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The Parks mansion was filled with lots of guests and the part had just started. After the arrival of Jinmin couple from the honeymoon, Park Hoseok decided to introduce the couple to all his friends. He had kept the wedding as simple with only few VIPs, so he wanted to introduce to a big circle.

That's the reason why Park Jimin and Park Seokjin were in the center of the attention. Everyone were praising the handsome son-in-law and how lucky Jimin was. Of course, Jimin was aware of his beautiful omega and how cute he is.

Park Jimin was never a fan of parties. And especially he could sense the anxious scent coming from his mate who was feeling nervous by the sudden crowd. His hands were possessively wrapped around Seokjin and soothing his sides softly. It kind of gave some relaxation for Jin who was thankful for his mate.

When all the attention was on the newly wedded couple, Park Yoongi was having his attention on the great Jeon Jungkook. The alpha who had been the reasons for his sleepless nights and weird dreams. He could hear his omega whining by seeing the said alpha chatting and laughing with bunch of female omegas surrounded by him.

He thought their relationship changed after the incident from the mall and the theater. But apparently not. Jungkook had been avoiding him like a plague ever since the newly wedded couples arrival.

It's been two weeks almost, and Yoongi rarely got to see Jungkook in their house. He didn't know why the alpha would behave differently like he didn't exist in the first place. Yoongi was gulping hard and his fingers were nervously fidgeting in his shirt with tears ready to shed on his beautiful face.

But he jerked lightly when he heard someone tapping on his shoulders. Yoongi looked over to find the alpha whom he had met during Jin's wedding.

"A-Alpha Chanyeol~" Park Yoongi was genuinely surprised to see this alpha once again. He was too lost in his thoughts about Jungkook that he forgot about a certain alpha who had been eying him ever since the party had started.

"You are getting pretty everytime I see you, Yoongi~" The omega couldn't help but give a genuine smile to the alpha's comment. No one had ever complimented him for his looks. He was used to see his brother getting compliment for his looks. But of course he was happy for his brother.

Yoongi also knew that his brother was the most handsomest and beautiful omega one could see. But he was different. He never likes to listen to others unlike Seokjin who is very obedient. And he always gets lessons on how to behave like a omega from his parents.

So he knew that no alpha would ever want him since most always wanted someone who was submissive. And now just when he was starting to have feelings for Alpha Jungkook, he understood that he was right. Jungkook was being good to him, because Jimin had said so. He wasn't interested in his omega ever.

"Thank you, you look handsome too~" Kim Yoongi found Chanyeol's shy smile to be cute. Soon they both started to have a conversation by being oblivious to someone who had been watching them laughing together.

Park Seokjin was feeling his legs jelly, so he asked permission from his mate to excuse himself. With a soft kiss on his forehead, Jimin took Jin to a table and pulled a chair for him. But just when he was about to sit, several people came to talk with Jimin. So he didn't have choice but leave his omega all alone.

But Jin's heart broke by seeing some female omega talking with his mate and touching his shoulder. He could feel a bubble forming in his throat by those beautiful omegas. His omega was whining loudly to be with their mate, but he didn't want to seemed to be clingy. He knew that his alpha had only eyes for him.

But he couldn't erase his insecurities by seeing his mate being close with other omegas. So he ran to his bedroom since he didn't want anyone to notice his tears. But little did he know what his Alpha was speaking.

"I have a beautiful,  and a caring husband. I don't need a slut like you. Now get your hands off me before I punch you. And I don't hesitate to hurt a woman." Park Jimin growled lightly making the female omegas to take few steps back. He was getting head ache, and decided to leave the party with his mate.

Just when he walked back to the place where he had left Jin, the seat was empty. And his alpha could clearly smell the distressing scent of his omega. He softly groaned and followed the scent of his mate only to stop outside his bedroom. The part was in the down hall, and thankfully their room was in the first floor.

His alpha growled lightly when they heard faint sobs coming from the other side of the room. Without knocking, he opened the door before closing it behind him. Seokjin who was curled up like a baby on the bed and crying by thinking about other beautiful omegas.

Park Seokjin jerked up when he heard the sound of the door closing. He immediately wiped his tears off and turned around to see Park Jimin sitting on the bed while softly rubbing his mate's legs which were shaking by the soft touch.

"Why did you leave without telling me, pumpkin?" The honey dripped voice of his alpha made Seokjin to almost tear up. His omega preened happily by thinking that their mate had looked up for them.

But Park Seokjin couldn't open his mouth since he was trying too hard to control his tears. But the powerful eyes of his mate made him to submit easily.

"I will ask you one more time, Park Seokjin. Why did you leave?" The hands that were rubbing his legs softly suddenly held a light grip on his calves in a strict manner. Seokjin knew he had to confess his feelings and with a pout and a light blush he looked at his handsome mate.

"Y-You said that I am not supposed to talk with others and not allow others to touch me. B-But those omegas were close to you. T-They even touched your shoulders. I didn't like how they were behaving. Was the rule only for me?"

Park Seokjin confessed with a whine and he wished the ground could swallow him right now. Sine his mate's eyes which were intensely looking at him suddenly softened. The hands which were holding the beautiful legs, reached for Jin's chubby cheeks making the omega to look at him.

"The rule applies for me too, pumpkin. I didn't like how they touched me either. Did you not see how I threatened them to fuck off."

Park Seokjin shook his head negatively since he didn't witness that. A soft smile played on Jimin's lips before kissing those pouty lips. He couldn't resist how cute his omega was when he is jealous.

"My body, my heart, my alpha everything belongs to only you, Park Seokjin. I don't need anyone when I have such a beautiful mate with me. I am happy that you confessed me but promise me you would never leave without telling me. Do you know how frustrated I was when I lost you?

Whatever it is let's talk with each other okay?" Park Seokjin giggled through his tears and cutely nodded to his mate. Park Jimin flashed his eye smile before capturing the plump lips to only groan by how tasty his omega was.

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