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Ever since Jeon Jungkook promised his omega Kim Yoongi about courting him, the other had kept his words. He had asked Yoongi's parents permission when he had dropped his omega.

Although, Kim Namjoon and Kim Jackson were skeptical about the alpha's permission for courting their own son, he accepted the proposal when Park Hoseok gave his trust for Jungkook.

Park Hoseok and Park Taehyung were raising Jeon Jungkook as their second son, ever since his parents died in an accident. From his childhood, the small boy with doe eyes always spent his time in the Parks Mansion and playing with Park Jimin.

They knew Jungkook was a harmless human being. Although the said Alpha had some weak spots for omega and when it came to sexual life, they had seen drastic change in the behavior ever since Yoongi's arrival. So Hoseok had promised Namjoon and Jackson that they could trust Jungkook because he was like their own son too.

That made the Yoonkook couple happy and jumping in joy. They let their son to get courted by the handsome alpha.

And after hearing about Park Seokjin's pregnancy, the family were celebrating and were eagerly waiting for their first grandchild to arrive in this world. Since Seokjin was pregnant, his parents decided to let Yoongi to stay with his brother because the pregnant omega had begged his father to give permission for his brother to stay in Parks house.

That was the reason why Kim Yoongi was always found in his brother's bedroom talking with the little pup inside the belly and playing with his brother. He had already informed about Jungkook courting him, and Park Seokjin could never be more happy.

"He is a good alpha, Yoongi. I am happy for you~" Was what Seokjin said while ruffling Yoongi's smoothy hair.

Even though everyone knew about Jungkook and Yoongi's relationship, the new couple kind of felt shy to be together infront of anyone. That was the reason why, now Kim Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook were sneaking out from the omega's bedroom.

The Yoonkook couple were tiptoeing slowly making sure that the Parks mansion was filled with silence and no lights on. Jeon Jungkook couldn't help but feel excited to see his omega looking cute with the blue blanket covering his head that was draping over his body. He wished he could put this cutiepie in his pocket and never let go.

It became their habit to sneak around every night and walk to the balcony and stargaze while cuddling together.

Kim Yoongi felt relief when he saw his brother's bedroom door being closed but he could see the light being on. They both closed their ears and quickly ran past Jinmin's bedroom when they heard the erotic sounds coming from the other side of the door.

Of course, Park Seokjin was pregnant and was horny 24/7. Yoongi almost passed out when he heard his brother moaning in the midnight. Thankfully, Jungkook was there to help him and pick him up to quickly run to the balcony.

This became usual habit for them after hearing this for the past eight months. But they knew that the Jinmin couple were using pregnancy hormones as excuse for making love almost every night. They both didn't need a reason at all to sleep together.

Kim Yoongi and Jeon Jungkook breathed in the fresh air after reaching their destination. They were on top of their mansion and they could totally see the dark sky being dominated with beautiful moon and stars.

Jeon Jungkook back hugged his omega while laying his head on Yoongi's shoulders who was in awe by looking at the beautiful sky. He would never get tired of watching the stars with his Alpha Jungkook.

The alpha growled lowly when he nuzzled his nose in his omega's neck. Yoongi shyly tilted his head for better access and let Jungkook to scent him. Even though, the omega Yoongi was not having any scent, he loved when his Alpha covering him with his scent.

Jeon Jungkook's eyes turned red when he smelt it. His nose was buried deep in Yoongi's neck and he was sniffing all over the skin like a puppy. Kim Yoongi was confused by the weird behavior from their alpha. He had never seen Jungkook losing his control over his inner alpha. But it kind of looked hot when he thought that this handsome Alpha was like this only because of him.

"Y-You smell fresh, Muffin~ Like rain and the earthly scent mixed together." Jungkook groaned by getting addicted to the new scent that was coming from his omega Yoongi. And suddenly like a bulb hit his head, his eyes snapped open and his iris were changed to brown from red.

Kim Yoongi bit his lips and shyly let the blanket down and looked at his Alpha with confused eyes.

"I-I never had a scent, Alpha~ At least not until I get my first heat."

The Yoonkook couple had never spoken about the topics about heat and ruts. It kind of sensitive one, and Yoongi always found blushing whenever he talked about it. Jeon Jungkook joined all the dots and his eyes widened in shock.

"When are you turning eighteen?" Jeon Jungkook would be cooing right now by looking at Yoongi cutely counting with his fingers with a pout.

But this situation was not letting him to adore the sight, because his inner alpha was urging him. He could feel his fangs aching to come out and mark the unmarked pale neck of his omega.

"In few days. Why?"

"I think you are about to get into heat, Omega."

"W-What?" Kim Yoongi's eyes comically widened by thinking about his heat hitting him soon. He was not ready for it. He had heard his brother saying how hard and painful it was. But his mate Park Jimin had helped him and reduced the pain.

Thankfully Omega Taehyung and also given the books about the omega's heat for him to read and to know more about it. He felt terrified by thinking of having heat in few days.

"W-What should I do now?" Yoongi found himself panting hard and he felt difficult to breathe in. Thankfully, Jungkook hugged his omega and whispered sweet words while trying to calm Yoongi by rubbing circles on the back.

As per his Alpha's instruction, Yoongi breathed in and out several times before placing his forehead over Jungkook's who was caressing his chubby cheeks.

"What are you terrified of, Muffin? Your alpha is here with you~" And the statement made Yoongi to almost whine in embarrassment by hearing the teasing tone in Jungkook's voice. He hid his head on Jungkook's chest and hugged the Alpha who chuckled softly before placing a kiss on his head.

"A-Are we going to get mated then, Alpha?" Kim Yoongi cutely asked while looking up to see Jungkook with battling his eyelashes in an innocent way. Jeon Jungkook could feel his cock twitching by the adorable sight but he controlled it.

Of course, only mates were allowed to attend an omega's heat. And he knew that his alpha and Yoongi's omega had already imprinted on each other. Now all they need is permission from the parents and Yoongi's brother about him attending his omega's heat together.

"I can't wait for us to get mated, Muffin." The bunny smile made Yoongi to give his gummy smile at his alpha.

It was new for both of them but they both couldn't wait to step into the next step in their relationship. Jeon Jungkook knew that he would mate Kim Yoongi and will always stay by his omega's side to make sure that he was safe and happy with him.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now