Chapter 10

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"Stay away from me?"

You woke up the next morning feeling a bit more confident than you did yesterday. You were going to hang out with Harry, not to make Draco jealous but to make yourself happy.

You got out of bed and slipped on your Slytherin robes as well as a white button up and a black skirt. Then you slipped on some black boots and then walked down to the common room.

It seemed that Draco had already went to the Great Hall or either he hasn't woken up yet, which you were thankful for. You walked out of the common room and to the Great Hall. You were going to sit with Harry today, you didn't care if you got detention, you didn't feel like sitting at the Slytherin table, getting glares from Pansy and Draco.

You walked in and to the Gryffindor table, sitting beside Harry. "Hey gang" you said with a smile as you looked at Harry, Ron and Hermione. They seemed a bit confused as to why you were sitting but they didn't say anything about it.

"Hey y/n" Harry said first, of course. Ron just smiled and Hermione waved a bit. You looked at Harry and gave him a smile to which he returned. Suddenly Dumbledore started talking and started talking, once he was done, the feast appeared on the table.

Ron immediately started grabbing food, which made you and Harry laugh, Hermione just glared at him. You grabbed some food as well and started to eat, the three started talking about this and that but you stayed quiet and just listened. You didn't want to intervene in their in depth conversations.

After Breakfast was done, you stood up and walked out of the great hall, Harry ran up to you and smiled. "I'll walk with you" he said as he rubbed his arm a bit. You nodded and smiled as well as you both started walking towards the potions classroom.

You both entered and sat down in your normal seats, you could already feel Malfoy's gaze on you, but you focused on Professor Snape's lesson. You'd catch Harry's eyes every once and a while but he'd immediately turn back to his paper, it made you smile.

Once class was over you walked out with Harry and quickly so Draco couldn't say anything to you. "I'm finished with me classes for today, are you?" You asked Harry as you both continued to walk down the hall. "Yeah I am, wanna go up to the Astronomy tower?" He asked and you nodded.

You both walked up to the astronomy tower and sat down on the floor. It wasn't near dark yet but you could still see the stars from the night before. You laid down on the wooden floor and looked at the stars on the ceiling.

Harry was staring at you, taking in your beauty. You turned your head to see him staring and smiled a bit. "What?" You questioned as you'd seen him looking at you. "Nothing, you're just beautiful" he said as a smile spread across his lips.

You shook your head and smiled. "If you say so Potter" you said while sitting up. When you did you looked at him, deep into his beautiful blue eyes. You felt yourself leaning in and he was as well until the space between the two of you closed. His lips against yours, they were soft and it was a nice kiss.

You pulled away and looked at him again, you smiled and went back in for another kiss, then something back happened. Someone barged through the door, which made you pull away from Harry and look to the door. You saw Draco, standing there, almost in tears from what he'd saw.

"Of all people, you chose Harry?" He said his voice cracking on the last word. You felt terrible, you'd kissed his arch rival. "Draco-" you said but got cut off by him. "No- don't call me that, don't talk to me again, stay away from me" he said as the tears spilt from his eyes and down his cheeks. You could feel yourself tearing up.

The boy stormed out and you felt yourself wanting to go after him but you didn't. Instead you looked at Harry and kissed him again, this time is was needy and lustful, he seemed to be returning the kiss so you continued going. He pushed you back and got on top of you gently.

He then pulled away and looked at you. "Should we be doing this" he asked as he continued to look at you. "Please, just once?" You asked as you also continued to look at him. He kissed you in response and took off his Gryffindor robes, slipping off yours as well.

You took off his shirt as week as your own, you pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath. Harry started at your chest before looking back up at your eyes. "You're beautiful" he said with a smile as he started to kiss your neck. You ran your fingers through his hair as he started to go lower and lower.

He then came up and unhooked your bra, slipping it off and throwing it across the room. You pulled at his pants signaling for him to take them off to which he quickly did. He unbuttoned them and also threw them across the room.

He quickly too yours off as well do the both of you were only in your underwear. He looked into your eyes and moved his hand down to your head and rubbed your heat through your underwear. You instantly gasped and bit your lip.

Once he heard you gasp he basically ripped off your underwear and stuck his middle finger in your heat, curling it to hit your g-spot and that's exactly what he did. He hit it every time and it made you moan quietly every time. Once you got close to your high he pulled his finger out, he knew your were close and he smirked a bit as he pulled off his boxers.

You widened your eyes at how big he was. He wasn't as big as Draco granted but he was up there. You brought your eyes up to him and he got on top of you. "Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked, it made you smile and you nodded. "Yes just do it" you spoke and he immediately stuck it in, he went slowly at first so you could adjust to it. "You feel so good y/n" he groaned as he pushed all the way in.

"Okay you can go faster" you told his and he obeyed your command. He went faster and also harder. You were a moaning mess and you scratched his back, leaving red streaks down his back. "I wonder what Malfoy would think if he knew I was fucking you" he whispered in your ear, it made shivers go down your spine, it turned you on as well. "H..He would happy" was the only thing you could get out before moaning again.

"That's right" he said as he continued to go faster, he brought his lips down to your neck, he was biting and sucking on your neck, leaving a big, dark purple hickey, right where everyone could too. You didn't care at the time but later you would regret it.

"Y/n I'm close" he said as his stroked got sloppy, you nodded and could feel your high approaching as well "I..I'm on the p..pill" you said as you high was just inches away, you were basically screaming at this point and soon enough, Harry came inside you and you came shortly after.

Harry collapsed beside you and was panting. "That was great" he said with a big smile on his face. You nodded in agreement and used a spell to clean yourself up. "We should get back, before someone knows we're missing" you said as you stood up and started putting your clothes back on, Harry did the same but you accidentally grabbed Harry's robes and he grabbed yours, you both left without noticing that you both had each other's robes on.

A/N : hi loves! I'm so sorry this chapter was late getting out, I was really busy yesterday but it's out and I hope you enjoy it! It's spicy so if you don't like it skip but chapter 11 out soon!

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