Chapter 6

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"Don't leave me"

You'd just entered the potions classroom with Draco by now everyone knew something was happening between you two so they tried to stay away, the both of you intimidated everyone for some reason. You sat down in a chair and Draco sat down beside you.

Snape started blabbing on about this and that while you were doodling in your journal. The class didn't last long, about half an hour which was a bit unusual but you didn't question it. You collected your things and heard Draco say something. "Come to my room tonight, 8:00 sharp" he ordered before leaving the classroom.

You went to you next class and the next and so on until it was the end of the day. You went back to your dorm and changed into something more appropriate but comfortable. A white button up with the top two buttons unbuttoned, some black leggings and some regular slide ons. You looked at yourself once before making your way to Dracos dorm. You'd thought maybe he would punish you again but you didn't know what you would've done wrong.

You knocked on his door twice before he let you in. "Hey" you said as you walked in and sat on his bed and he sat down beside you. "I just wanna talk tonight" he said as he laid down beside you and pulled you into his chest as he played with your hair. Twisting it and wrapping to around his finger. You were a bit confused because Draco never wanted to talk but you didn't question it.

So you started talking. About everything and nothing. Even just random stupid things that made him laugh, you loved his laugh. It was rare to get a laugh out of him and somehow you did. Before you knew it, it was ten till 12.

"I should probably get going..." you said softly as you looked up at the boy, he pouted a bit and tightened his grip on your waist. "Don't leave me, you can sleep here with me" he said as you looked into his grey eyes, you could see the emotion in his eyes. You smiled and nodded.

"Alright I'll stay here but I'll have to get up early to go back to mine" you said with a smile as you got comfortable in his arms and continued to talk. You never thought you could talk so much but somehow with him it was easy.

You finished talking and looked up to see Draco asleep. He looked so peaceful and like he was having a good sleep. You smiled and turned off the light with your wand before cuddling up to him and shortly falling asleep as well. It was the best sleep you'd had in a while.

At about 4am you'd woken up to go back to yours. You quietly got out of Draco's bed and walked back to your dorm. When you opened the door you shut it quietly and let out a sigh of relief. You'd never been so thankful for having a dorm to yourself.

You quickly got changed into some pajamas and laid down in your bed, getting comfortable and drifting back to sleep. This sleep wasn't as good as the one you'd had with Draco but it would do for the time being. You had a nice dream about when your were older, you and Draco got married, you lived in his parents mansion and you had two kids, a boy named Scorpious and a girl named Delilah, of course you named the girl and he named the boy. Then you woke up, sad it was just a dream but maybe it wasn't, maybe it was a look into the future. You shrugged it off and got dressed for the lovely Saturday morning.

A/n : Hi loves! This is a little more fluffy and soft than the others so I hope you enjoy and we're almost at 1k views omg! But chapter 7 out tmr! 🤍

Toxic ; Draco Malfoy 18+Where stories live. Discover now