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Jin was in euphoria when  Jimin started to pound into him slowly. The natural slick was making  Jimin easy to dive into Jin's hole. Jin wrapped his legs around  Jimin and pulled his alpha closer, in order to make Jimin go deeper.

"F-Fuck, So tight muffin."

Jimin groaned and  started to pick up his pace by holding Jin's waist tightly. He knew it  would leave marks, but neither of them cared.

"Ahhh alpha Alpha~" Jin  screamed in pleasure when Jimin's cock hit his special spot. Jimin  smirked and abused the spot again and again making Jin cry. The bedroom was filled with skin slapping sounds, with the balls hitting right against Jin's rim.

The slick and the cock made a squelching sound which sounded obscene. But the alpha and omega loved every bit of the intimacy.

Without knowing, Jin started to clench around his alpha's cock, making Jimin to growl louder.

"Fuck, muffin. Do it again. Clench your hole for me, baby. Y-Yes just like that. Fuck." Jimin never knew that having sex would be this intense. And with his omega underneath him, all spread out wide just for him made it even more sexy.

Jin was a moaning mess with drool sliding down from his lips. His thighs were trembling by how hard Jimin was slamming his cock inside him. Jimin's precum was already leaking and it combined with Jin's slick by making the thrust smoother.

Jin cried out in pleasure when he spurt his seeds for the nth time today making Jimin growl by the extra tightness. Jimin couldn't thrust inside his omega since Jin was clenching around him tightly. He slowed down his poundings and leaned down while wiping the sweat off from Jin's forehead.

"Shhh~ You are so good, omega. My beautiful omega. Don't hold back, let it go, muffin." Jimin whispered while his tongue was busy in tracing Jin's plump lips. Jin felt shy by how good his alpha was making him feel. H shifted down a little and wrapped his thighs around his alpha while caressing Jimin's face.

"Alpha, kiss me." Jin pouted with his plump lips making Jimin to coo at his baby. Who was Jimin to deny such a beauty?

With an eye smile, Jimin leaned down and claimed those lips which were asking him to kiss. Jin gasped loudly when he felt his alpha moving his his slowly while reaching his cock deep inside him. Jin was shaking by feeling Jimin fastening his thrust inside those wet insides.

The kiss was turning messy and filthy by using more tongue and sucking each other. Jin couldn't keep up with the kiss and he let his alpha to continue to wreck him. Jimin groaned lowly when he could feel his base swelling letting him know that the knot was forming.

Jimin deepened his kiss and started to pound into Jin mercilessly. The omega was moaning loudly and the saliva was making more messy with the kiss. Jin's omega whimpered when he heard his alpha's growling. Jin leaned back and turned his neck to submit his alpha.

Jimin increased his pace and thrust his cock right into Jin's prostate with no end. He  pounded his cock into his omega's hole hard and deep, each thrust made a squelching sound of the liquid making them both moan at the dirty yet hot scene.

The alpha let his fangs come out and growled loudly by seeing the unmarked neck. Without waiting, he let his teeth sink into the skin making Jin to cry in pleasure. The knot of Jimin was forming inside Jin, making the omega to squeal in joy by having their alpha's pups.

Jimin could feel the blood of his mate and he retrieved his fangs once he saw his mating mark on the flawless neck. Jin hugged his mate tightly while feeling himself cumming for the nth time. With last one full thrust, Jimin let his hot seeds flow deep inside his omega.

Jin whimpered by feeling weird sensation inside his ass, but his omega was mewling happily by feeling their alpha's cum inside them. Jimin licked on his mating mark, making sure that his mate was not feeling any pain.

Jimin knew that he can't move, since his knotting would take some minutes to cool down. He let his face drop on his mate's broad shoulder and regained his breath.

The bedroom was filled with panting and harsh breaths of the newly mated couple. Jin unconsciously rubbed his hands over Jimin's back, while trying to sooth his husband. Jimin's alpha purred by feeling his mate's soft touch.

After what felt like an eternity, Jimin released his cock from the tight walls, making Jin to hiss by the emptiness. He pouted by feeling the sudden feeling of not being full. He wanted to be stuffed with his mate's cock inside him forever.

The alpha placed a soft kiss on Jin's forehead and laid next to his mate. Jimin couldn't believe that now he was mated to the beauty eternally. He looked at his side to see Jin having his eyes closed and regaining his breath.

A soft smile plastered over Jimin's face, by thinking about this omega as his mate and husband. His eyes wandered over Jin's naked body and Jimin could feel his cock twitching at the sight. Jin's body was glistening with sweat, chest rising up and down, cum splattered all over his belly, the red marks on his waist by how tight Jimin was holding, his semi-hard cock, beautiful thighs, and the flawless feet.

Without saying anything, the alpha stepped out from the bed, making the omega to open his eyes. His inner omega whimpered by seeing their mate leaving them all alone in the cold bed. But soon the frown on Jin's face disappeared by seeing their naked alpha walking with a wet cloth.

Jin blushed by seeing the big and thick cock of his mate standing tall and hard. Though he wanted to have that feel again, his ass was sore and he couldn't move at all. The omega mewled lowly when Jimin wiped the cum on Jin's belly and cleaned him well.

It took few minutes for Jimin to clean his omega and placed the towel on the table before looking at his mate.

"You want to shower, muffin?" Jin felt himself blushing by the nickname. It did something to him and felt butterflies inside his stomach by how caring his alpha was.

"No alpha. Just you." Jin whispered and reached his hands for his mate to come and sleep beside him. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle by the cute response. Without replying to his mate, Jimin got into the bed with his omega cuddling him.

Jimin's fingers were busy in brushing his mate's hair, who was purring softly by the touch. Soon the newly mated couple felt themselves drifting off to sleep by cuddling each other.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now