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The journey to the Kims house was silent for the past few minutes. Jeon Jungkook was looking at Yoongi for time to time only to frown in disappointment by seeing his omega curled up in a ball and turning his back at him by looking out through the window.

In the start of their journey, the car was filled with faint sobs coming out from Yoongi's lips. Although Jungkook's alpha was urging him to hug the omega and comfort him by whispering sweet words, he controlled himself. He knew that Yoongi would definitely not like the idea of him touching the omega.

It was really tough for Jungkook to stop his alpha from jumping on his omega. Yoongi was looking so cute with the fluffy sweatshirt which had sweater paws making the omega to look so small. Jungkook wanted to protect him and keep him in his pocket and never let go.

He was feeling restless by seeing Yoongi giving silent treatment at him. Of course he deserved it, but this journey was for them to speak their hearts out and say one last goodbye. And Yoongi was not looking like he was going to start the conversation, so he decided to break the silence.

"A-Are you hungry, om- Yoongi?" Jungkook cursed himself for addressing Yoongi with his subgender. He knew that only alphas who claim certain omegas had the right to address them with status. He didn't want to call Yoongi as his omega, so he constrained himself from speaking out.

Jungkook released a heavy sigh when he heard no response. Thankfully, he stopped his car when he saw the red signal. He turned his face to his omega who was pouting deeply with red face.

"How could he expect me to stay away when he looks so cute and adorable like this?"

Jungkook's inner alpha was trying to scold Jungkook from not allowing them to mingle with their omega. With a loud gulp, he reached his shaky hands to touch Yoongi's shoulders only to jump lightly when he heard a horn sound from the car behind him.

"Shit~" Jungkook muttered a curse and looked at the signal light to turned into green. With a sigh, he drove the car further with a complete silence. Jeon Jungkook could feel his heart being heavy when he slowed down his car by seeing the Kims house in the destination.

He couldn't let his omega move away from him without talking with each other. So he took a deep breath and looked at his side to see Yoongi already unbuckling his seat belt. He could feel his heart beat raising by seeing his omega trying to get away from him as fast as possible.

"Thanks for everything, Alpha Jungkook." Jungkook frowned when he saw how Yoongi's face was with no emotions. He couldn't comprehend what the other was feeling or thinking.

"For what, Yoongi?"

Kim Yoongi looked down at his hands which was fidgeting with his sweatshirt material. He bit his lips while trying to control his tears that was forming in his eyes.

"For the ride. For telling me the truth. And for rejecting me. Now, my omega is peaceful and happy to move on from you. Because you gave me the reasons to not like you."

Jeon Jungkook's heart could feel a familiar pang by listening to Yoongi's words. Of course he had no say in this, because he was the one who rejected the omega. He was the one who pushed Yoongi away from him. But why was his alpha and him were feeling dejected by listening to their omega's words.

"A-Are you sure that you moved on from me?" Jeon Jungkook could feel his voice trembling while asking the question. He couldn't believe that Yoongi would throw away his love for him just like that.

Kim Yoongi looked at Jungkook with straight eyes making the alpha to almost gulp by how intense the stare was. It made his alpha to howl sadly by seeing the hurt in their omega's eyes. And he was the reason for that.

Innocent Groom | Jinmin (ABO) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now