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Park Seokjin was pouting while laying on the bed with two duvets covering his body. He turned his head to find his mate Park Jimin busy with his laptop typing something. From the last night, Jin was not feeling well and was throwing up few times. So Jimin decided to be with his mate and work from home.

He had eaten the food and took the medicine before being tucked inside the bed by his Alpha Park Jimin. He was feeling okay right now, but he didn't like how his alpha was not taking his eyes off the screen.

Seokjin pouted deeply and his eyes wandering over the ceiling above him while thinking about how to get attention of his Handsome alpha. His eyes widened with an idea, and a light smile was forming over his lips.

Ever since Park Jimin had mated Park Seokjin, the other always seemed to be horny whenever he saw his alpha. Although Jimin didn't do some innocent things to his omega, the other was still innocent by heart.

Carefully, Seokjin removed the duvet from his body which was kind of uncomfortable for him. He was feeling sweaty and thirsty.

Thirsty for Park Jimin.

Park Seokjin planted his bare feet on the floor while adjusting his shirt which was almost his thigh level. Since he was feeling hot, Jimin had insisted him to not wear any pants or underwear. So he was just wearing Jimin's oversized white shirt while looking cute and fluffy.

Slowly Jin tiptoed to his mate who was facing his back over him and working on his laptop. He carefully back hugged Jimin while nuzzling his face in his mate's neck to smell his scent.

A soft hum played over Jimin's plump lips when he smelt his mate's presence. Park Seokjin could feel his omega whining by the heavy scent of his mate, and he stuck his tongue out to slowly lick his neck.

Park Jimin smiled by the attention from his omega, and he decided to tease further more by trying to ignore Seokjin. His alpha was screaming to take his omega down right on the table and fuck him senseless. But his other side wanted to see how much Seokjin would go far to get his attention.

Seokjin tenderly traced his hands over Jimin's upper naked body, and pinched the dark nipples without stopping his sucking on his neck. Park Jimin was sure that he would have hickeys but heck he wanted it.

Park Jimin cursed when he smelt his omega's slick. He was sure that Seokjin was leaking right now while touching his body. Slowly, Jin reached his hands down to Jimin's boxers, before pulling out the hard dick.

"Fuck!" Jimin cursed slowly and leaned his head back to see his omega already looking at his with lustful eyes. The warm hands wrapped around his big girth was stroking slowly while gathering his precum as the lube.

Jimin reached his hands to his mate before pulling Jin's face for a fierce kiss. Jin moaned by the sudden force and his saliva was already drooling from his mouth by how deep they were sucking each other's tongues.

Seokjin yelped in surprise when Jimin pulled him from the other side and made his omega to sit on his lap. His hard cock was already peaking out from his boxers and leaking precum. Jimin moaned when he felt his mate's slick drenching his thighs and some covering on his boxers.

Park Seokjin pulled Jimin's hair tightly before letting his tongue deeper inside his mate's cavern and kissing everywhere. His Alpha's hands on his waist guided him to slowly grind his ass over Jimin's boner.

"Aren't you naughty, Pumpkin?" Park Seokjin moaned when he felt the hard slap on his ass. And Jimin didn't forget to notice how his omega's cock twitched when he spanked his mate. Jin's shirt was riled up by leaving his cute pink cock for Jimin to see it jumping in excitement.

"You like it, don't you? You love it when I spank your ass and when it jiggles so much with my hand prints on." Park Seokjin was a moaning mess when his mate spanked his ass for three times continuously and he was feeling immense pleasure.

"Aghh~ I love it, Alpha. Love when you spank me." Park Jimin groaned by the submissive behavior from his omega.

Without caring about anything, Jimin undressed his mate and slowly lifted Jin's hips up for him to fully pull out his hard cock from the boxers. Seokjin moaned by rolling his head back when he felt the thick cock poking right at his slicky hole.

"A-Alpha, give it to me~" Jin moaned loudly when he felt another spank on his ass. Jimin was sure that his mate would be red but heck, he loved seeing his hand prints on Jin's beautiful ass. Jimin licked his lips when he saw the perky nipple and leaned down to suck it like a baby.

Park Seokjin choked his cries and leaned further down to let Jimin to suck on his nipple perfectly. His grinding movements never stopped and he was almost leaking his slick all over Jimin's lower body.

Jimin could feel his cock aching to be inside his mate, so without delaying, he aligned his thick girth right at the clenching hole, and he was shocked when his mate sat on his cock in one go.

"Nghh~ So big~ Full, Alpha~" Without waiting for Jimin's response, Seokjin started to bounce on his mate's cock like it was his own. Jimin almost groaned by how his mate was using his cock for his own pleasure. He was getting turned on by the weird behavior.

"Fuck~ What's with you, Muffin? You are so sexy! Look at you all bouncing on my cock like it's yours~" Jimin leaned on his chair and let Seokjin to take the lead. Park Seokjin placed his hands over his mate's shoulders for support and lifted his hips up and down making him moan loudly.

Everytime he bounced down on his mate;s cock, he heard his ass slapping on Jimin's thick thighs. It sounded erotic making Jin to bounce harder.

"I-It's mine, Alpha~ Only Mine~" Park Seokjin was long gone letting his inner omega to take control. Jimin loved how his omega was losing control over him. A growl left Jimin's lips by seeing their mate all possessive and sexily riding his cock.

"That's right, it's yours. Now milk me, omega~ Cum for me and ride me while I milk you~" Park Seokjin moaned by the dirty words coming from those plump lips. He loved how his mate was praising him. So he started to bounce harder and moaned louder when he came untouched.

The sight almost made Jimin to lose his control, but he held his omega's waist tightly and thrusted up his cock few more times before cumming inside his mate's hole which was clenching him and milking him through the orgasm.

Park Jimin chuckled when he saw Seokjin leaning his head over his shoulders and sleeping soundly. He couldn't believe that his mate had just passed out after riding his dick like it was the last day. He carefully picked his omega, and went to the bathroom to clean both of their bodies.

Although his inner alpha growled by seeing their cum leaking outside the hole and going wasted. Jimin tried to push some of cum inside the red puffy hole before washing them off. After putting some night wear over his omega, Jimin put on his clothes too.

He carefully put his mate on the bed and just when he was about to lay beside his omega and cuddle, he heard a soft knock. Park Jimin groaned by the intrusion, but he walked to the door before kissing Seokjin's forehead.

He was shocked to see Seokjin's brother, Kim Yoongi standing there while fidgeting his fingers in his sweatshirt. It was like similar to the habit of his mate.

"Any problem, Yoongi?" Park Jimin kind of felt awkward because he had never spoken much with this omega. And he was sure that his mate's scent was al over his body reeking from him after their intense love making session. He didn't want the omega to see their mate n this situation.

"I-I want to go back to my home."

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