Chapter 18

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"It's alright, don't worry darling"

A few months later, all chaos had broke out, Voldemort was currently standing on a cliff overlooking Hogwarts, the witches and wizards had put up a force field around the castle but that wouldn't stop him.

You were standing next to Draco's parents, watching their so called 'friends' shoot spells at the force field, you couldn't do it, you wouldn't.

"Y/n darling, some on, join the fun" Voldemort said with an evil smile on his face. You just shoot your head and rolled your eyes. "No, father" you mumbled keeping your hand on your wand just in case you needed it.

"Fine, your loss" he said through gritted teeth, he turned back towards the castle and ordered everyone to attack, everyone obeyed. You just followed everyone, hoping to get in before everyone and find Draco and Harry.

You ran through the crowd of deatheaters and past onto the bridge. "Hey Neville" you said while running past him and hearing him come shortly after. You got off the bridge and ran into the castle looking around for either boy.

"Draco! Harry!" You yelled hoping one of them would hear you, and one of them did indeed. "Y/n!" You heard someone say from up the stairs, it was Draco, you looked up and smiled when you saw him rushing down the stairs to you.

He pulled you into a hug once he got to you, the both of you let out a soft sign as you relaxed into his embrace. "Where's Harry, I have to tell him something about Voldemort" you said while pulled away and looking at him.

"I don't know, I think he's looking for something in the room of requirement" he said softly. You just nodded and kissed his cheek. "I'll be back" you said while running up the stairs and to the entrance of the room of requirement.

You closed your eyes and focused on the room, suddenly you were there. You opened your eyes and looked around. "Harry!" You yelled and you heard someone curse under their breath. You followed the rumbling noises and eventually found the golden trio, climbing on a tower of chairs.

"What are you doing?" You asked feeling a bit confused as to why the three were climbing on chairs. "Y/n! Oh uh, we're trying to destroy the horcrux's" Harry said while grabbing something from in a crevice of the chairs.

"A diadem? Interesting" you said while waiting until the three got down to give them all a hug. "Now, I didn't come to chat but I have to tell you something Harry" you said while biting the inside of your cheek. "Dumbledore told me something, as well as Snape" you said while looking at the boy.


You entered Dumbledores office and looked around. "Professor Dumbledore?" You called out while glancing around for the man. "Ah y/n, you came" he said while coming down the stairs of his office and sitting in his chair. "We have something's to discuss" he said while pulling out Tom's Diary and his ring.

"Do you know what these are?" He asked while looking up at you. "Yeah they're horcrux's" you said while feeling confused as to why he wanted to talk about them. "Right, well, Tom's made 7 of them, we don't know what they are but I know what one is" he said while shaking his head a bit.

Toxic ; Draco Malfoy 18+Where stories live. Discover now