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"Jimin, calm down your voice." Park Taehyung warned his son who was walking back and forth in their living room while shooting his questions.

"Calm down? No I won't. I don't know who the fuck he is. And you just want me to marry some stranger?" Jimin groaned in irritation and looked at his father Park Hoseok, who was sitting calmly while sipping his tea.

He knew that most werewolves find their mates on their own. But to his luck he didn't come across such omegas that his wolf wanted. But never did he expect he would get into an arranged marriage. That was the least he wanted to do.

After his return from the club, Jimin made sure that he got some good sleep. He didn't want to create a fuss after getting drunk infront of his parents. He waited for the dawn to clear his doubts.

"I don't know how he will be. He may be ug-

OH MY!! HE IS BEAUTIFUL." Jimin was jaw dropped when his father Park Taehyung showed the photo of his future mate in his phone. He couldn't blink his eyes neither divert it. The beauty in the pictured had captured his heart.

He was almost drooling by looking at the ethereal person on the phone. His small hands reached for his father's hands and took it from his hold. Jimin couldn't help but smirk by seeing his groom. He was damn sure the boy was submissive.

Submissive for him.

"You think he is ugly?" Jimin's ears went numb to his father's question. He was too busy in admiring the facial features of his mate.

"Told you." Park Hoseok said casually and placed the empty cup on the table. He snapped his fingers making his son turn his attention to him.

"Your father and I will never do something without considering your future. He is a male and a healthy omega who would be perfect to give heirs for our Park family."

Jimin was damn sure that their babies would be more beautiful with this beauty being their mother.

Taehyung walked towards his son and placed his hands on his shoulder before speaking.

"His name is Kim Seokjin. He turned eighteen few days before. And he haven't had his first heat. So it may take time for you to mate intimately but your father and I wanted him to be our son-in-law. What do you say?"

Jimin gave his eye smile making his fathers chuckle by his face. They knew their son very well.

"You said they didn't show their son." Jimin questioned his father before sending the photo to his phone.

"Yes, and we used our power to make them do it. I knew you will not accept unless you see it through your eyes." Taehyung said and sat with his husband and signaled their son to sit opposite to them.

"And don't show your arrogance to him. He isn't aware of the outside world." Jimin furrowed his eyebrows by the sudden words.

"What do you mean father?"

"What Tae means is that, the Kims family were protective over their sons. Since he is a male omega, they home schooled their sons without letting them out of their house."


"Yes, Kim Seokjin is the eldest, and Kim Yoongi is 17 the youngest. They both are male omegas." Jimin wasn't paying attention to their second son, since his eyes were struck on his beauty.

"So, don't try to pull some stunts and make him scare away. He is too innocent and you need to be careful with him." Jimin nodded like a good boy and was already busy in imagining his future with this boy.

It turned him on even more by thinking that his mate was younger than him. His innocent alpaca eyes did something to his dick. He didn't know how he was going to control himself from not jumping on this beauty. But he knew that he needed to gain trust from his mate.

"I wonder how you know about this family." Jimin asked his father while making sure to save his lock screen with his mate's photo.

"Well, Kim Jackson, your mate's father is Hoseok's best friend." Taehyung said making Hoseok chuckle. Jimin kind of found it funny by seeing his parents being so cute.

"Jackson and I were friends since high school. He kind of got bullied since he was an omega and I saved him. I helped him with money and he helped me with studies. We became best buddies and at one point in time, we made a promise to make our children get married to each other."

"Wow, so you always had plan on this marriage?"

Jimin asked his father who in return gave a heart shaped smile.

"Yup. He called me few days ago to inform that his son had reached eighteen. Since our laws states that omegas should be legally eighteen to get married, we both waited for this day."

"Never knew you had this much plan behind my back." Taehyung pouted making his husband coo at his mate. Hoseok kissed those pouty lips and was gifted with a boxy smile from his husband.

"Money doesn't matter, Jimin. We are rich enough to serve for five more generations. All I want is grand children. And I knew that Jackson's son would be perfect for you. Being the alpha, you must protect him." Jimin gave a sweet nod and got up from his place. He never had an idea of getting married until 27.

But with this beauty, he was ready to get into commitment. He had waited these many years for his mate, and he could wait till he gets his heat.

With a light bow, Jimin left the Vhope couple by going to his bedroom with a big smile on his face.

"Oh my, look at his face. He is so happy." Taehyung clapped his hands like a seal by seeing their son being all bubbly. Jimin never showed his happy side to anyone. He always reserved it for nothing. But seeing him like this made Vhope's heart feel peace.

"We did the right decision, Tae. He sure is going to learn the art of patience." Hoseok teased his son making his husband flick his forehead.

"Shut up. But I feel like this Jin boy is not aware of all these werewolves stuffs." Taehyung whispered while looking at his son-in-law's photo on his phone.

Hoseok gave a heavy sigh while leaning on his sofa by rubbing his temples. He was aware of his son's arrogant behavior and he so badly wanted him to change.

And he knew that getting Kim Seokjin married to Park Jimin would be the best decision to change his son's behavior.

Jimin was on his bed while looking at his future husband. His small fingers were slowly tracing the outline of the facial features of his mate and a smirk played on his lips.

"Kim Seokjin. You are in for a treat baby." Jimin whispered while slowly reaching his hands inside his sweatpants to touch himself.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now