Chapter 22

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"You really wanna disrespect me?"

After Dinner, Harry had invited you and Draco to his dorm. He didn't say what for but you agreed to it nonetheless. The two of you were making your way to his dorm and knocked on the door lightly when you arrived.

Harry answered the door with a smile. "Right in time. Come in, come in" he said while motioning for the two to enter. You both obeyed and entered, you saw some familiar faces all sitting in a circle in the middle of the room.

Hermione, Ronald, Luna, Fred, George and Blaise.
You hadn't seen them in forever and it was quite surprising.

"Brilliant, everyone's here" Harry stated while sitting down in an empty spot in the circle. You and Draco did the same and caught up with everyone for a bit.

"I'm sure you're all wondering why you're here.." Harry started while pulling a bottle of what looked like Fire-Whiskey out from under his bed.

"Well, I figured we'd play a game of Truth or Dare, for old times sake" He finished while setting the bottle in the middle or the circle.

You'd never been invited to the Gryffindor Truth or Dare but that was only because you were a Slytherin at the time, still were but you were adults now.

"Sounds fun" Luna announced while having a dreamy smile on her lips, she hadn't changed a bit, it was soothing knowing that she didn't change.

"Brilliant, so if you get truth you have to answer truthfully, not lying, obviously. And dare you have to do the dare. Now, you can skip but you have to take a shot of the Fire-Whiskey if you choose to do so." He explained while looking around the circle to make sure everyone understood.

Draco seemed unimpressed but you just nodded your head and smiled. "Alright, I'll go first" he said while spinning the bottle. It landed on Luna.

The blonde smiled and looked up at Harry waiting for the question. "Truth or dare Luna?"

"Hmm, I'll go truth" She answered softly.

"Alright, hmm...who was your crush when you went to school here?"

"Neville, I have to admit that" she smiled and reached for the bottle.

"My turn" She spun the bottle and it landed on you. You cursed under your breath and looked up at the blonde.

"Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare" You answered while hoping she would go easy on you.

"I dare you to blindfold yourself, and the first person you Touch is who you have to kiss" she explained while feeling content with herself.

You widened your eyes and let out a huff. "Alright then, let's get this over with" You stood up and covered your eyes with you hand, spun around and started walking around with your arm out.

Draco glared at everyone as if to say 'stay out of the way' but Blaise thought it was quite funny. Blaise stood up and stood in front of you so that you would touch him.

You touched the boy and took your hand off your face to see Blaise. "Oh, not who I was expecting" you let out a soft laugh and glanced at Draco then back at Blaise.

"You have to do it y/n" Harry teased.

You sighed and quickly kissed him. It wasn't all that weird since you two were best friends in school. You felt the embarrassment rise in your stomach and looked at Draco who seemed to be very angry.

"I think it's time we go" Draco announced while standing up and grabbing your wrist, dragging you out of the dorm.

"What the hell" you yelled while trying to pry his hand off of your wrist.

"You can't just kiss Blaise" he yelled louder while shooting glaring looks at you.

"I didn't want too, it was a dare, now I'm going back, with it without you" you said while snatching your wrist back and walking back into Harry's dorm.

"Sorry about that, where were we" you said while sitting back down and spinning the bottle.

Meanwhile Draco walked back to his dorm. He was fuming and he knew what was happening tonight. He needed to punish you for what you did, sure he was overreacting but he didn't think he was.

He took off his shirt so that he was just in his black slacks and sat on the bed. Waiting for you to come back.

A few hours later you walked into the dorm, seeing Draco sat on the bed. "Welcome back little one" he said with a smirk on his face. He never called you that, it was a new nickname.

"H-Hey" you stuttered while walking to your closet to grab some pajamas. Soon you felt yourself being pushed up against the wall. It was cold and hard. "You were very naughty at Harry's" he said calmly.

"I-I was just doing a dare" you replied while looking deep into his grey eyes. "That's no excuse, you could've took a shot" he whispered into your ear and nipped at it when he pulled away.

You were speechless and you could feel yourself getting hotter by the minute.

"I think you should be punished, what do you think?"

You hummed in response while feeling him trail kisses up your neck and stopping at you lips. He wrapped his hand around your throat, you could feel his cold rings leaving indentions on your neck.

"Use your words"

"Y-Yes" you answered while trying to tear your eyes from his gaze but couldn't. You were mesmerized.

Draco smirked and nodded. "Brilliant"

The male attached his lips to yours and kissed you roughly. You returned the kiss and felt him bite your lip. It was painful and soon you felt the metallic taste of your blood.

Draco moved his thumb over your bleeding lip, gathering a bit of blood and looking at it. He licked the blood off his finger and went back to kissing you and slowly started to take your shirt off.

You hoped that McGonagall wouldn't hear you next door but then again, who would she be to judge.

A/n: Hi loves! I felt really motivated to make another chapter so here it is! It's also a cliffhanger, sorry not sorry but be aware, there will be a LOT of smut in the next chapter, again if you don't like smut, ily but leave :). And yes, I took Ginny out skcjsnnfs.

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