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"You look like a blood sucking vampire. Did you have any sleep?" Park Jimin asked his best friend Jeon Jungkook who was looking very pale with all they eye bags and messed up hair.

The Jikook buddies were on their way to their home after their work. And Jimin wasn't oblivious to not notice his friend's behavior ever since the small fight with Yoongi. But he decided not to push further by asking questions.

He had known Jungkook right from his childhood, and he was always carefree and lived his life by spending time in his office at mornings, and in beds with omegas at nights. He was happy until Kim Yoongi came to his life. Jimin had noticed a drastic change from Jeon Jungkook ever since that omega's arrival.

Jimin was sure that Yoongi belonged to Jungkook. They had imprinted on each other. But Jungkook was stubborn and didn't want Yoongi to belong to one of those omegas whom he had bedded.

His alpha couldn't see any other omega but Kim Yoongi. He decided to avoid Yoongi, for his own sake, because the omega was innocent and he never deserved him.

"Shut up~" Jeon Jungkook's hands on the steering wheel tightened and gritted his teeth out while warning his best friend to keep his mouth shut. But of course Park Jimin wanted to test his patience and make him mad.

"When was the last time you got laid?"

"I said shut the fuck up!"

Park Jimin giggled softly before leaning back on his seat and thinking about riling up his best friend little more.

"Finally I can have peaceful night with my omega~If you know what I mean"

"Park Jimin, shut the fuck up before I drive the car over the tree trunk." Jimin laughed out and looked out the car window to see the surroundings. He released a heavy sigh, before looking at his side to see his best friend driving the car with jaw clenched.

He wanted to test his best friend's patience for one last time.

"Yoongi is moving out to his parent's house."

The car was halted to a sudden brake making Jimin to almost leaned forward but thankfully his seat belt saved him from getting his head hit. He cursed lowly and looked at his best friend to give a scolding only to keep his mouth silent when he saw Jungkook's eyes brimming with tears.

"Y-Yoongi is moving back?" Jimin could feel the vulnerability in his best friend's voice. He felt bad to see Jungkook like this. But heck, Jungkook needed some kick in the ass to make him realize that he loves Yoongi.

"Yeah! Yesterday night he told me about his decision. And Seokjin had been crying ever since he came to know about this. He got okay after I got him a tub full of strawberry ice cream.

Today, Yoongi is leaving, Park Alpha told me to drop him but I have to take Jin to the hospital check up because I got a hunch about his sickness.

So do you mind dropping Yoongi in his house?"

Jeon Jungkook knew that Park Jimin was doing this deliberately to him. No matter how many times he had tried to avoid the omega, he always found his way back. But Jungkook didn't want to miss the opportunity to finally say goodbye to Yoongi. Although his alpha growled at him, he knew that he was not the suitable alpha for the innocent omega.

Thankfully, the road was empty with no traffic, so there were no horns when their car was standing in the middle of the road. Park Jimin smirked when he saw the dilemma in his best friend's eyes. He was sure that Jungkook could never avoid a situation nor control his inner alpha when he is with the omega Yoongi.

"Y-Yeah, I will drop him." With that Jungkook drove the car to the Parks mansion. There were several thoughts running inside his head, and he wasn't sure what to do. He could feel his alpha jumping happily by thinking about seeing their omega, but he tried to control his inner wolf by not getting excited so much.

Jeon Jungkook had been waiting in the car for Yoongi to come out of the Parks mansion. The sky had already turned dark, and their journey might take an hour to reach the Kims house. He was impatiently tapping his fingers on the steering wheel while waiting.

His ears perked up when he heard some faint sounds. He rolled his window down further more, and looked aside to see Yoongi and Seokjin crying while walking out of the mansion. Park Jimin was softly comforting his mate while the two brothers were hugging tightly and crying their hearts out.

"Yoongi, why don't you stay here? I will talk with our Appa~" Park Seokjin whispered between his sobs and cupped Yoongi's cheeks who was already shaking his head as a 'No.'

"It's okay, Hyung. T-This is your house. Plus Appa and father are alone in our house. I-I am just getting bored here. I want to spend time with them too~" Park Seokjin felt very bad by thinking about his brother confessing that he was getting bored. He was cursing himself for not taking care of his brother.

"I-It's all my fault, isn't it? I-I should have looked after you but I just left you alone." Park Jimin hugged his mate from the back and scented him to calm his mate. He didn't like how Seokjin was taking the blame on himself.

"It's not your fault, hyung. I-I shouldn't have stayed here for any longer. I was just a guest, and I totally forgot about that."

"Yoongi, you are not a guest here. You can stay as much you want~ If we made you feel like that, I would like to apologize to you."

Park Jimin said while ruffling Yoongi's hair who sniffled his nose and shaking his head.

"No, Park Alpha. You never treated me like that. And I am always thankful for that. Please take care of my hyung. I-I will visit here often." Park Seokjin nodded his head and wiped Yoongi's tears off before placing a kiss over his brother's forehead.

Park Hoseok and Park Taehyung were busy in a business meeting, so they couldn't come to send off Yoongi. Park Seokjin and Park Jimin walked Yoongi to the car where Jungkook was waiting.

Jeon Jungkook immediately got down, and moved to the passenger's side to open the door for his omega.

"No, not his omega. Shut up, Jungkook."

Kim Yoongi was having his head down, and he didn't even glance at Jungkook for once. This made Jungkook's alpha to whine in sadness and it hurt him a little. Park Seokjin was embraced in Park Jimin's arms and waving their hands to Yoongi.

Jeon Jungkook closed the door and looked at his best friend to give a nod firmly. Park Seokjin was pouting while seeing the car door closing and moving out of his sight.

Park Jimin placed a kiss over his mate's cheeks before whispering sweet words to Seokjin. He knew that his mate was upset with himself by blaming for not taking care of Yoongi.

But he must also understand that, Yoongi wasn't a baby anymore. He needed to take care of himself and make decisions for himself too. He was sure that his mate would soon realize it and concentrate on their budding family more.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now