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Jin's POV:

Yoongi and I were in awe while looking at the palace in front of us. We had seen places like this in movies and books. But in real I couldn't believe that I was going to live here in my future. I heard some coughing sound, and looked at my side to see Park Alpha smiling at me.

These Parks are nothing like I had read in my books. This couple were lovely and so adorable. Especially Park Taehyung, he looked like a cute puppy.

I could sense some strong glare on me, and slowly I turned aside only to visibly gulp by the strong glance. There my alpha was standing with his hands in his pocket without removing his glance at me.

I could see him boring glances at me, and his beautiful plump lips turned into smirk. I didn't know what to do.

I had never seen any alphas before after my father. But this guy whom my parents told me that he was my mate, was looking beautiful. I felt my body growing hot and immediately I shifted my eyes from those powerful eyes that gave me shivers.

I looked at my side when I felt someone tugging my shirt. A smile plastered on my face when I saw Taehyung looking at the palace with wide eyes.

"Hyung, are we going to live here?" Yoongi asked me huskily making me wonder the same.

Are we going to spend our lives in this palace? I was afraid of ruining this beautiful palace already. Before I could speak, I stiffened when I hear Park Alpha voice.

"Your brother and you are going to be here, Yoongi. Now why don't we go in and we will show your rooms."

Yoongi and I nodded to his answer and we kept our heads down in respect to his words. When I looked up I saw their faces frowning little.

"Please don't think you are low just because you are omegas. My husband is an omega, and I treat him like a prince. So I don't want you to keep your heads down just because of those stupid statuses. In this family everyone are equal."

I didn't know why, but I felt happy when I heard those words. My parents have always taught to keep some distance and bow our heads when we see any alphas. But these Parks were like from those fantasy world. All are good and handsome.

I blushed when I thought about the word handsome. I have always imagined my handsome Prince like all those Princess stories. I felt my cheeks getting red by feeling some pairs of eyes on me.

I held my brother's hand and slowly turned aside to see my future Alpha boring his eyes at me. Why did his lips twitch in corner? It didn't looked like he smiled. I was lost into my thoughts and brought back to reality by my brother who was dragging me towards the house.

Should I call this as a house or a palace?

The place was so beautiful making me wonder that I could break something just with a small touch. The big chandelier on the hall and the white walls were looking so pretty. I could hear some soft chuckles coming from back, and I turned around to see Park Appa and Omega father looking at me with eyes full of love.

"Do you like it, honey?" Taehyung mother asked me making me blush.

Well who wouldn't like such a beauty?

"Y-Yes, it's just so pretty." I said in awe while looking at all the paintings on the walls.

"Not more than you." My eyes widened in shock when I heard the manly voice sending me shivers down my spine. I bit my lips nervously and looked back to see my future Alpha standing all casually with hands in his pocket.

Park Alpha and Taehyung appa giggled by his words.

"Stop making him feel uncomfortable, Jimin. Now why don't you show your mate the room which you and he will share?" That's all it took me to get in a shock. I was supposed to share the room with him? No one told me about this. I thought I was going to be with Yoongi, atleast until till I get mated.

I looked at my Alpha walking in front of me with a small, "Follow me." I looked around to see Yoongi busy in admiring the wall paintings. A gentle nudge from Taehyung father told me to follow him back.

With a heavy heart, I walked behind him while maintaining some distance. My father had told me not to be too close with anyone other than my mate. But still, the alpha before me was not my mate yet.

I followed him through the stairs and saw him stopping in front of a big white door decorated with golden words "PJM~PSJ". I gulped when I saw him turning his head towards me and showing me the angelic eye smile.

Wow I never knew a person like him could have such a beautiful smile.

"You like it?" I saw him asking me making me confused. I looked where his fingers were pointing and saw that he was talking about the words that were engraved on the door.

"Y-Yes. B-But what does it say?" Again I saw him giving me that smile making me feel weird. But good weird.

"PJM is Park Jimin, my name and PSJ is Park Seokjin, yours." I widened my eyes with shock. I-I don't have any memory of changing my first name.

"B-But I am Kim Seokjin." The moment I said those words I felt my future alpha growling lightly making me take one step backwards. I saw him closing his eyes like he was trying to control his self.

I licked my dry lips when I saw his beautiful blue eyes changing it's color to red and blue.

"You will soon be mine, Park Seokjin." The goosebumps started to creep on my body the moment I heard him claiming me.

"Y-Yes Alpha."

"Don't call me Alpha." I wondered my eyes everywhere while thinking about the names that I should call him. And suddenly I got an idea.

"Okay Minnie." I whispered and heard a soft chuckle from my future alpha.

"Minnie? It's cute. I like it." I felt my cheeks getting red by how soft his voice sounded. With a shy nod I walked behind him allowing him to show the room which I was going to spend with my future alpha.

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