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Park Jimin was feeling blessed. Never in his life had he thought he was a lucky guy. But looking at his beautiful omega who was eating cutely with wide alpaca eyes, he knew that he was lucky.

Kim Seokjin was no longer a Kim. He became Park Seokjin. And he was eating whatever his alpha was feeding. Park Jimin could spend his entire day by looking at his omega eating fully.

Finally, this cutie pie was his omega. And Only HIS.

The Jinmin couple had been spending the last five days in their bed by making love. Since Seokjin's heat had hit, Jimin being the good alpha took care of his mate and did everything best for him. He had brought passed out Seokjin to the bathtub and helped him wash away the cum from all over the body.

Although his alpha was feeling sad by looking at the cum going wasted, he knew that there were enough cum inside Seokjin's puffy hole. They both were lazily kissing on their bed with their tangled legs.

Only few minutes before they came out of their bedroom, since Jin heard his stomach growling in hunger. So Jimin had picked up his mate in his arms and made his omega to sit on the kitchen counter.

"Alpha~" Seokjin pouted when Jimin was playfully acting like he was feeding the grapes but only to pull it back right away. His omega was whining cutely by seeing the alpha not giving the food. But his eyes widened when Jimin put half grape between his teeth and leaned forward towards Seokjin's lips.

"Come on, baby~ Bite it~" Jimin murmured and brought other half of the grape to Seokjin's plump lips. If anything Jin had learned about his mate, it would be the other was horny 24/7. But he never complained. Because he was horny too. But only for his alpha.

For the last five days, Jin had learnt how to give hand jobs, blow jobs and ride his alpha's dick.

With a heavy blush, Seokjin opened his mouth and let his alpha to feed the grape through his lips. Soon he could feel his Alpha Jimin pushing the grape along with his tongue and encouraging him to suck it.

Being a good omega, Seokjin started to chew the grape and sucked on Jimin's tongue. Jimin was already getting hard by how well his mate was kissing him. He was a quick learner, and Park Jimin loved it.

He placed his hands on Jin's bare thighs and slowly his hands were creeping down on Jin's naked ass.

Oh did I mention that both were naked? Of course they both were spending their time by making love, and dress was never needed since it would be thrown away anyways.

Seokjin yelped by the sudden intrusion, but he wrapped his arms around his mate's neck and his legs around Jimin's perfect round ass. He pulled his mate towards him and moaned when he felt Jimin's thick cock poking right at his entrance.

"Alpha~" Seokjin moaned when Jimin started to trail kisses all around the perfect jawline. He could feel the saliva all over his face, but he loved every bit of it.

The omega was getting impatient, so he tried to shift his hips to find some friction. Jimin growled lowly making his omega to purr by the sound. Their hands were roaming all over each other's body, and Seokjin was busy in trying to put the cock inside his red puffy hole.


"Oh my, Can I get this? This? And what about this? Oh please I want this!"

Omega Yoongi was excited all over by looking at the clothes section that were on display. He had never seen or visited such a big mall since his parents never allowed them outside. Since male omegas were very rare, their parents always kept them away from the society.

After him pleading Jungkook, the alpha had brought him to a big shopping mall. The dresses were designed by their company and this also belonged to Parks. So everyone knew to maintain distance away from them.

Alpha Jungkook was loving the sight of their omega jumping in joy by just looking at clothes. He knew that Yoongi would look beautiful in anything he wears. Even without clothes he would be beautiful.

"Shit, Shut up Jungkook!" Jungkook shook his thought and cursed himself for having such dirty thoughts. With a wide grin, when he was about to reply Yoongi, he was hit by a scent. And a familiar scent.

"Oh my god Jungkook!! What a surprise!" A beautiful female omega walked to Jungkook who instantly rolled his eyes in annoyance. Of course he remembered this woman. He had one night with her, and when she asked for his number, he politely declined. And now here she was thirsting over him with lustful eyes.

"Irene, hey!" Jungkook greeted awkwardly because he always hated to come across people whom he had bedded with. He never wanted anything more than sex. When the female omega was about to hug him, he stopped it by placing his hands infront of their chests.

"Wow, still a 'No' for me?" Irene batted her eyelash to make it look cute but though Jungkook found it cute at that time, now he found it annoying.

All these while, Yoongi who was busy in jumping excitedly went silent when he saw how close another omega was with Jungkook. He could feel his omega whining and tugging him to get their alpha and claim them.

Suddenly Yoongi came out of sense and shook his thoughts. This Alpha was out of his league, he must be happy that they were allowing in their house to stay.

Omega Yoongi was biting his lips with a pout by seeing Alpha Jungkook busy in talking with the female omega. He never once glanced at him and it made his inner wolf howl sadly. Yoongi couldn't take the scene by them being close, so he stomped his foot and went to use restroom to cry.

His shopping mood was gone. He placed all the chosen clothes on the near by sofa and started to cry while running to the restroom. And that's when he understood that, he never knew where restroom was. His wide teary eyes were searching for any signs and thankfully he found one in the corner of the mall.

He harshly wiped his tears and tried to console his omega which was urging him to back to their alpha.

"Not our alpha, you stupid." Park Yoongi said firmly to his omega and ran to the bathroom to see several wash basin. He immediately washed his teary face, and still tears were forming. He knew that he was not interested in alpha Jungkook. But why did his heart and omega longed for him?

"Why is  such a beautiful omega crying?"

Yoongi heard a dark voice making him gulp hard. He slowly looked up in the mirror with wet face to see a tall alpha eying him with a dirty smirk which almost made omega Yoongi to throw up.

'Oh no, What have I done? Jungkook Alpha~' Yoongi mentally cursed himself for running away from one person who would protect him.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now