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"Aghh! Why are you following me everywhere?" Yoongi was pissed by the Alpha Jungkook who was giving him no rest time. Wherever Yoongi laid his eyes on, he saw Jungkook being there with a bunny smile. He felt like he was trapped and it was suffocating him.

"You are just everywhere wherever I go."

"Yeah, and I am not an idiot to believe that. You are the worst stalker I had ever come across."

Yoongi huffed out his breath and sat on the kitchen table with a big pout. It's been a week since his brother Seokjin had gone for honeymoon. And there were no information about him. But he was sure that his brother-in-law would take care of his sibling very well.

He was in love with Park's house and everyone were very caring and lovely. Omega Taehyung and Alpha Hoseok always looked out for him and made sure that he had eaten. Everything was perfect except this one.

Alpha Jungkook.

He wasn't dumb to not notice the alpha literally following him everywhere. He had been behaving suspicious right after the engagement party. First, he growled at every alphas who tried to talk with him, and now he was not getting any messages from Alpha Chanyeol who had promised him to talk with him.

"You had dinner?" Alpha Jungkook casually asked while filling his plate with spaghetti and sauce. Yoongi was obliged to answer every question since his parents had warned him to not be a brat.

"Yes. All I do is eat, sleep and get fat." Yoongi said with a heavy sigh, and leaned back on his chair by placing his hands on his belly. He softly looked at his stomach that was having a little bulge which was healthy fat from all the food and snacks he had eaten.

A chuckle left Jungkook's lips and when he turned back to see Yoongi, his alpha growled possessively by seeing the sight. Something primal hit him, when he saw the omega fondly rubbing the belly. He could feel his alpha urging him to claim the omega right now. But he shook his thoughts and he controlled his inner wolf.

Jungkook silently sat beside Yoongi and started to dig the delicious food. The omega was having a disbelief by seeing the alpha not commenting for his statement.

"Aren't you gonna say that 'No, you are not fat. You look beautiful as always'?" Alpha Jungkook immediately started to cough out loud by the unexpected question. When Yoongi's omega was urging him to comfort the alpha, he was stubborn and did not move from his place.

Jungkook took the tissue and wiped his mouth before drinking some water. He turned his head to the omega who was looking cute with the pout. It reminded him of a cute little kitten.

"I never thought my words meant anything to you. But if it makes you any happier, let me say. You are not fat, and you just look healthy and ripe."

"R-Ripe? What am I? A fruit?"

Jungkook immediately cursed for the usage of words. He knew that alphas usually mentions about ripe for their mates who were about to get into heat and looking healthy for carrying pups. He didn't know why his alpha had mentioned that word casually to Yoongi who didn't even liked him in the first place.

He knew that Jin and Yoongi were innocent omegas who were unaware of such things. He didn't want to spoil the innocence of this omega. So Jungkook cleared his throat and started to dig his food by ignoring the stare from Yoongi.

"Great, now you ignore me. I wish Alpha Chanyeol messages me. Aghh!! I want to be mated." Yoongi flinched softly when he heard a loud growl echoing in the kitchen. He immediately turned his head to Jungkook who was tightly holding the chopsticks.

Omega Yoongi gulped loudly by looking at the alpha Jungkook who was trying to calm down his inner alpha. He breathed a deep sigh, and turned his head to the omega who was having wide eyes by the blood red eyes that was displaying on Jungkook's iris.

Yoongi could hear his omega whining as in an apology for their alpha since they were the reason for Jungkook to be getting mad. And luckily, the alpha accepted the apology and soon the red eyes changed to normal brownish one.

The kitchen was silent with only sound of Jungkook chewing the food was there. Yoongi was uncomfortably shifting in his seat and he was getting bored. His parents had already gone to their old house, and omega Taehyung and Alpha Hoseok were always busy.

He had only been seeing Alpha Jungkook everyday, and he wanted to get some fresh air. He knew that with his attitude he could never convince his alpha.

Not his alpha. No.

So he cleared his throat and turned his body towards Jungkook with an innocent eyes. Jungkook could feel the stared on him, but he was mad at Yoongi for mentioning another alpha's name in his presence.


No response.

"Alpha Jungkook~"

Jungkook was merely melting by the honey dripped voice of Yoongi. He knew that the omega had already planned something since he would never address him this sweetly. With a light groan, Jungkook put his chopsticks down and looked at Yoongi only to get dumbstruck.

To be honest, Omega Yoongi was beautiful. He was small, cute eyes, small nose and pouty lips and his pale face with lighted pink cheeks gave him a glow to his body. Jungkook had never seen such a pretty omega before. He had been with many female omegas, but no one could stand with this beauty.

His alpha was sure that Yoongi was the one. He was only his. But Jungkook was not very good in terms with his inner wolf.

"What is it, omega?"

The eagerness in Yoongi's eyes lighted up even more by hearing Alpha Jungkook's question.

"I am bored. Can you take me out, please? I-I want some fresh air. Pretty please?" Yoongi used his cute voice with innocent puppy eyes and with a pouty lips. Jungkook could feel his heart beating fast by looking at the most beautiful sight infront of him.

How could anyone reject such a cutie? Jungkook was a gone softie for this Omega and he knew that it was going to be a big trouble for him in the future.

But Alpha Jungkook was ready to take the trouble if it was in the form of Omega Yoongi.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now