Chapter 1

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"Filthy Slut"

It's your last year at Hogwarts, you were sad about it, last year to see your friends, ride the train, everything. You were a pureblood Slytherin yet, Draco Malfoy still picked and teased at you. You didn't understand it.

You were currently sitting on the Hogwarts train with a couple other Slytherins, one of them being Draco Malfoy. You could feel his eyes on you, burning holes through you. "Take a picture Malfoy, it'll last longer" you said as you turned your head to look at him, that seemed to get him angry, he grabbed your wrist and squeezed it to the point of pain. "Excuse me? What did you just say?" He questioned as he had the angriest look on his face that you'd ever seen, it seemed like he's changed over the Summer break.

"I said. Take a picture. It'll last longer" y/n said making her words very clear as she tried to loosen his grip but it was no use, he was stronger than you were.

"Don't talk to me like that, ever again, or you'll regret it" the pale boy said as he let go of her wrist and went back to his seat. You looked down at your wrist and already saw a purplish bruise forming. Everyone else stayed quiet as it happened. "Fucking idiot" you said under your breath as the train arrived at Hogwarts. As everyone left, you were grabbing your things and suddenly felt yourself being pushed up against the train window.

"Don't think I didn't hear what you called me, y/l/n, you filthy slut, you'll regret that" the boy said as you turned around to face him, staring into his grey eyes, you couldn't break the eyes contact for some reason, until he left, you stood there shocked and unable to speak. Though you grabbed your things and walked out and got into one of the boats. The 7th years were supposed to ride in boats across the lake to bring back memories of the first year they came.

Once they arrived at the castle, everyone headed to the great hall to watch the first years get sorted but y/n. You went to the Slytherin common room to stay in your dorm. You knew it was going to be a long year if Draco kept treating you like this, you weren't sure if you could take it. You'd eventually fallen asleep and woken up early the next morning.

You grabbed a white button up shirt, a short skirt and your robes. You slipped on all your clothing and looked at yourself in the mirror, the perfect about of skin showing and being covered. You walked out of your dorm and walked down the stairs into the main room where you saw Draco on the sofa, looking into the fire.

"You're late, come here" The boy said as he motioned for you to come, you didn't come, you stayed in your spot and glared at the boy. "I said come here" he said in an angry voice as he got up and grabbed the back of your neck pulling you down to the couch. "You will never call me a fucking idiot again, do you understand me?" He said almost yelling as he still had ahold of your neck.

"No you don't own me" you said as you looked at him with a disgusted look. Draco the put his hand on your throat and choked you. You could feel his cold rings pushing into your skin. "I said, do you understand?" He added as he glared at you with anger and lust. You nodded your head a bit. "Yes" you said as you were breathing unsteadily. Then he finally let go of your throat and stormed out of the common room. It turned you on how he was so dominant, it had to be in 7th year as well, it couldn't be last year.

You fixed your hair and everything before walking out of the common room and to the great hall where everyone was having breakfast. You sat down at the Slytherin table with your very few friends. You could see Draco glaring at you again but you wouldn't dare say anything else to him. You talked with your friends a bit and ate your breakfast until it was time to go to your next class....Potions.

A/n | Hi guys! Sorry if this is a bit short and kinda bad, I've had writers block but I'm still trying to write things but I hope you enjoy and I hope that you continue reading because I've got some juicy ideas for the next few chapters.

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