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Park Jimin could feel his blood boiling by witnessing the scene of his mate shaking hands with an alpha. He knew that Jin was innocent but he also hated how other alphas tried to use it for their own advantage.

And strangely Jimin could feel Jin's strong lavender scent in the crowd. For the past few days, he could feel the scent hitting his nostrils stronger than before. And his mate was glowing beautifully among the crowd.

"So, a male omega? Aren't they rare?" Jimin tried so hard not to roll his eyes by his guest's question.

"Well, they are. But I am lucky that my parents found someone suitable for me, Kai." Jimin firmly said and earned a smirk from Kai's lips.

Kim Jong-in was his name but he loved to go by the name Kai. An important member in Jimin's club who also shares a small profit from his fashion design company. Though Jimin wasn't fond of the other, he didn't have any other choice but to be friendly with this guy.

"Now if you will excuse me." With that Jimin walked away from Kai who shrugged his shoulders and started to drink from his glass. Jin's body stiffened when he scented his mate's scent.

Oddly Jin could differentiate his mate's scent from the other. He didn't know how, but he felt ease by scenting his mate's one instead of other disgusting scents.

"Oh Jimin, there you are. You are one fucking lucky guy." Chanyeol exclaimed happily by sensing Park Jimin walking towards them. Jimin forced a smile and turned his attention to his mate who was biting his lips nervously.

"I want to borrow my mate for sometime." Without waiting for other's reply, Jimin held Jin's hands that were fidgeting with his dress shirt. Jin followed Jimin like a lost puppy and he carefully tried not to bump into anyone.

He looked back to see his brother Yoongi continuing to have conversation with the same alpha. He wasn't sure what was going on with his brother, but he decided to speak with him after the ceremony.

Jin felt little relieved finally having some peace after standing in the crowd place. He felt giddy by smelling the bedroom. Everything screamed Park Jimin. He could smell cinnamon strongly and he felt safe around it.

Jin had never visited Jimin's bedroom since he found himself staying with his brother. But now looking at the big bedroom, he knew that he had to sleep here after their wedding. He turned his attention to his mate who was frustratingly pulling his hair back.

"Jin, there are few things that you need to know because you are MY MATE." Jimin stressed the last two words making Jin to nod with a loud gulp. He didn't know what he had done wrong, but he was sure that his alpha was mad at him.

"Now why did you shake your hands with a stranger?" Jin was taken aback by the question. He didn't know that he was being noticed by his Alpha, but his omega squealed in joy by seeing alpha being possessive.

"I-I was being polite, Alpha." Jin whispered when Jimin's eyes turned smaller by the confession. Jimin knew that Jin doesn't know to lie.

"I trust you, Jin. But you can't just go around and let other people to touch you. Okay?" Jin was in confusion by listening to his mate's explanation.

"I-I don't understand, Alpha." Jimin had to be patient if he was supposed to mate with Jin. And so Jimin said to himself to take the matters in his hands.

"Have you learned about good touch and bad touch? Did your parents not talk about it?" Jimin carefully asked while walking towards Jin. His mate was deep into his thoughts that he forgot how close Jimin was.

Jin flinched a little when he found Jimin's hands on his broad shoulders. Jin could feel his stomach being tingly and he felt weird. He was not aware of differences between touches. In all his life, he had touched his brother and parents. But listening to his mate, Jin shook his head negatively.

"I am your mate, Jin. And I will teach you okay?" Jimin spoke like he was talking to a child. But indeed Jin was a baby who had no idea about anything. He found himself sitting on the bed with Jimin in front of him.

Jin flinched when Jimin rubbed his hands on his thighs. Jin closed his eyes tightly by feeling his mate's hands on his thighs. He felt weird and he wanted more.

"I-I feel weird, alpha." Jin murmured by gaining a soft chuckle from Jimin. Park Jimin was enjoying the sight of his mate who was getting lost in his touch. He slowly brought his hands to those puffy cheeks and caressed it making Jin to open his eyes.

"Only I am allowed to touch you like this, got it? I am your mate, and my responsibility is to protect you and take care of you. You can't let any one to touch you, even if it's a simple handshake you should reject it."

Jin nodded like a good boy and he pouted when Jimin retrieved his hands back. Jin's omega mewled by the loss of his mate's touch.

"It's a bad touch if someone touches you, Jin. You should not allow them. My touch is a good touch because I am your mate." Jin finally started to realize what was good and bad touch.

He knew that after mating his whole self will be submitted to his alpha. It was his Alpha's to wreck, worship and take care of him.

"Y-Yes, but can my parents touch me?" Jin asked innocently making Jimin to control his giggle. He slowly nodded and he knew that there were more to come.

"My brother?"

Again a simple nod.

"Park alpha and father Taehyung?"

"Yes , yes and yes. Our family will never hurt you or your brother, Jin. We are here to protect you." Jin's eyes widened when Jimin held his fingers and slowly made Jin to trace Jimin's chest.

"And the rule goes for me too. Only you can touch me. I am yours fully, just like you are mine. Got it?"

Jin bit his lips shyly and nodded while tracing his crooked fingers on Jimin's clothed chest. He placed his hands on the chest and smiled by feeling the heart beats. Jimin held Jin's hands and brought it to his plump lips.

Jin followed the action and blushed red when Jimin kissed every knuckles of Jin without breaking the eye contact.

A slight knock on the door made Jimin to growl lowly with Jin giggling softly by his Alpha's impatience.

"Son, it's about to sign the marriage paper."

It was the law that the couples were supposed to sign the wedding papers on their engagement day. Once they signed, they become a married couple. And the newly married couple can take their time to mate and officially become mates through mating mark.

Jin and Jimin got up with hands intertwined together. Although Jin's hands looked bigger than Jimin's, it was obvious that who was dominant in their relationship.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now