Chapter 39: Which One?

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Robert's POV

"Happy birthday, babe. I love you!" Kristen shouted cheerfully. I refrained from rolling my eyes for the hundredth time. Everyone cheered with her, claps went around the backyard.

After that cheesy crap was done, the DJ started up some music, which turned the whole party into a dance battle. Everyone took turns showing off their skills, even the little kids. Juniper twirled happily in front of the crowd while they cheered loudly for her. She whipped her hair back and posed, I wonder where she got all the sass from.

All of that tired her out however, eventually passing out on my lap. Her tiny head laid softly on my shoulder, while her short arms wrapped around my neck ever so slightly. Her soft snores played in my ears over the loud music; I wonder how she can sleep through this, but now that I'm thinking about it, she's always been a heavy sleeper.

The night was starting to take over, the moon glowing through the clouds replaced the sunlight. I'm just sitting at a table, peacefully watching others party while I hold and rock Juniper to sleep. She clung on to me tighter when a breeze blew by. I took off my jacket from the chair next to me and covered her tiny body with it like I did earlier.

I turned my attention to the group of people clustered in the open area of the backyard, dancing to their hearts content. They swayed back and forth to the beat, all enjoying the fun time they were having.

My eyes diverted to a person who was jumping up and down like crazy. I automatically recognized who it was, laughing when I realized. Steve was partying like an animal, well like an uncoordinated animal.

I heard shuffling come from beside me, then a huff of air. I turned my head slightly to find Nick sitting besides me. My first instinct was to slap him, I know that's sort of irrational, but can you blame me? He adjusted his shirt and combed his hair back. He looked at me with concern and confusion, "Why are you staring? You know I have a girlfriend right?"

Man, this dude really knows how to get on my nerves, "I'm not staring at you, idiot." I said through my gritted teeth, trying to restrain myself from harsher comments.

"Jeez, chill. I was joking, Bob." He laughed, slapping my arm at the same time. I scooted farther away from him, wiping my sleeve off on the chair.

"Why the sad look? What did I do?" He asked innocently. I glared at him with so much hate that he finally got the hint. He put his hands up in defeat and scooted a bit away from me.

"Why aren't you with Tina? Aren't you two a thing?" His voice filled my ears once again. I turned my body towards him, Juniper still in my arms, "Why aren't you with Kristen? Isn't she the one who planned all of this?" I replied back with a poisonous tone.

He scoffed, "My love life is none of your business."

I scoffed back, "Well mine isn't your business either."

We locked eyes in a fight of dominance, both of us not taking a chance to blink. That's when I felt Juniper shuffle around and whimper slightly, probably from the cold.

I took my gaze off of Nick and landed it on Juniper. I snuggled her a bit tighter, rubbing her back gently in hopes of creating some warmth.

"Oh, I didn't even realize she was there." Nick said absentmindedly.

If it wasn't for the dark covering the light, then he would be able to see my threatening stare. Why is he so oblivious and ignorant?

"Here give her to me, she likes me better." Nick suggested out of no where. I shook my head, not sure if he saw it or not, "Why? There's no point in that."

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