"There," I smoothed out the fabric of her dress, "Shall we do your hair now?"

Juniper nodded, looking at her very messy bed head in the huge mirror. I lifted her up, placing her on top of the bathroom counter. I reached over for the hair brush and some detangler, since her hair is full of knots 24/7.

She handed me a few bows, wishing for me to place them into her hair. We finished with a cute look of two braids. With a bow situated on the side.

I helped her hop down from the counter, watching as she dashed down the stairs to the kitchen. I looked at my phone, realizing that we're probably going to be late if we don't hurry up.

"Juniper! Grab a bag of apple slices and an orange, we'll eat in the car!"

The patter of feet that followed told me that she heard me. I quickly rushed down the long flight of spiral stairs, throwing on my coat and grabbing Juniper's.

I saw the little girl quickly putting on her shoes while munching on the apple slices. We headed out three door in a rush, but not before I snapped a quick photo of her in front of the house.

I strapped her into her car seat, placing a kiss on her forehead. I hopped into the drivers seat, staring up the car with a roar.

As we drove down the street, I waved to my many neighbors. I saw Tina on her front lawn, tending to her flowers. Then I saw Steve and Bob talking in front of their house, both looking a bit bothered and annoyed.

I looked into the review mirror, seeing the way Juniper hummed to the radio songs while swinging her legs.

"Did you finish your food?" I asked the little girl, earning an eager nod.

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