Chapter 16

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"Did you get a tattoo?"

The next morning, you'd woken up to Draco spooning you, you smiled a bit and tried to get up without waking up, which ultimately failed.

"Noo, come back" he whined and tried to pull you back into bed. You shook your head and let out a small laugh. "We have school darling" you said while pulling out of his grip and glancing around the room, you'd almost forgotten about the activities of the day before.

"I'm going now, you coming with?" You asked seeing that he was still in the bed. He shook his head and waved for you to go on without him. So you went on, apparating to the castle, making sure no one saw you while you did. You appeared in your dorm and quickly changed into your uniform and robes before walking down to the great hall. It was 7:30, breakfast time.

You remembered what Voldemort had said about getting close with Harry, you knew you shouldn't but you had to, you remember the feeling of the torture curse and you didn't want it to happen again.

You made your way to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Harry, smiling at him a bit. "Oh uhm, Hey y/n" he said with a small smile, his cheeks turning a slight red tint.

"Hey, can we meet in the library after breakfast, I have study hall and we need to talk" you said quietly so only he could hear, since you knew his two minions, Hermione and Ron, would be listening.

"Yeah, sure, I have study hall as well, I'll meet you there." He said giving you another smile. You just nodded and got up from the table, making your way to the library already, not wanting to eat.

You opened the doors and walked to a table that was in the corner, sitting down and waiting for the boy to arrive, even doing a bit of studying for potions class.

Half an hour passes before the raven haired boy showed up at your table, sitting down across from you, the biggest grin plastered on his face. "So what's up?" He questioned while looking at you.

You let out a soft sigh and smiled a bit. "I just wanna get to know you more, I mean I know I'm a Slytherin but like you said I'm nice and I think we get along nicely" you lied, you could tell the truth, not that you didn't wanna get to know him but you didn't wanna upset Draco.

You laid your book down on the table and looked at the boy, as you did your sleeve of your robe came up, revealing a bit of the black mark on your arm. Harry obviously saw it and was curious about it. "Did you get a tattoo y/n?" He asked while moving your sleeve up to reveal the death eater mark. You weren't able to pull your sleeve down in time, he'd seen it.

"Y/n, what's that?" He asked knowing good and well what it was but he wanted some conformation. "It's nothing" you said not wanting to tell him about it because you knew it would ruin your chances of getting close to him.

"I obviously saw it y/n, just tell me" he said raising his voice slightly at you, he was a bit frustrated, he thought that you wanted to become one but he didn't know the whole story.

"You wanna know what it is Harry, it's the death eater mark and Voldemort is my fucking father, he forced me to get the mark and he used the fucking torture curse on me, now if you'll excuse me, I have somewhere better to be than with someone who thinks I wanted this stupid mark" you basically yelled.

You knew other people probably heard your outburst but at this point you didn't care. You weren't surprised that he'd thought you wanted it, he was the same old Harry that hates Slytherins.

You got back to the commons room and sighed as you sat down on the sofa. You watched Draco come down the stairs and looked at you, he seemed a bit upset. "Y/n" he said sternly.

"Yes?" You asked, you didn't wanna start with his shit today, you'd been through enough already. "I heard you went to see Pottah" The boy said while looking at you. You let out a soft laugh. "I had to do it, I'm not being tortured by my father again Draco" you cringed at the way you called Voldemort your father.

"No I think you're trying to make me jealous...well, it sure is working" Draco said, he was clenching his jaw and his fists while he looked at you. "I'm not dealing with your shit today Draco" you said obviously annoyed by the whole situation.

Draco walked up to you and pulled you to your feet, then put his hand around your neck, griping it softly. You could feeling cold rings against your warm skin. "You really have an attitude don't you?" He asked rhetorically.

"I'm just...done with people...yelling at me" you struggled and tried to pull his hand off but it didn't work. "Well maybe, I need to fuck that attitude out of you, huh?" He said while pulling you up to his dorm and locking the door. He grabbed his wand and whispered something, you assumed it was the silencing charm since they got complaints last time they didn't use the charm.

"Draco, we have class in 15 minutes" you said with a soft sigh knowing you'd probably be late anyways considering he probably had some pent up rage to let out. "It's only potions, Snape loves me, I can get an excuse" he said while pushing you back into the bed. You couldn't help but stare at the male, his platinum blonde hair hanging in his face, beautiful grey eyes, pale complexion, he was basically perfect and he knew it.

"Little slut, hanging out with the famous Harry Pottah, you're mine, you got it" he said while smirking a bit. You just nodded and tugged at his shirt, wanting him to take it off. You knew this was going to be one hell of a year.

A/n: Hi loves! It's a cliffhanger, sorryyy but I need at least one in here. Anyways we have 40k views omg! Thank you all sm, ily all  and I hope you enjoy this chapter, the next one will be out soon!!

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