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"Wow, calm down Park. Don't want you to choke." Jungkook teased his best friend who gulped the four tequila shots in one go. He couldn't help but chuckle by seeing his friend getting drunk.

Park Jimin growled lowly when the bartender hesitated to pour him an another shot.

"Want me to kill you, beta?" Jimin groaned by seeing the bartender gulping hard. A smirk played on Jimin's lips when he saw the beta pouring him another shot.

Park Jimin, an alpha who was feared by the most people. Though he looked harmless like an angel, his brain and body was opposite. His eye smile would make anyone to go crazy and he used it for his own advantages. The sweet innocent angel was never sweet. He was a devil who lived in an angel's body.

Jeon Jungkook had been best friends with Jimin since childhood. They both spend their life together almost forever. He was an alpha who never cared about anything. He used to pull off stunts with betas and alphas for no reasons.

"What's with the sudden occasion?" Jungkook asked his friend while sipping his wine. He was not a big fan of hot drinks, and he was also the one who should drive the car.

Jimin burped after having enough of drinks. He used to drink whenever he was extremely happy or frustrated. But with his behavior Jungkook was damn sure it was not out of happiness.

"I am getting married." Jimin blurted out making Jungkook laugh out loud. Jimin tightened his grip on the small glass and his plump lips gave a straight line while hearing his friend's giggles.

With the heavy frustration, he threw the glass on the bartender's head who instantly cupped his wounded forehead without making noise. If he did, he was sure he would be slaughtered into pieces. Jungkook on the other hand laughed even hard by seeing his best friend going crazy.

"Stop it." Jimin growled loudly making the club go silent. People who were dancing came to halt, and the music was heard no more. It was a pin drop silence except for Jungkook's laughter. Jimin rolled his eyes by his friend's behavior and pushed the table off while growling loudly.

"Everybody Out." Jimin said firmly making all the betas and omegas whimper by his eerie voice. Soon the crowd moved out only leaving angry Jimin and laughing Jungkook.

Being the owner of the club, Jimin had his own advantages. He was finally finding some peace after the disgusting crowd with all their disgusting scents.

Parks and Jeons were known for their merciless attitude. Their ancestors never knew the meaning of the word "sympathy or pity". They killed mass people and had made several slaves out of them. They never had mercy over women or children.

They showed their dominance on everyone and ruled them under their control. But it was all in the past.

Right now they were all living in cities with decent laws and they controlled their power by not showing on innocent people.

Park Jimin was running a fashion designing company with the help of his best friend Jungkook. Though he never went to his company. He loved spending his time in his home by playing video games. He was filthy rich and he had almost money for four future generations. His ancestors had saved money for them and he was busy in spending it.

As a side business he was running the club with his remaining money. Though the jobs they do was never related to them, they did for their own sake. They knew how to control their wolf's form.

They wanted to live in the world not by having people fear for them. But sometimes they couldn't help but to show their dominance over omegas and betas who broke the rules and got on their nerves.

Jungkook and Jimin had gained so many enemies during their high school and they made sure they didn't have anyone left alive. They were the ones who makes rules and they were the ones who gets to break it. No one could beat this powerful family and no one dared to lay their fingers on them.

Jimin's eyes narrowed when he saw Jungkook holding his stomach and trying  to calm himself down. With a heavy sigh, Jimin plopped down on his  chair and took the bottle of beer.

"Enough already!" Jungkook almost shouted and pulled the bottle from Jimin's grip. He threw the  bottle away and looked at his best friend who was supporting his head  with his hands on the table.

"Is is that bad that you are getting married? Didn't you always wanted it?" Jungkook broke the silence making Jimin groan lightly.

"You don't understand, Kook. It's an arranged marriage."


"So?  I haven't seen my mate. And to the worse the parents are very cautious in not showing their child." Jungkook kind of got curious by the answer. He had seen many omegas and betas begging them to claim them as theirs. But  he had never heard of people hiding their omega children from the powerful alphas.

"Maybe she is beautiful."

"It's a he not a she."

Jungkook's eyes widened by the sudden confession. It was very rare to find male omegas in the city. And he couldn't believe that his friend was going to get mated with a male omega.

"Oh my. You are one lucky bastard." Jimin bore a death glance at Jungkook who gave his famous bunny smile. Jimin shook his head with sigh and frustratingly pulled his blonde hair back.

"I am just 24, Kook. I wanted to do so much in my life."

"Like what? Fucking those sluts?" Jungkook asked while pointing at the female omegas who were eagerly waiting outside the clubs while releasing their dirty pheromones.

"Oh shut up, I am not you. I have been saving my virginity for my mate." Jimin said the truth. Though Jimin acted rough and tough outside, inside he wanted to be true to his mate. He wanted to give all his only to his mate.

He remembered how his ancestors had affair and little flings with other omegas. And he made sure not to be like them in the future.

"Are you saying I am not clean? Oh please!! I fuck them in hope that they are my mates. But turns out they are just thirsty for my cock." Jungkook shrugged it off like nothing and looked back at those omegas while winking sexily.

"When is the wedding?" Jungkook looked at Jimin who was busy in typing something on his phone.

"Next week. And please don't come." With that Jimin got up from his seat and left the club by leaving dumbstruck Jungkook who was giving him a death glare.

"That fucker. Yeah, like I wanted to come in the first place? I will make sure to be the first guest, you idiot." Jungkook mumbled and drank his remaining glass of wine before chasing after his friend.


A/N: I have changed the plot to fluffy so there will be characters change💜 And I hope you like this story angels. Please do support the Jinmin ship angels. I would be so much happy and I love writing this story💜

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