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Jeon Jungkook was rolling his tongue inside his cheek by looking at Kim Yoongi being all giggly with Alpha Chanyeol. He almost growled at the omega who tried to kiss his neck to catch his attention. He didn't like how the gummy smile was flashing at other alpha but not him.

His hands were fisting tightly and tried to control his anger to stop releasing pheromones. But he lost his shit when he saw Chanyeol ruffling Yoongi's smoothy hair. That was enough for Jungkook to snap out.

Kim Yoongi was feeling little comfortable with Chanyeol who was trying to cheer him up. Though he could feel his flirty tone, Yoongi couldn't imagine him as a potential mate. His omega perked up when they felt the scent of rainfall.

Scent that belonged to Jeon Jungkook.

He lightly gulped and tried to not show off his fear. He could feel the alpha's presence right behind him and by the look of Chanyeol he was sure that Jungkook was angry.

"I need Yoongi for a minute, Chanyeol. Find some other omega in the mean time~" Jeon Jungkook sounded harsh but before he could hear an answer from Chanyeol, Yoongi was being pulled by the alpha. He didn't know where they were going, since Jungkook was taking him away from the party.

Although Yoongi wanted to shout at the alpha for holding his wrist tightly, their omega loved the touch on their skin. He decided not to speak since he didn't want to trigger Jungkook's anger further more. But heck he wasn't sure why the alpha was being grumpy in the first place.

Yoongi's eyes widened when Jungkook pushed him to the bathroom and locking it behind. When the omega was about to question, he was being pulled up from the floor and being manhandled by Jungkook.

He felt blush creeping on his cheeks, when Jungkook placed him on the sink and growled in warning when he started wiggling. Before he could raise his voice, his lips were sealed against those bunny lips.

Kim Yoongi moaned by the sudden pressure on his lips, but his omega howled happily by the intense make out. Jungkook was busy in savoring Yoongi's lips while holding the cheeks gently. His alpha was going crazy and he placed himself in between the omega's thighs who wrapped around his ass beautifully.

Jungkook groaned when Yoongi whimpered by the pain in his bottom lips. The sudden gasping gave chance for Jungkook to enter his mouth. Their tongues were dancing together with saliva drooling over Yoongi's lips. The omega was new to this, and Jungkook clearly enjoyed it. He was the first to do this to the omega, and his alpha howled proudly.

They were smooching and sucking on each other's tongue loudly. Jungkook's hands were roughly sliding on Yoongi's sides and holding the petite waist tightly. Yoongi didn't know where to keep his hands so he fisted his hands over Jungkook's coat and his head was spinning by the immense pleasure.

He would have passed out had Jungkook not holding him on the sink. His legs were trembling and he felt weird in his stomach by how rough his alpha was kissing them. The making out session lasted for few more minutes and they both were gasping for air. Jungkook and Yoongi were panting heavily while placing their foreheads together.

Jeon Jungkook growled by seeing the fucked up look of Kim Yoongi. His lips were swollen and saliva still drooling from his mouth. Jungkook stuck his tongue out and licked the drool making Yoongi to whimper by the action.

"W-Why are you doing this to me?" Jungkook caressed Yoongi's soft cheeks which was wet from his saliva. Kim Yoongi was genuinely confused by the question.

"What did I do? You are the one who have been ignoring me like I don't exist." The pout was evident in the omega's lips. But Jungkook frowned and he softly leaned back to realize what he had done. He moved away from the omega who whined by the loss of touch.

Jungkook frustratingly pushed his hair back and adjusted his coat since his manhood was standing proudly after the intense make out session. He looked at the omega who was sitting on the sink quietly waiting for an answer.

"Yoongi, y-you are young."

"I am not a kid. I am almost eighteen." Jungkook chuckled by seeing the pout. Yoongi was literally looking like a baby by folding his hands against his chest.

 "Yeah right, you are not."

"Tell me why you are distancing yourself from me? I-It hurts you know." Jeon Jungkook growled by the constant questions. He was not ready to open up, but hearing Yoongi being hurt makes his alpha frown.

"Whenever I am near you, my alpha is going crazy. My fangs are aching to bite the skin of yours. But you still haven't had your heat, and I don't want to ruin you."

"If I ever have heat, I want you to take care of me."

"What?" Jeon Jungkook was clearly shocked by the confession. He couldn't believe what he heard.

"M-My omega and I are whining for you. Don't you see that?"

"I am sorry, this is new for me." Jungkook sighs. He was aware that Yoongi was innocent and he didn't want to take advantage of the omega. So he continues. "I-I am not a good person, Yoongi. I have been with many omegas before."

"W-What?" The longing eyes suddenly turned into disappointment. Now Yoongi could understand why so many omegas were throwing themselves at Jungkook.

The room became awkward silence with only the sounds of their breaths. After what felt like hours, Yoongi broke the ice.

"You know what, you are right. Y-You don't deserve me. Now put me down, I-I need to go." Jungkook could see the tears brimming in the omega's eyes. His heart broke by seeing the vulnerable omega.


"I said put me down." Yoongi tried to sound confident, but deep inside he was feeling weak. He didn't want to look at Jungkook's eyes anymore. He was heart broken after hearing the alpha he had been crushing for has been with several omegas before.

Jungkook was shocked to see the new side of Yoongi. But he couldn't blame the omega though. With a heavy heart, the alpha helped Yoongi to get down from the sink. He licked his lips nervously and saw his own reflection in the mirror.

He felt ashamed by seeing himself. Yoongi who was about to open the bathroom door looked over his shoulders to find Jeon Jungkook already looking at him achingly.

"I-I am just an idiot to have feelings for you." Was all Yoongi said before leaving a messed up Jeon Jungkook who was punching the wall by growling loudly.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now