Chapter 24

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"So this is a 'club'?"

Your POV

I woke up early that morning and grabbed the stack of papers from my classes this week. I wanted to finish them before we went off to London.

I looked back to see Draco still asleep, he looked peaceful, something he never was when he was younger.

I glanced back at the papers and started grading them, I could just use a spell but I liked the thought of grading them myself.

-time skip Bc girl idk what else to put-

Once I finished the papers I set them outside on the windows ledge so the owls could send them to their owners.

It seemed fitting that the owls sent their grades, they did most of the delivering around the castle.

I turned around when I heard a creaking sound. I saw Draco's slender body in front of the bed. Messy platinum blonde hair in his face and he was stretching. I couldn't help but stare at him for a moment.

He had on some grey sweatpants and was obviously shirtless. You could see his abs from a mile away and I was almost happy that no other girl would see him like this.

"You're staring love" He said in his rough morning voice.

"Right, well, how can I not" I smiled and walked over to our closet. It wasn't the biggest but it had two sides, one side was mine and the other was his, obviously.

I grabbed the green silk dress off of the hanger and laid it on the bed.

"How about this?" I asked from the bedroom, somehow Draco had made it to the bathroom and was already brushing his teeth.

I saw his head poke out from in the bathroom and he wiped some toothpaste off from his lips.

"I think I like the long blue one better, it's less revealing" he mumbled while going back to brushing his teeth.

I grumbled and turned my nose up at him. "I'm wearing this one, the blue one looks like something your grandma would wear, and that's saying something" I admitted while grabbing a green lacy lingerie set out from my dresser.

I knew I would have to make it up to Draco from last night so I might as well get some teasing in from it while we're out.

"Whatever" I heard the male say from in the bathroom.

I laid the clothes down by the end of the bed and undressed myself and quickly slipped into the lingerie set as well as the dress. I wasn't sure how soon we were leaving but I figured it would be soon since Harry liked to leave early for thing.

Soon enough Draco came out of the bathroom and his mouth fell open when he saw me in the dress.

"Holy- Darling you look gorgeous" he complimented and pulled me closer to him.

Toxic ; Draco Malfoy 18+Where stories live. Discover now