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"Mind telling me why you are being so grumpy and showing your faces at everyone you see?" Park Jimin casually sips his evening coffee and inquires about his best friend who have been acting weird for the past few days. He had witnessed few times by seeing Jungkook growling at omegas who tried to talk with him.

Jeon Jungkook rubs his temples by the feeling of head ache slowly arising. But the tea which Park Seokjin had prepared for them kind of helping him. After sipping few sips, Jungkook looked at his friend who was busy in touching his mate right infront of his eyes.

"Have some decency, you know. I am sitting right here!" Jungkook murmurs making Jimin to laugh out loud. Park Seokjin was trying to warn his alpha who was running his hands all over his back and whispering soft words.

"Well, we are newly mated and you should be not here."

"Yeah I get it. You are mated and you don't have to rub it on my face." Jungkook groans while leaning his head on the table and breathing in and out. After Yoongi running away from him, the omega was ignoring him like he did in the past.

Whenever he enters the Parks House, he saw Yoongi running to his bedroom by giving silly excuses. At first Jungkook thought it was good for both of them, since he didn't want to get involved with innocent omega. But as time goes by, he was getting irritated.

He didn't like how Yoongi was behaving. It kind of hurt his alpha's pride by seeing an omega running away from him.

"Is the tea not good? Can I brew you a coffee then?" Park Seokjin asks while getting a new cup. He wasn't sure what was going on with his mate's friend, but he was told to treat Jungkook as a family member by his alpha.

"N-No, I am fi-"

"Hyung, can I get a coffee please, I am just feeling a head ache and I re-"

Yoongi closed his mouth when he saw the person sitting in the dining table. He wondered how he couldn't find the scent of Jungkook. Had he known he wouldn't have come down to the kitchen.

Of course because for the past few days, Jeon Jungkook have been wearing scent blockers since Yoongi always left whenever he smelt his scent.

It felt like it's been really a long time for Jungkook since he last saw his omega Yoongi. The small omega was looking so cute with fluffy hair. He could clearly see that Yoongi had got up from his nap.

An awkward smile played over the alpha's lips which didn't go unnoticed by Park Jimin.

"Okay, please sit. Hyung will make one for you." When Jin was about to stand up he was stopped by his brother.

"N-No." Yoongi says while looking between Jungkook and Seokjin nervously.

"No? But you just said you needed one." Park Seokjin was genuinely confused by his brother's behavior.

"I-I am alright now. I-I just need to sleep."

"Wait, Yoongi!" Without listening to his brother's concerned voice, Yoongi ran to the upstairs leaving a worried Seokjin.

"Alpha, do you mind if I go after him? He is always not like this."

A heavy sigh left Jungkook's lips by seeing the omega once again running away from him. He was getting frustrated by it.

"There's no need for that, Pumpkin. I found the reason why."

"You did? What happened?"

Jungkook's eyes widened in shock and he shook his head as a signal to Park Jimin to not reveal it out to Seokjin since he was Yoongi's brother. But the smirk on Jimin's lips said him another story.

"Jungkook and Yoongi had a fight." Jeon Jungkook closed his eyes with exhaustion because he knew he was in for interrogation from Park Seokjin.

"Is that true? Why did you guys have fight? I thought he behaved well when we were on vacation. Please tell me, I will make sure to teach him some lessons."

"N-No, the problem is with me." Oddly Park Jimin was enjoying this conversation. He always advised Jungkook to keep his dick in his pants and wait for the right omega. But now he knew what the problem was about.

"I like Yoongi!" Jungkook confesses and shut his eyes tight in fear that Park Seokjin was going to get mad but he received no response. So he opened his eyes to see the omega and Jimin smiling at him weirdly.

"What? Are you not going to hit me?"

"I wish I could. But unfortunately I had already told your interest on Yoongi to my mate. So we aren't surprised by your confession." A giggle left Seokjin's lips who was nodding his head and softly sat over Jimin's thick thighs.

"Yoongi is not like me or any other omega out there. You probably know that by now. He is bratty and sometimes sensitive. I don't know what happened between you guys to fight but I will talk with him."

Jeon Jungkook eyes turned into a hopeful one while Jimin was proudly caressing his mate's waist who looked so cute while talking some serious matters.

He gave signal for Seokjin to go for his brother who obediently walked up the stairs by leaving two alphas to discuss the regarding matter.

Park Seokjin's heart broke when he heard his brother's sobs outside the bedroom. Without hesitance he walked in and embraced his little brother who was snuggling the pillow and crying.

"Baby, what happened?" Jin used his sweet voice while hugging his brother who was hiccuping a little along with his tears.

"H-Hyung, I hate alphas. Why we omegas should be pure when alphas have fun? Aren't we supposed to do stuffs like that too?"

Park Seokjin chuckles by hearing the silly question. He softly held Yoongi's head and cupped those chubby cheeks which was red from the crying.

"If  you think having fun is partying, it's wrong. Our alphas may be bad, but as omegas we are supposed to change them and not leave them. I don't know what happened between you and Jungkook. But I respect him for keeping his boundary with you since you are younger.

The past doesn't matter, Yoongi. The present is what matters. If you trust him, let him inside your heart. I am sure he would understand if you reject him.

But just remember that you have Hyung's blessings. And whatever decision you take, I will be with you, okay?

Park Seokjin gently wiped the tears off and ruffled Yoongi's hair whose lips were trembling. He softly nodded and laid on his brother's lap who was softly brushing his hair and singing a lullaby for Yoongi.

Surprisingly, Park Yoongi starts to drool and snore a little while clutching to his brother's lap and sleeping like a baby.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now