Chapter 53: Time Lines Up Part 3

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Rob's POV

The clock ticked so slowly that it completely drowned out everything else around me.

The walls became too repetitive, the patterns laced on them made everything feel the same, like nothing is going to change.

It's been a while since I've been here, and it's been a while since I've first sat in this chair. I don't know when I plan to leave, and if I even want to.

Everything feels so numb, from watching time pass by without seeing her wake up, to knowing that she's hurt, and that I couldn't protect her.

My hands felt sweaty and cramped as I continued to clutch on to my jeans for dear life, needing something to help me keep a reality check.

My eyes threatened to close on me, but I refused to sleep until I really know that Kristen will be ok.

She has to be ok.

My neck ached as I turned my head to face the still body that I sat in front of, heart clenching every time I had to take in the painful sight.

I sighed, reaching forward for the first time to grab Kristen's hand. I couldn't do that earlier due to Nick always being in the room and not letting me be alone with Kristen, but for some reason he's gone for the moment at least.

My fingers delicately stroked over each individual knuckle, seeing the small dent that was where her ring finger was.

It felt weird being able to just be able to do this, since if Kristen was awake then it would be pretty awkward. But, I feel like I need to do it, for reassurance maybe.

The growling in my stomach only worsened with time, my back starting to hurt badly, head starting to pound at me to get some rest. I don't know how much longer visiting hours are, but I hope I can stay for a bit more longer.

That hope got crushed when a soft knock sounded at the door to my right, my body jolting awake to answer it. I could hear joints crack as I walked over to the door, body completely stiff.

"Rob?" A voice mumbled from the other side. I couldn't make out who exactly it was, which made me nervous and suspicious at the same time.

I turned the door knob, feeling relieved when Steve was the one who's stood before me.

"You look like an absolute mess man." He snickered. I reluctantly moved aside, letting him enter the room.

"We gotta leave buddy. It's almost past eleven at night." Steve yawned, looking drained.

I didn't answer, only glancing over at Kristen, not wanting to part ways.

I could feel him awkwardly shuffle back and forth, eyes burning into my back. "How's she doing?"

I whipped my head over to him, eyes locking with his. We had matching dark circles under our eyes, due to the likelihood of the lack of sleep lately.

"Hanging on." I said in a quiet voice, throat so dry that it was hard to speak.

He sighed sadly, gripping my arm. "She'll be ok dude, you gotta trust that she's strong enough to handle this."

The corners of my eyes creased as I frowned. My body started to shake, but not from the cold I'm assuming.

"I know, but I just can't pretend that everything is ok Steve. Nothing is going to be the same after this. We don't even know if she'll be able to walk." I huffed, defeated.

"Then we'll help her adjust. She's so resilient, something like this won't get in her way of living a good life."

My silence only made him realize the state I was in. He put his arm around my shoulders, both of us staring down at Kristen.

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