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Kim Seokjin never thought he would live in a house like he was staying right now. Could he even call that as a house when it looked like a palace?

No wonder that his future mate looked pretty and handsome. He wasn't sure what to do with the beauty products that was laid infront of him. He was nervously looking at every product wondering about where to put on it.

He had never used anything for his face except water. His parents had spent money only for their studies and clothes. Jin and Yoongi were very much thankful for that. But seeing Omega Taehyung giving out all the cosmetics to him made him feel flustered.

"F-Father omega, I-I don't know how to use this." Jin shyly confessed by gaining a boxy smile from Taehyung. A soft chuckle left those lips by seeing his soon to be son-in-law having no idea about beauty products.

"It's all extracted from nature, Jin. Your alpha had asked me to buy everything for you to keep your skin hydrated. He had ordered so many for you and they are all creams made from rice water."

Jin blushed by hearing that his alpha was trying to taking care of him. He thought that his alpha didn't like him. He remembered his small conversation that he had with Jimin when he said he was about to sleep with his brother.

"You are my mate, Jin. And you have to sleep on our bed." Kim Seokjin tried so hard not to look at Jimin who was having all eyes on him. He was shaking and in any moment he knew that his knees would give up. He was weak infront of his alpha. He wished he had courage to say no and so he did but politely.

"P-Please, A-Alpha. I am not used to sleep without Y-Yoongi beside me. Park Alpha said I-I can sleep here after c-ceremony." Jin was fidgeting his fingers on his shirt and his lips were trembling in fear.

Though Jimin had told him to call by his name, Jin was not comfortable with it. He liked calling Jimin as Alpha. After all he was his ALPHA.

Park Jimin felt bad by seeing his mate looking so vulnerable before him. He never wished to use alpha tone but hearing his mate telling him about sleeping with a man other than him, made his blood boil.

Though it was his brother, Jimin was not used to it. He never had a relationship before and he wanted to give his whole self to his mate. But if his mate was uncomfortable around him, he was not going to force it.

Jimin frustratingly pulled his hair back and licked his dry lips by seeing his mate who was about to cry any minute. He left a heavy sigh before touching his mate's broad shoulders who instantly stiffened by the touch.

"Alright! You can sleep until we get mated." Jimin found cute by how wide those alpaca eyes widened by hearing his words. Jin was thankful for his alpha for being kind enough to let him sleep with his brother.

He was taught that alphas were possessive and rude towards their omegas. But deep inside his heart he was happy that his mate wasn't one of those kinds.

Taehyung was having a wide grin over his face by seeing Jin taking a close look at al the products. He could tell that his son would change for good by having Kim Seokjin as his mate. In all these years, Jimin had never bought anything for his parents neither to his friends.

But seeing the number of items spread infront of him, made Taehyung to realize that Jimin was already head over heals for the beautiful Kim Seokjin.

Well who wouldn't? In fact Hoseok and Taehyung also sided along with Kim Seokjin whenever the beautiful omega asked them for anything. They were ready to argue against Jimin and were happy to take their son-in-law's side.

Taehyung rolled his eyes when he felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Of course he knew who it would be. After excusing himself from his son-in-law, Taehyung walked out of the bedroom and swiped his call only to get bombarded with lots of questions.

"Did you give him? How was his reaction? Did he like it? Is he using it?"Taehyung rubbed his temples by hearing his son asking lots of questions.

"Yes , yes, yes. Take a breathe, Jimin." Taehyung slightly yelled by getting annoyed because of the call. Jimin on the other like pouted a little by hearing his father hushing him.

"I have told him how to use it. Poor baby, he hasn't used these things before. But don't worry your mate would glow with all the things that you had bought for him."

A proud smile was creeping on Jimin's face by hearing his father's words. He knew that Jin naturally had a great skin, but with change of seasons he didn't want his mate to have break outs or dry skin. He loves seeing his mate's skin glow smoothly.

Though only it had been few days since Jin's stay with Parks family, Jimin made sure to know about Jin's likes and dislikes with the help of his brother Yoongi.

At first he despised the omega brother, but he kind of helped him in knowing about Jin. Although he had spent money on ice creams to buy for Yoongi, he got something out of it.

With a happy mood he cut the call and looked at his best friend Jungkook who was having a smug smile on his face.

"What?" Jimin snapped at Jungkook who gave a soft chuckle at his friend. The both were now in their offices creating designs for the dresses that were supposed to be released in few weeks.

"Someone's whipped!" Jungkook teased making Jimin to roll his eyes in annoyance.

"Shut up, once you get mated you would know. I will have my time and get back at you." Jimin stuck his tongue out making Jungkook to shake his head with a laugh.

"Whatever." Jungkook stuck his tongue out comically and started to continue to do his design for the new fashion week.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now