Chapter 31

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"Well that's not happening ever again"
(Yeah this is kinda boring, I'm giving our 😺 a rest )

Your POV

The next morning I was wore out. These past few days have been crazy, I think Draco feels bad about what happened and is just kinda letting me get back at him. Nonetheless it's been a great couple of days.

"Good morning darling" I heard a groggy voice say. Draco of course.

"Morning" I sighed and rolled onto my back. Classes weren't going to be fun today. I wasn't even sure if I could walk.

I sat up and tried to get off the bed, my legs wobbled a bit but overall it was alright.

"Last night was fun" I mumbled and glanced back at Draco to see his reaction. His lips twitched and he shook his head softly.

"Well it's not happening ever again" He glared at me. I knew it wouldn't happen again, I wasn't that dumb.

"Classes, I might just send an owl, say I'm sick" I groaned and brushed through my knotty hair.

"I agree with that, we could go on a date night, we haven't been in a while. I could take you on a picnic and we could watch the sunset and the stars. I know the perfect place" he smiled softly, his grey eyes twinkling.

I was quite shocked, he'd never talked like this, it was different but a good different.

"Yeah, yeah I'll write the letter" I smiled and grabbed a piece of parchment and started scribbling out the words with my quill.

Once I finished I slipped it in an envelope and sealed it shut, sending it off with one of the owls.

"Wear something comfy and grab a blanket, I'll get the food" He smiled and got out of bed and went into the bathroom, I'm assuming to get dressed.

I sighed and smiled to myself while picking out something to wear. He said comfy so maybe his quidditch hoodie and some jeans, simple and comfy. Sure the hoodie was from years ago but it still fit me.

I sat on the bed and waited for what seemed like hours, Draco took forever to get ready.

Once he came out he smiled at me, he had on one of his own hoodies and grey sweatpants. Oh man, how would I survive if he wore those.

"My eyes are up here love" He smirked and placed his finger under my chin, making me look into his eyes.

"Right, I need the bathroom now" I felt my face flush red, I moved into the bathroom and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

I caught my breath and quickly brushed my teeth and put on some deodorant. Normal stuff.

I walked out and saw Draco waiting for me. I smiled and grabbed his hand, pulling him out of our room and to the front of the castle.

"Lead the way"

Draco pulled me off, I wasn't sure where we were going but it appeared we were going to the Black Lake.

He brought me on top of a hill and grabbed the blanket from me and spread it out on the grass.

"Nice right?" He smiled and grabbed his wand, he whispered something and food of all kinds appeared on the blanket, leaving enough room for us to sit.

I nodded and sat down, the smile never leaving my face.

"It's really nice" I whispered and squeezed his hand softly.

"Let's eat, maybe we'll see some of the infamous mermaids" He joked and started to snack on the food that appeared out of thin air.

I did the same. It was nice doing something different, other than...well...fucking. Though that was nice too, especially since he had those sweatpants on.

"I see you staring at me" He laughed and nudged my shoulder.

"I- uhm, sorry, zoned out" I laughed nervously and stuffed a cookie into my mouth.

"On my dick?" He teased and wiped some chocolate off my face.

I quickly swallowed the cookie and shook my head. "No that was just where my eyes were when I zoned out" I mumbled and crossed my arms.

"Uh huh, someone's in a mood" He teased and continued munching on the food. He was teasing me, he wanted me to suffer didn't he.

"No, I'm just..deprived" I sighed and shook my head.

"Oh? These last couple days weren't enough?" He chuckled and caressed my cheek softly.

I just shrugged, it was enough, I just missed him, I didn't want anyone else anymore, it was me and him, till the end.

A/N: HI LOVES!! Ik it's been a while, I just haven't been motivated to write lately and this is a really watered down chapter. Even still I hope you enjoy and this may be the end, I haven't decided yet but I am running out of ideas sadly. I hope you all have a nice day or night and ily all :)

Updated authors note: Hi everyone! I hope you're all well, but I have bad news, this is the end of Toxic. I know horrible but there's another Draco story if you'd like to read that one and I really have enjoyed this journey and thank you all for reading and supporting me. I love you all!! <3

Toxic ; Draco Malfoy 18+Where stories live. Discover now