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Park Jimin was getting anxious by looking at the guests in his house. Though he had told his father to keep the engagement party simple, Hoseok decided to make it as a grand ball.

"For fucks sake, I don't even know these people!" Jimin screamed inside his head while talking with his guests who were complimenting him for his marriage. With a forced smile, Jimin was talking with them but his eyes were fixed on his only fiance.

Kim Seokjin. A beautiful angel, who was dressed up in white suit and talking with his parents.

It's been three weeks since Kim Seokjin had seen his parents, and he was finally happy to have them back. Kim Namjoon, Kim Jackson, Kim Yoongi  and Kim Seokjin were happily talking and sharing their memories with stay in Park's house.

Kim Seokjin could feel some stare on him, with a shy look he looked aside to find his mate boring eyes on him. The plump lips turned to a soft smirk making Jin to avert his eyes immediately.

He was happy that his Alpha was giving him space and not forcing him to do anything. Jin wasn't aware what would happen after this party. And that was the reason why his parents were here to tell him.

"I am so happy for you, my baby. Look at you all glowing." Jackson was keeping his eyes in awe by looking at his omega son who was literally shining like a star.

"Well, hyung's mate has been spoiling him with lots of creams. I didn't get to touch at all." Yoongi pouted making Jin to feel bad. Though Jin brought the topic of sharing this with his brother, his mate denied it.

"I bought it for you, Seokjin. And your brother will get from his mate once he find one."

Jin remembered those words and felt bad for not giving such things to his brother. They always shared everything. But living with Park Jimin for three weeks, he had understood that not everything could be shared with his brother.

"Aww don't worry, Yoongi. Your mate will buy lot for you." Yoongi blushed by hearing his father's words. After seeing his brother with his mate, deep inside he wanted to have one too.

Kim Yoongi hadn't come across many alphas since he spent his entire life inside his house. But in this party he could feel many eyes on him, which made him feel little uncomfortable. When he felt some strong eyes on him, Yoongi looked his right side to find an alpha drinking his wine with his eyes locked on this omega.

Yoongi immediately blushed and tucked his hair behind his ear. He was not used to alphas checking out him. But he kind of loved the attention.

"Jinnie, your father and I wanted to say some things to you." Jin furrowed his eyebrows while hearing those words. He got up from his seat with his fathers and walked outside to have some private talk while leaving Yoongi in the party.

Yoongi pouted by seeing that he was alone, but soon he gulped when he found the same alpha who was checking him out walking towards him.

"What's your name, pretty boy?" Yoongi blushed red by hearing a pet name. He was dumbstruck by the beauty in front of him. The alpha was well built, and had a strong scent making him feel giddy.

"Y-Yoongi, Alpha. Yours?" The said alpha smirked by hearing the omega calling him as an Alpha. It sounded pretty good.

"It's Chanyeol." And soon Yoongi found himself talking with a strange alpha who gave butterflies in his stomach.

On the other side, Jin was waiting for heir fathers to speak who had brought him to a certain peaceful place in the backyard.

"Jin, after this party we were told that you would be going for a short trip." Jin furrowed his eyebrows by hearing about trip. Never in his life had Jin went on a trip but though he was excited, he wasn't sure what's the reason for the trip.

"A-A trip? But why father?" Namjoon almost chuckled by hearing the silly question. But of course they had bought up their sons without letting them know about the outside world. Although they studied only about history of werewolves, they were restrained from studying about consummating of marriage.

"Once you got engaged, you will be Park Jimin's mate. And you both will have some private time for mating process." The Kim couples knew that their son wasn't aware about mating process. But they were not in any position to talk about it since it was their mate's duty.

"Listen, do you feel any feverish kind of way?" Jackson asked before placing his palm on Jin's forehead to check any change in temperature. They knew that their son would have his first heat any time now. And he was supposed to get mated during his heat.

"I-I don't have, father. But why? Should I have a fever?" Jackson giggled by shaking his head negatively.

"Remember when I talked to you about omegas going on heats and alphas in ruts?" Jin's eyes widened by remembering about the heats and ruts. His father had explained how painful it would be, and omegas and alphas were supposed to be together during such time.

"Yes, it's very painful. Am I going to have heat?" Jin frowned by seeing his father nodding to his question.

"You are about to have, Jin. But that's good since you have your mate with you. Remember whatever he do, it's for your good. Okay? Your mate will make the pain subside gradually and do not ever stop him."

Jin gulped by wondering what his father was meaning. Although he wasn't sure what it was about he decided to nod, since he didn't want to be a disobedient boy.

"Okay, now shall we go inside?" Namjoon reached his hands for his son who immediately placed above him.

Jin was slightly getting to feel his body warm, and he was starting to sweat a little. He wasn't sure whether it was because of the crowd of guests or fear of having his first heat.

Jin's parents went to talk with his in-laws by leaving him alone in the party. His eyes wandered over the place and he frowned when he found his brother talking with someone. He walked to his brother to find some strange alpha smiling at his brother.

"Yoongi, what are you doing here? And who is this?" Jin questioned his brother who suddenly flinched by the voice. Yoongi gulped a little and cleared his throat before thinking what to say.

"I am Chanyeol, and I find Yoongi very cute."

Jin looked at his brother who was keeping his head down and smiling softly. He looked at the said alpha who reached his hands for a hand shake.

"You are Park Jimin's mate right? Indeed he is a lucky guy. Congrats on your wedding." Jin was taught to be polite and so he decided to shake his hand with the strange alpha.

But little did he knew that his mate was standing in the crowd and witnessing the scene of Jin being touchy with other alpha.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now