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"Pumpkin, come on~ You know I hate it when you sulk. Tell me what's wrong?" Park Jimin wished to kiss those pout that was on his mate's plump lips. He disliked when Seokjin sulked for no reasons.

With pregnancy, Jimin found himself falling for his omega everyday. He loved how cute and fluffy his mate was whenever he woke up. It became a habit for Jimin to find himself waking up in the middle of the night by the sight of having his omega riding his cock. At times, he passed out by how tired the sex was.

But strangely, Park Seokjin was having high sex drive, and he always found himself knotted with his mate's cock He loved how full he felt at the end of the day. So Jimin always made sure to cock warm him at nights, so that whenever he felt horny, Seokjin would ride him even though his Alpha was asleep.

Park Seokjin was glowing with pregnancy. And Park Jimin found himself getting hard just by looking at his mate. His belly was round and big with their pup inside his tummy. Sometimes, Jimin spent his entire day just by laying on Seokjin's lap and holding the big belly. They talk with their pup every night and read stories.

Sometimes, Seokjin found himself falling asleep when Jimin gave him feet massage which his mate always complained about how it was swelling. After reaching his nine months, Jimin made sure that Seokjin had everything to his hands reach. He was with him mate 24/7 and always tended to his omega's needs.

But now, Jimin was confused to see his mate pouting in the middle of their bed by folding his hands against his big stomach. He looked so soft and cute. His alpha was growling by looking at their mate's clothes where he could see clear patches of milk against his small chest.

Park Seokjin started to lactate from the last month, and Jimin couldn't control his alpha neither himself whenever he was around his omega. He found himself latching his lips on those perky nipples and drinking the milk, whenever Seokjin complained him about the pain in the chest.

Jimin being the good mate, sucked all the milk and made Seokjin to feel his chest less heavy. Though the doctor had advised him to wear breast pads, Jimin denied it. He knew how uncomfortable Seokjin would feel by wearing it under his clothes.

To be honest, Park Seokjin didn't know why he was behaving like this. He was always a good omega and he never liked to be bratty. He knew how much his Alpha loves taking care of him, and how he was having sleepless nights because of him. And now, he was acting mad because he didn't find his Alpha beside him when he woke up.

"Y-You weren't there when I woke up~ I-I thought you loved kissing me in the morning. A-Am I not good enough, Alpha?  Do I look fat that I disgust you?"

Park Jimin wished he could hit on his omega's head and fuck right on the mattress to prove his mate how sexy he was.

But he controlled his anger when he saw those cute innocent alpaca eyes filled with tears. His heart broke by the sight of his omega crying. He wasn't a big fan of seeing his mate with tears. But of course, he loved those tears when it was because of pleasure on their bed. But not like this.

For the past few days, Seokjin had been feeling insecure about the changes in his body. His petite waist was no longer smaller anymore. He had round hips, and his thighs were getting thicker along with his ass. His smaller chest was always swelled up in the morning giving him pain on his nipples.

But his insecurity increased, when he attended the baby shower party which happened few days back in Parks Mansion. Park Hoseok had arranged a party to celebrate his son-in-law's pregnancy and he had invited several guests.

Seokjin loved how much he received the gifts and was thankful for everything. But he also didn't miss how many omegas were ogling at his mate Park Jimin. He was still looking snatched with perfect muscular body and he was glowing like a star. But his mate was with him through out the party and left the place when Seokjin informed him about how tired he was.

Park Seokjin knew that his mate loved him. But he accepted him as his mate only by looking at his photo. So he was aware of the fact that, Jimin loved his beauty. But now he was anything but that.

He was looking fat in the mirror, and all the gifts which he had received was nothing fitting him. Everything was tight for him, and he didn't know whether he would be able to wear such clothes after pregnancy. He had gained lot of weight and he wasn't sure if he could lose it.

But of course, he was not going to say this out loud to his mate because he would get his ass spanked. Even though he loved it, now he was feeling insecure to even show his naked body to his mate which would be a big turn off for his Alpha.

"Aww, I went to prepare your breakfast, Pumpkin~ How will I ever miss my good morning kiss?" Park Jimin cooed at his mate before holding Jin's cheeks and pulling him for a sweet kiss. Park Seokjin smiled through the kiss and when he was about to suck on his mate's tongue he whined when he felt sting on his thighs.

Park Jimin had pinched his thighs and he opened his eyes to see how intense his mate's glare was.

"A-Alpha~" Seokjin whined with a pout but soon it turned to a moan when Jimin slapped on his thick thighs making the skin jiggle under his hands.

"You never disgust me, Pumpkin. Do you know how proud I am to see you bearing our pup. I feel this pride thinking that you belong to me. It's not just about your beauty, Pumpkin.

Your innocence, your straight forwardness, and everything about you is beautiful. Don't ever think that you are fat. Even if you are, so what? I have my eyes only for you and my heart will always beat for you only, Pumpkin.

I don't care how much weight you gain, or how you think about in your cute little brain. In my eyes, all I see is my Mate. You are glowing and the way you smell is intoxicating me. I have this urge to just fuck you in every place and claim what's mine.

My alpha is going crazy for you, Park Seokjin. And I am already crazy over you. If you still don't believe me, then I will trade my eyes with you. Because what I see is the masterpiece in the world."

Park Seokjin felt tears brimming on his eyes by hearing his mate's words. He had listened to sweet words tons of times. But in this situation, Park Jimin's confession hits him hard.

"I-I am sorry, Alpha~ I trust you but I don't mind if you show me how much you want to claim me." Park Jimin chuckled when he saw his mate wiggling his eyebrows at him teasingly before biting his lips while reaching his foot over Jimin's pants.

"You are one little tease, Pumpkin. But only Mine~" Jimin growled lowly before undressing both of them and making love to his mate to claim Park Seokjin.

It was an arranged marriage, but they found love and trust in each other by every second they spend together.


A/N: With next chapter we will be saying goodbye to this book angels. This story was meant to be a fluffy book and I think I have accomplished it here. Thanks for your continuous support and love, angels!!

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