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After the little incident from the mall, Jeon Jungkook was able to find differences in Yoongi's behavior. The omega weirdly became clingy and always showed his beautiful gummy smile to him. Deep inside, Jungkook was starting to develop feelings for the beautiful omega. And he was not going to keep his pride and not care about his genuine feelings.

So, Jeon Jungkook started to spoil Yoongi with gifts and food. He always looked after the omega, and took him out very often. The omega also loved how their alpha was spoiling them. He decided not to be bratty, and be good.

The looks and soft touches from Jungkook always gave butterflies for Yoongi. He secretly loved the attention from the handsome Alpha. He was not dumb to not notice other omegas lusting over Jungkook. But his omega swelled in pride by seeing Alpha Jungkook having eyes only on him.

And even now, there were several eyes on the Yoonkook couple, but the both were least bothered about it. Jungkook was grinning widely by seeing their omega enjoying the food. Kim Yoongi was stuffing all the delicious foods and moaning by the taste.

Jungkook and Yoongi had come for the theater to watch some movies. It became a habit for the Yoonkook couple to go out everyday. So today they decided to have some fun. With a satisfied smile, Yoongi burped lightly after drinking water. Jungkook's alpha looked proud by seeing the omega eating well.

"Shall we go for the movie?" Yoongi eagerly nodded to their alpha's question and soon both of them were sitting in their seats comfortably. The theater was almost full, and it became dark once the screen was on.

Everyone paid attention to the movie and were sitting comfortably. Except one person.

Kim Yoongi.

He was having stomach ache and was sitting uncomfortably by shifting time to time. By now he wasn't sure what the movie was. His mind only cared about his weird stomach ache.

"Nnghhh, Oh god!" Yoongi clutched his stomach tightly in pain. He didn't know why but he  felt like it was gas. He so badly wanted to fart but he couldn't. He  didn't want to feel embarrassed in front of Jungkook and other people.

He breathed in and out while clutching his stomach, and wished he was not in this situation. He was sweating a lot, and tried to concentrate on the movie but he  couldn't. And to his luck, the movie was not some action, it was like a drama. So there were no sounds of gunshots or fires to overshadow his fart sound.

He didn't know what he ate, but he was not feeling good.

"Yoongi, are you alright?" His eyes shot open when he heard Jungkook's soothing voice.

He bit his lips and shook his head as a no. Jungkook didn't know what Yoongi was going through but he could see his omega enduring some pain.

He slowly placed his hands on Yoongi's back and rubbed circles. And the soothing hands did no good to the omega. It only triggered his pain and Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He felt like he was going to explode if he controlled it a bit any longer.

And so he farted with a cute sound by closing his eyes tightly.

The fingers which were rubbing circles on his back stopped, and he knew Jungkook would laugh at him. Yoongi was  in verge of crying when he felt several laughs from the surroundings.

"Shit, who farted? It sounded like a kitten mewling." Yoongi bit his lips hard making it swelling red. He couldn't stop his tears that were about to fall. He didn't want to look at Jungkook right now and wished to die in embarrassment.

Suddenly he opened his eyes when he heard a loud growl. He didn't have enough guts to look who it was, since it was Jungkook's.

"I farted. So what? Should I make you all to fart too?" Jeon Jungkook growled while looking at the faces that went pale.

Before Yoongi could look at Jungkook, he was into his alpha's arms.

Yoongi circled his arms around Jungkook's neck, and hid his face into the broad chest.  Jungkook carried Yoongi in his arms, and walked out of the theater room. Yoongi was sniffling his cries in embarrassment, and wished he could  disappear.

He didn't know where they were going. He opened his eyes when he felt a soft material while sitting. Yoongi slowly opened his eyes,  and looked around to see it was their car which they rode for the theater.

Yoongi was seated in the back passenger seat with the door being open. They were in the parking lot and there were no much people here since movies were already on. Yoongi saw Jungkook  kneeling before him on the ground, and Yoongi looked everywhere but his alpha.

His face was flushed in red, and again his eyes widened when he felt the similar pain in his abdomen.

"Let it go, muffin. It's okay. Don't hold it." Jungkook soothed Yoongi's tummy softly and Yoongi lost it. He farted freely while clutching his hands on Jungkook's shoulders who was whispering sweet words.

"Nnghh!" Yoongi whined in relief after releasing his gas. He closed his eyes in embarrassment thinking about farting infront of his alpha. He wished the ground to swallow him.

"P-Please don't laugh at me." Yoongi's eyes were filled with tears, but soon he was engulfed into a tight hug. He didn't know why Jungkook was acting like this, but  he was happy that he didn't make fun of him.

Yoongi slowly circled his arms around Jungkook and nuzzled his face in the crook of his alpha's neck. Jungkook's scent made him surprisingly calm, and he could feel fingers still rubbing circles on his back.

"It's natural, muffin. I fart too, it's not a sin." Yoongi looked at Jungkook who was wiping the  precious tears that were falling from the cute innocent eyes.

"Y-You don't feel  embarrassed about me. I-I farted infront of strangers." Jungkook chuckled at his omega, and kissed on Yoongi's forehead lovingly making the other to purr by the sweet gesture.

"You never embarrass me.  And if anyone were about to make bad comments on you, I will make sure that they will fart through out their entire life."

Yoongi chuckled by his Alpha's words. He never thought Jungkook would be like this. But being with him everyday, he was starting to fall more for the alpha. And both of them knew it.

"Awww, I love your giggles." Yoongi blushed in red, and hit Jungkook's shoulder playfully who acted like he was hurt.

"You want to watch movie?"

Yoongi shook his head as a no.

"I-I don't feel good, Alpha. Can I take a nap?"

"Sure, muffin. I will stay with you."

"You don't have to. You can watch the movie." Jungkook shook his head, and made Yoongi to lie on the backseat in sideways. Jungkook shut the car door and climbed behind Yoongi who made space for their alpha to sleep with them.

Jungkook's alpha howled happily and hugged Yoongi from behind in a  spooning position.

"My omega is here, and I will be here." Yoongi smiled by the sweet words and his alpha's hands were soothing his tummy softly. With a smile on his face Yoongi closed his eyes while drifting off to sleep.

Jungkook nuzzled his nose in Yoongi's neck and placed a kiss before hugging his omega tightly. Soon the Yoonkook couple found themselves having their best sleep after a long time.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now