Chapter 13

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"Pottah? Really!"

As soon as he pulled you into that hug you immediately felt your eyes water. You hated being away from him but it hurt you even more to know that you hurt him. You hugged him softly and sighed into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry" you said softly and pulled away from the warm embrace. "I'm sorry about what I said and I'm sorry about sleeping with pott-" you stopped yourself before saying his name, though Draco knew about what happened you'd never said it so he never believed that it did happen, until now of course.

"You what?" The boy asked his voice cracking as he looked at you with his beautiful grey eyes. "I'm sorry Draco" you said feeling the tears start falling onto your now pink cheeks. "You actually slept with him?" He questioned as he shook his head softly and looked at the wooden floor beneath the two of them.

"I don't know what you want me to say" you said quietly, fiddling with your fingers, you never wanted to sleep with Harry, it just all happened so fast.

"You're very hypocritical y/n, you say all I want to do it fuck you and then you go and fuck pottah, really? " Draco said raising his voice at you, he couldn't help it, the thought of Harry being with you sickened him.

"I told you I was sorry, I only did it because you made me mad" you said trying to defend yourself but you knew it wouldn't end well. He'd find some way to turn it all on you.

"I've never once gotten mad and slept with another girl, have I? I don't recall doing so. I'm crazy about you y/n...and I hate it, I can't breath when I'm not around you" he spoke, his voice still cracking at the end of his sentences.

You just stood there, unsure of what to say at this point, maybe you should just leave or maybe you could try and talk him into forgiving you. "Just please give me time y/n, come back tomorrow" he said softly as he closed the dorm door right in your face, leaving you there by yourself.

You walked down to the common room, finding Blaise was still there, seemed he'd been eavesdropping. "Did you hear everything?" You asked as you plopped down on the couch beside him.

"Uhm, just parts, I was trying not to listen but Draco got loud so I couldn't help but hear" Blaise explained and watched the fire crackle in the fireplace. "He loves you y/n, I know he does but he's toxic, I just want you to be happy" he added as he looked at you with a soft smiled on his lips.

"Don't worry Blaise, I'm happy with him, the rumors just get to me sometimes, and I screw up sometimes but we'll figure it out" you replied to him, speaking softly and finally wiping the tears off your cheeks.

"Well I'm here if you need me" he said with a wink. You knew what he meant by that and you scoffed a bit. "That was a once time thing, I'm not gonna screw anyone else, especially not you Zabini." You joked and nudged his arm with yours, honestly if you weren't with Draco you would definitely be with Blaise, though Draco took the cake, just by a bit.

"I find that very offensive y/l/n" he replied faking a pout and putting his hand on his chest. This is why you guys were friends, you could joke about literally anything around him. "Alright, well, I've gotta go eat dinner but I'll see you around Blaise" you said with a smile as you got up and walked to the great hall.

You felt weird as you walked down the hall, as if you were being watched or something. It was quite weird but you just continued walking. As you walked past a classroom you felt yourself being pulled into the empty classroom. You yelped and looked to see who the person was that stole you from the hallway.

Merlin behold it was Tom Riddle, aka, Voldemort. You weren't scared of the man, even though he could Avada Kedavra your ass you still weren't scared for some reason.

"Hello Y/n" Tom said with a small smirk on his lips. You couldn't help but shudder at the way he said your name. "What do you want Riddle?" You asked as you wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible.

"Well, that's a rude way to talk to your father" he glared at you as your eyes widened. "I'm sorry, father?" You asked and shook your head, laughing at his comment. "You're crazy, I'm not a riddle" you added as you turned and glared at the male, even though he looked young he was much older than he looked.

"You've never heard of your parents, I'm your father, you mother is elsewhere but I've come to tell you that you must become a death eater, as well as Draco Malfoy, that little boyfriend of yours" Tom spoke and you couldn't believe a word coming out of his mouth. You can't believe anything Tom Riddle says.

"You've been watching me this whole time?" You questioned as you shook your head once more. "Never mind that, I'm not becoming a death eater and neither is Draco" you said confidently as you looked at him, making eye contact, you could eventually accept that he was your father but being a death eater was unacceptable.

"You must, and I will make you if I have too" he spoke as he grabbed your wrist, turning it over and quickly casting a silencing charm and then casting the spell that put you into the death eater category and gave you the death eater mark. You screamed in pain as the mark appeared.

"You bastard" you said wiping the tears that fell from your eyes, you pulled your jacket over you and made sure the mark was covered, you couldn't believe he made you do that, actually you could.

"Leave me alone, I don't care if you're my father," you stated angrily as you walked out of the classroom, letting out a breath you didn't know you had held in. You finally walked into the great hall, seeing everyone at the Slytherin table, even Draco.

You sat down in your normal seat and bit your lip a bit, the mark was still sensitive and hurt even when your jacket clung to it. "Hey love, you alright?" Draco said with a worried look on his face. You just nodded. "Yeah I'm good" you said faking a smile. You felt the boy try and grab your hand but when he did he hit your wrist, the wrist. You flinched and pulled your arm away from his.

"Are you sure you're okay? Let me see your arm" The boy said as he tried to reach for your arm but you wouldn't let him see it. "No I just got burned" you tried to reason but he eventually grabbed your arm and pulled up the sleeve of your jacket, seeing the mark on your arm. "You're a-" you stopped him before he could say anymore. "I'll explain later" you whispered and pulled your sleeve back down, staying quiet and enjoying everyone's company.

A/n: Hi loves! WE'RE AT 15K VIEWS!! ILY ALL SM! But plot twist, Tom riddle is the daddy, anyways, I hope you all enjoy and chapter 14 out soon!! 🤍

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