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Jungkook could feel a headache by the constant noise that Irene makes by thinking it sounded cute. But no, he was rubbing his temples and trying hard to not push the woman who was literally leaning over his shoulders with her breasts.

"Are you free? How about we share one night again?" And that was enough for Alpha Jungkook to snap out from his headache.

"Yeah thanks but no. I don't do twice with the same woman. And it was not the best one I had. Also I am here with someone, so ple-" Just when Jungkook looked for his omega Yoongi, his eyes widened in horror by finding no traces of him.

He immediately pushed the woman off and looked around the mall store only to end up in disappointment. His eyes locked with the clothes that were on the sofa. He rushed to the store counter and packed it before asking for the omega.

"If you don't mind, did you see the omega that I was with." The saleswoman who was a beta smiled at him softly before packing the clothes and providing him a small gift. Because it was their mall.

"Yes, sir. I saw him running away outside when you were talking with that woman."

'Shit' Jungkook's alpha was frustrated by knowing that they had lost their omega. Without bothered about the omega Irene who was yelling at him for pushing her off, he ran outside the store to see the mall little crowded.

He was losing his mind, since he couldn't find the scent of his omega. Yoongi hadn't had his heat, so he had no scent. Only when his heat was nearing, one could find his scent. His eyes were everywhere around the stores in the mall, but something deep inside said that he wouldn't be in any of the stores.

Suddenly his eyes caught the sign of 'Restroom' and his alpha perked up immediately. Without hesitating, Jungkook was already running to the bathroom that was in the end of the floor. When Jungkook entered, suspiciously it was silent. He looked at the cubicles which were some open and some closed.

He breathed in heavily and looked down only to growl loudly. There was a drop of blood, and something primal hit him.

'Our omega~Danger~'Alpha Jungkook's eyes turned red and he followed the traces of blood only to end up in a closed cubicle. In a blink, the door was cracked open by Jungkook and he went feral by the sight in front of him.

Omega Yoongi was kept knelt down and been tightly held against an alpha who was suffocating him by keeping his mouth closed and he could see his clothes being torn and some blood on his shoulders.

A loud growl escaped Jungkook's lips by seeing their omega in a vulnerable state. Omega Yoongi mewled happily with tears in his eyes from the pain on his injured shoulders. Before he could blink, the alpha who was hurting him was pulled up only to getting punched by Jungkook.

Yoongi whimpered by the actions, but he found some energy and moved behind his alpha Jungkook who was beating the men who was shredding lots of blood. After getting satisfied he pushed him off to see the alpha being passed out.

"No one dare to touch my omega~"

Jungkook leaned down and whispered in Alpha's ears before getting up to see a crying Yoongi. As an instant reaction, Jungkook hugged the omega who without hesitance returned the gesture. Yoongi was crying his heart out and he was thankful that Jungkook had come to rescue him. He was terrified by how violent that stranger was with him.

"Shhh~ it's okay, Omega. Your Alpha is here~" Jungkook whispered before placing a kiss on the side of Yoongi's head. Just when he was about to caress the smoothy hair, Yoongi flinched in pain by the touch on his shoulders.

Jungkook's alpha whined by seeing their omega in pain. He acted on his instinct and tried to pull the collar of Yoongi to see a bruise and nail scratches. It was red and some were not healed.

Yoongi almost moaned when he felt Jungkook's tongue licking his wound. It was said that, mate's wound could be healed by the saliva of their significant partner. And now Jungkook's alpha was in control, he wanted to heal their mate's injuries.

Jungkook's shirt was tightly held by omega Yoongi who was having his eyes closed and fisted his hands when he felt the wound getting healed. After few licks, Jungkook withdrew his tongue and looked at Yoongi with half hooded eyes.

The red eyes were long gone, and now brown eyes were blown bigger with lust and desire. Yoongi almost whimpered by the intense stare and sniffled his nose by all the sobs.

"Why did you leave? Didn't I tell you it's dangerous outside?" Though Jungkook wanted to sound harsh, he couldn't raise his voice against his omega. It was like almost a pleading and he was more afraid of losing his omega.

"Y-You were with that omega." Yoongi confessed with little shy, and he felt embarrassed for getting jealous. He couldn't look at Jungkook's face because he was damn sure that the other was smirking.

"Aww, is my omega jealous?"

"Not yours?" Yoongi retorted but only to whimper by the growl leaving Jungkook's lips. Omega Yoongi closed his eyes in pleasure when he felt a soft kiss on his forehead. They both let their foreheads touch each other and Jungkook's hands were busy in caressing Yoongi's face.

"Not yet~ But soon you will be mine~" Jungkook said firmly making Yoongi to purr by the confession. He could feel blush creeping on his cheeks. To hide it, the omega hid his face in the side of the neck of Jungkook.

They both were staying there for few more minutes, letting their inner wolves to calm down and feel peace after finding each other.

After finishing their shopping, Alpha Jungkook felt proud by seeing their omega Yoongi happily unpacking the clothes and things which he brought from the mall.

"So you got yourself one, huh?" Alpha Hoseok asked Jungkook who suddenly flinched by the voice. He awkwardly scratched his neck behind and felt a blush on his cheeks.

"Not sure, Uncle Hoseok. But my alpha says so." Jungkook and Hoseok were looking at Yoongi who was showing off his shopping clothes to omega Taehyung happily. Something stirred inside the omega's heart, and he slowly looked at the door to see Alpha Jungkook talking with Alpha Hoseok.

Kim Yoongi felt himself showing a gummy smile at the handsome alpha who was slowly starting to enter into his heart without any warning.


A/N: To be honest, I love Yoonkook in this story angels🙈🙈 They are side ship, but heck they are so underrated.

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