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"You look like a Zombie, Jimin. What the fuck is wrong with you?" Jeon Jungkook choked on his drink when he saw his best friend Park Jimin walking inside their club and sitting beside him like a robot. The eye bags under his eyes, and the messed up hair and the puffy face which was pale confirmed that the other was tired.

Park Jimin sighed heavily before ordering a wine from the bartender. The moment his drink was served, he gulped in one go and scrunched his face by the taste of wine in his tongue. He leaned his head on the stool and groaned heavily after a glass.

His fingers were playing with the empty wine glass and all he could do was leave a deep breath.

"Try to babysit your pups, you will know my situation." And that statement made Jungkook to laugh out loud. The club was filled with loud music with several omegas and alphas dancing in the stage.

Even though, Jungkook's laughter couldn't be heard to all because of the music, Jimin threw the empty glass at his best friend who easily dodged perfectly.

Jeon Jungkook wiggled his eyebrows teasingly making Jimin to stuck his tongue out playfully. They took another glass of wine before clinking their glasses together and gulping in one go. After gulping down their drink, Jungkook chuckled by seeing his best friend.

"That's the reason why Yoongi and I are using protection. By the way have you ever heard of that word?

Because to me it seems like you forget to use it everytime you bed with your mate. And speaking of your mate, how is he coping up with his third pregnancy who I presume to be triplets, I guess?"

Park Jimin groaned loudly and hit his head on the table by thinking about his mate being grumpy and mad because of pregnancy hormones.

And he was damn sure that it was not because of pregnancy. Seokjin was using the Pregnancy card to snap at his Alpha and get mad. But Jimin loved it though. He was a sucker for his mate.

"He is doing okay. Just now I sang lullaby to him and our pups. And I just sneaked out of the bedroom after making sure that everyone had slept."

"I feel sorry for you, dude. But having five pups is hectic but as well as a blessing. Being parents always comes with lots of responsibilities. I am sure your cute little angels are making you happy."

Jimin snapped his head up and looked at his best friend in disbelief. If anyone in this world knew about Jimin's sufferings, it would be Jungkook.

Because when Seokjin delivered their first pup, it was a girl. They named their pup 'Minji' and he was sure that his baby was an alpha by how hard she hit him with her tiny fists. Within few months of their first born, Jimin went into rut. Which resulted with Seokjin to tend his mate's needs and help him.

And of course, having sex comes with an addition too when it's done without protection. Seokjin found himself pregnant with their second baby, when their first born was not even one year old. But Jimin had promised him that he would take care of their pup and also his mate.

Park Seokjin knew that his mate would keep his promise to his words. Jimin was the one who was having sleepless nights while taking care of their pup as well Seokjin who would cry for weird cravings. Sometimes, Jimin slept inside his baby's crib, when he tried to sing lullaby for their pup.

Jimin was on a roller coaster ride for those ten months. And thankfully, his mate gave birth to their second pup who also was a baby girl. They named their pup, Minsu because she was so quiet and sleepy all the time. They were sure, their second born was a omega. And everything was going smoothly.

Seokjin and Jimin loved to take care of their pups. Yes, it was a sudden but they were happy that they were blessed with two angels.

They loved them. Okay, Seokjin loved both of them. But Jimin felt like his first born pup disliked him.

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