Chapter 17

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"You feel so fucking good"

Draco took off his shirt as well as yours, admiring your confined cleavage. "You're so fucking beautiful" he said while tugging at the buttons of his pants, struggling to take them off. He eventually slipped them off and then started working on your skirt.

He pulled your skirt off and admired your half naked body, you were doing the same, admiring his pale toned chest and glancing down to his 10" almost popping out of his boxers. He obviously saw you staring so he grabbed your cheeks and made you look into his eyes. "My eyes are up here love" he said while his classic Malfoy smirk spread across his lips.

You couldn't help but smirk at his comment. "I know" you said cockily while moving your eyes back down to the tent in his boxers. "Someone's very cocky" the boy said while moving his lips down to your neck, biting and sucking on the soft, sensitive skin. You knew he was leaving a mark and you'd have to cover it up later, but that was the least of your worries at the moment.

You let out a soft whimper as he trailed his kissed farther down to your chest, stomach and then to the hem of your panties. He glanced up at you, a smirk on his face. "I just know what I want" you replied while struggling not to moan.

The boy grabbed the hem of your panties by his teeth and pulled them down and off of your legs, leaving your lower area exposed to him. "So beautiful" he murmured and brought his eyes back up to yours.

"Alright, you have two choices, overstimulation...or we could use the knife again" he said while glancing at his drawer beside his bed. Before you could answer he just chuckled and shrugged. "Why not both" he said while grabbing the knife he had last time.

He trailed the cold blade down your stomach and stopped the top of your thigh. "You know the rules" he said while moving his mouth down to your heat and licking a long stripe up it. You thought maybe you should mess with him and moan as loud as you could, see how deep he would actually cut you.

And that's exactly what you did, as soon as he started working on your heat, you moaned as loud as you could, causing the boy to push the knife gently into your skin. It didn't hurt right at that moment but he kept working, swirling, sucking and even biting a little bit. You continued to moan as loud as you could, hoping the words he spoke earlier were to put up a silencing charm.

He continued to push the knife deeper and deeper as you moaned louder and louder. Eventually he drew blood, but that didn't stop him, he kept going deeper with it. It hurt you but the pleasure he was giving you definitely outweighed in the situation.

"Oh Draco...right there" you moaned as you were reaching for your first climax of the night. When he bit the bud of your heat once more, it caused you to go over the edge. You finally came and he licked every last bit of it up. "You're very tasty darling" he said with a smug grin as he pulled the knife away from your thigh and moved it up to your hip.

"What if I just..." he started while pushing the knife into the skin right above your hip. "Carve my initials into you, so everyone that sees you naked, knows your mine" he finished while starting to carve his initials 'D.M' into your hip. You groaned in pain, but it also turned you on a bit, knowing Draco's initials were carved into your skin.

Once he was finished he grabbed a towel and wiped off the blood, smirking at his handywork. "Perfect, now, let's finish this lesson" he said while bringing your legs up over his shoulders and slamming into you. "Merlin, fuck Draco" you basically screamed as you felt the pain and pleasure wash over you.

"You feel so fucking good" he groaned while keeping up his pace, repeatedly slamming his body into yours. At this point you'd really hoped there was a silencing charm on the room, but then again, the thought of people hearing you guys turned you on.

"I'm sure you like that, don't you, slut" he said while grabbing your throat, squeezing slightly. You felt his cold metal rings push into your warm skin. "Fuck..fuck.. I'm gonna cum" you moaned while throwing your head back and chasing your second orgasm of the night.

Just as you said that, Draco pulled out and smirked. "Beg" he said while staring at you. You just looked at him and whimpered. "Please Draco, just let me cum" you whined and thrusted your hips forward to get some friction but Draco held your hips down. "A little more"

"Please, just fuck me" you whined and suddenly felt him thrust back into you, being sensitive from your other orgasm cause you to cum immediately. "Already darling?" He said while smirking, he knew the effect he had over you and he was taking full advantage of it.

"Well let's make it three times shall we?" He said while speeding up his thrusts. You were basically screaming from the pleasure, still being sensitive, it didn't take long for your third high to approach.

Draco's thrusts got sloppy and you knew he was close. "I'm almost there..please" you moaned while feeling yourself orgasm. "Fuck..." Draco groaned while pulling out and cumming all over your chest.

"Bloody hell" he let out a small sigh as he grabbed two bandaids to cover up your cuts he made from earlier. "Thanks Draco" you said with a small smile as he applied the bandaids to the wounds on your thigh and hip.

"Class is over, but we can chill in the common room for a bit" you suggested while getting up off his bed, your legs feeling weak from the overstimulation. "Sure, if you can get down the stairs" he teased while dressing himself and helping you get dressed as well.

As the two of you walked down the stairs you saw Blaise, Pansy and Astoria sitting on the couch in the common room, Pansy looked disgusted and the other two looked amused. "Sounds like you two had some fun" Blaise said while looking at you, letting out a small laugh. "I thought you used the silencing charm" you whispered to Draco while looking at him.

"Must've not worked" he said with a smirk plastered across his lips. He must've wanted people to hear. "It was disgusting" Pansy said while fake gagging. "You're just upset Draco won't rail you like he does me...and might I say he does it so good" you said while letting out a soft moan while thinking about it.

This made Pansy scoff and walk out of the common room while the other two just let out amused laughs. "Let's change the subject shall we" you said while sitting down on the couch next to Astoria. You couldn't believe he didn't use the silencing charm but in all honesty, it was hot thinking about other people hearing him rail you.

A/N: Hi loves! Okay so 1. idk if the length is correct but..I saw a TikTok where someone shifted and it was 10" without scripting so that's what it's gonna be. 2. I might make two different endings, one where y/n ends up with Draco and the other where she ends up with Harry b/c ppl are commenting saying they wanna end up with Harry so maybe. 3. Y'alls comments KILL me, I love reading your comments and I'll even reply if I can!! I hope you all enjoy! Chapter 18 out soon!!! 🤍

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