Chapter 7

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"So you wanna do this the hard way?"

You got dressed in some black jeans, a grey sweater and some grey boots that you had laying around. You'd grabbed your bookbag that had all your things in it and let out your owl, y/o/n. The two of you walked downstairs and out of the common room, making your way to the carriages. You were surprised you hadn't bumped into Draco but instead you ran into Harry. You smiled a bit as he waved to you and you'd waved back.

You sat down next to Harry who was sitting with Ron and Hermione. "So is this the girl you keep talking about?" Ron had asked as he was clearly staring at you. Harry just got the boy in the arm before blushing a bit. "Don't listen to him" Harry said as he looked at you and then glared at Ron. "Well since Harry isn't gonna introduce me, I'll introduce myself. Y/n l/n" you said as you smiled a bit and held out your hand for them to shake. Hermione shook your hand and introduced herself and Ron did as well.

"Pleasure to meet you both" you said as you glance at Ron who looked like he wanted to say something but didn't. "I think we're here guys" Hermione said as you looked out the window and saw the small village. You smiled and as the carriage stopped you quickly got out. "Is it alright if I stick with you?" Harry asked, which made you turn back to look at him and smile a bit more. "Yeah sure, come on, I want some sweets" you said as you dragged him into the sweets shop.

As you were walking out of the sweets shop with your bag you ran into two people. You fell to the ground and Harry offered to help you up but you got up by yourself. "Sorry about that" you said as you looked up to see who you bumped into but saw two people you didn't want to see, more like one. Draco and Pansy. "What did I tell you Pansy?" You questioned as you glared at the girl. She didn't seem to care to much about what you were saying so you drew your wand and pointed it at her. You could feel Draco's eyes burning holes through you. "Answer me" you said as you felt Harry pull you back and around the corner.

"What was that about?" Harry asked you as you lowered your wand and slipped it back into its holder. "I don't know, I just don't like her" you said as you heard someone walk up behind you. "What did I tell you y/n?" You heard a deep voice say and immediately you knew who it was. You turned around to see Draco standing there, no Pansy to be seen. "Draco, I'm allowed to have male friends, we're nothing more than friends" you explained as you went to hug him but he pushed you away. "Don't...he likes you, I can tell, so you either choose him or me" he said as he was glaring at Harry, who seemed to be doing that same to him.

"I'm not going to choose Draco" you said trying to take the easy way out but knew it wouldn't be that easy. "So you wanna do this that hard way? Lovely, I'll just take you and follow you everywhere, so I know who you talk to 24/7" he said as he smirked and dragged you away by your wrist. He took you to the carriages and made you go back to Hogwarts with him. The ride way silent and awkward but you didn't dare say anything.

The carriage got back to Hogwarts and he dragged you back up to his dorm. Once he closed the door you thought you'd heard him start to cry. "Draco?" You questioned as you looked at him and indeed saw him crying. You pulled him into a hug to which he returned. "Y/n I don't wanna lose you, you have me wrapped around your finger and I hate it" he sobbed as you rubbed his back and sighed. "You have me wrapped around yours as well Draco" you said softly and pulled away. "I promise, I'm not leaving you, just tell me you want me and I won't talk to any other boy again, just say it" you said as you looked into his beautiful grey eyes. Though he was crying they were still beautiful.

"I want you y/n, I want you to be mine forever" he said genuinely. You smiled and kissed his lips softly. "Then I'm all yours Draco" you said and laid on the bed, cuddling with him for the rest of the day. Not even talking, just laying in comfortable silence. You thought maybe he went to sleep after a while but you had also went to sleep as well, just laying there with him. You wouldn't wanna be with anyone else in that moment, not even Harry. It would always be Draco...always.

A/n : Hi loves! Tysm for 1k views ily all sm 🥺🤍. Anyways, I hope you enjoy, things are getting more fluffy by the minute but I'm gonna be putting some more toxicity in it next chapter which will be out in a day or two. 🤍

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