Chapter 52: Time Lines Up Part 2

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Rob's POV

I busted through the hospital doors rapidly and abruptly, but no one around noticed because of how common it must be.

Steve followed after me, struggling to keep up and a bit shaken up after we almost had a car crash from how fast I was driving to arrive here.

My feet instinctively carried me over to the front desk of the emergency unit, hands slamming down onto the counter. The person working at the desk didn't even flinch, probably dealing with people like me daily.

"What can I help you with, sir?" She replied, smiling at me nicely.

"I'm here to see Kristen, Kristen Stewart." I explained in a semi-calm voice, totally not close to screaming at all.

The woman nodded, turning to her computer and typing in some words that I couldn't see.

"Looks like she's just been admitted almost a hour ago. You can go to the surgery unit, but I doubt you'll be able to see her." The nice girl told me, eyes widening at her words.

"Surgery unit?" I shouted, feeling Steve's hands on my shoulders, pulling me back away from the desk and lesser proximity to the lady.

"Which floor?" Steve asked, glaring at me.

She smiled at the two of us. "Fourth."

Steve nodded a thank you, pushing me over to the elevator, quickly pushing the buttons. We stepped in, the bustling and constant ringing of the hospital silencing.

"I know you're stressed but yelling at others isn't going to help your situation." Steve crossed his arms. He's always been one to treat others with curtesy before anything else.

I rolled my eyes. "That's the least of my worries right now Steve. Kristen's life could be in danger."

Steve huffed. "You don't think I know that? But we can't forget everything else."

I tapped my foot impatiently, feeling like it's been forever since we stepped in here, but it's probably only been a minute.

Finally, a loud ding was heard, the doors opening slowly to reveal a more calmer atmosphere. People sat in neatly organized chairs, worry and fear etched in each of their features.

"Steve? Bob?" A familiar feminine voice called out, the sound of it automatically making my head snap over to where it came from.

"Oh Tina, thank goodness." I breathed, engulfing her in a warm hug. She gripped my shirt, fingers digging into the fabric of it.

We pulled away, looking each other in the eyes. "How is she? Is she going to live?"

"She's fine, she'll be fine." Another voice joined, but it didn't sound like one I remotely liked.

I wasn't even one once surprised to find Nick standing there with his fancy suit and his ugly face. He looked as if nothing really affected him, not even something like this.

"What's with that smirk on your face huh? Are you happy that Kristen ended up like this?" My anger boiled within me, unable to control the words coming out of my mouth.

He didn't respond, instead he just winked ever so subtly that I bet no one else saw.

"Why you little bitc—" I lunged forward, causing commotion. Everyone's eyes turned towards me and Nick, my hand itching to be wrapped around his neck and squeeze as hard as I could.

I felt Tina grab onto my shoulders, Steve doing the same to Nick. They tried to pull us away, only succeeding after a few tries.

Nick didn't even flinch, his face didn't even change. It still held that same expression of a nonchalant sloth, causing the hatred I felt towards him ignite once again.

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