Chapter 15

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"I hate you"

A few months later, you were summoned by your father. You had to come to his place to talk about somethings, though you didn't really want to, plus you haven't really apparated yet.

You had to go when everyone was asleep, even Draco, he couldn't know everything about your father, though once it was curfew you made your way out of your bed and to the courtyard, being sure to miss any professors.

You looked down at your mark that was practically glowing. You let out a soft sigh and closed your eyes, trying to Apparate and it worked. When you opened your eyes everything was going by quickly and you could feel the wind going through your hair. Though you probably looked a bit weird from above.

Once you got to your fathers place, you quickly walked inside and wandered around, finding him and some others sitting at the dinner table, one group you recognized as Draco's parents. You sat down and let out a soft sigh.

"Y/n, happy you could join us" Voldemort said with an evil grin on his face. You were a bit confused about the whole transferring bodies, he was Tom Riddle one day and Voldemort the next.

"Your room is upstairs, we'll call you when we need you" was all he said, to which you got up and walked to the stairs. You saw Draco walk in as well. "Draco, what are you doing here?" You asked seeming shocked to see him.

"My parents want me to come to a meeting, then I can decide if I want in or not" he said unimpressed. You just nodded and walked up the stairs and to the room to which looked like yours. It was very green, had a pretty big bed, a dresser but that was about it.

You sat down on your bed and an idea popped into your head, if you blasted your music loudly, maybe he would let everyone go, including Draco. You looked around and found a speaker in one of the bedside cabinets.

Turning it on and connecting it to your phone was a bit hard but you did it. Turning the volume to the maximum and playing (your favorite song). You danced around to the music and even sang a little bit.

Meanwhile downstairs, everyone was talking about what they were gonna do to kill Harry Potter. They all heard the music and someone even asked what it was. "That would be my daughter, I see she found the speaker" Voldemort said calmly as he looked at everyone, his eyes landed on Draco who was smirking a bit. "Draco, go fetch y/n for me" he said more of a command not a request.

Draco didn't dare refuse, he stood up and walked up to your room, knocking hard. You heard the knock and opened the door, seeing Draco. You smiled and turned your music down a bit. "What's up?" You asked as you looked at him.

"Your father wants you" he said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you downstairs and into the dinning room. "Great, thank you Draco" your father said upon seeing you both walk in.

"You really shouldn't interrupt our meeting, I'm starting to regret turning you into one" he said referring to turning you into a Death Eater.

You scoffed and rolled your eyes a bit. "I hate you, why do you think I did it" you said while crossing your arms. You don't really care what he does to you, you didn't want to be a death eater in the first place.

"Well, y/n darling, please, listen to our plan" Voldemort said as he pointed to Lucius. "We'll gather Voldemort's Army and when the times right, we'll attack Hogwarts and kill Harry Potter, whoever doesn't join us, dies" Lucius explained and looked at the table while he did so.

You weren't surprised, you just scoffed and shook your head. "Whatever, I have class" you said as you stood up from your seat at the table and started to walk off. You heard Voldemort whisper something but you didn't notice until you felt excruciating pain.

You fell to the ground and screamed in pain, he used the torture curse on you, your own father. "Merlin make it stop" you screamed and curled up into a ball to try and stop the pain but it didn't stop. Draco was by your side trying to get him to stop it but he didn't.

"Fine, I'll stay but please make it stop" you cried and suddenly the pain stopped. You wiped the tears from your cheeks and stood up, walking back to the table with Draco. He helped you sit down and sat down in the chair beside you.

"Good, now darling, you need to get close with Harry, I know you both have a connection" he spoke, you rolled your eyes a bit and sighed. "Yeah he likes me, I can get close to him" you said feeling ashamed that you were scared of your own father.

"Good, everyone dismissed, Draco, take y/n up to her room and take her back to school tomorrow" Voldemort said to which he just nodded. He helped you up and up to your room.

You laid on your bed feeling exhausted already. You'd always thought those curses were fake but you realized they weren't, they were very much real. "Are you okay?" You heard the male ask. You just shrugged. "I'm alright, I suppose, I'm scared of him, scared of my own father" you said while your voice cracked.

"We all are darling, but now you know what he's capable of " he said softly as he looked at you worriedly. You sighed and nodded. "Yeah I know, he'd kill his own daughter if it meant ruling the world" you said with a small yawn.

"Alright, well let's sleep, we've got school tomorrow" he whispered as he laid down next to you, not even bothering to change. You were to tired to change after what happened.

"Goodnight Draco" you whispered and slowly drifted to sleep.

"Goodnight y/n" he whispered back, he played with your hair a bit before he himself fell asleep as well.

Though little did you know, it would be a very eventful school year.

A/n: Hi loves! I'm so sorry I didn't post this yesterday, Wattpad wouldn't let me publish it for some reason but it's out and I hope you enjoy it! Chapter 16 out soon! Ily all! 🤍

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